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RIP Mate...

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Feeling gutted this morning :( My best mate was killed last night in a head on crash overtaking another friend, in his Mk2 Golf that he loved so much.... Only takes a split second of madness i guess and thats that. The driver of the other car is in a stable condition which is good news though, but Phils + his car where in a real mess :( We always joked how you wouldnt want to crash in an older car too which seems ironic now.... Makes me want to go out and buy a car with crumple zones and SIPS.....

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Oh thats terrible :(


The loss of a friend like this is something i've never experienced, and quite frankly something I hope I never have to - my deepest sympathies go out to his friends and family mate.

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notice your from north wales- where did it happen?


there are some bad roads round there.

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Very sad - my deepeest sympathies.




Although not if this is some twisted April fools, which I'm sure it isn't.

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On Holyhead Road, Bangor..... Its the road that connects the Britania Bridge to Upper-Bangor. Its a 60mph road and should be a 40mph really. I spun my old mk2 golf on the same road a few years ago but there where no cars around luckly....

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So sorry to hear that, craigbeal.

Since we have lived here, my neighbours' 20-year old son was killed in his XR2 when it hit an artic pulling out of side road. Jason was wild and was undoubtedly going too fast on a road that was known to be a race track for local young guys. Then about 7 years ago, two of my youngest son's friends (both about 20) going too fast on black ice hit a Volvo, one girl was killed instantly and the other is in a wheelchair for life. My doctor's daughter is also in a wheelchair - she was a passenger with a group of young friends driving hairily on a road in the highlands. The car spun and hit a rocky outcrop. Our doctor, younger than me, never got over it and had to take early retirement.

All terrible consequences of joie de vivre/ignorance/lack of prudence and machismo.

Do all take care - when you are older you will probably realise how foolish and wasteful it all is.

Sorry for the lecture, but these are needless tragedies affecting good young people with great potential and most of their lives ahead of them.

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Unfortunately it takes a few scares sometimes to teach kids how to respect cars, and just how dangerous they can be when not treated properly!


I had a few major scares early in my driving 'career' that put me off any majorly stupid driving for life, both through my own bad driving (discovering how cars without ABS behave, and nearly ploughing into a busy roundabout) and that of my friends (losing control of an Astra SR on the city ringroad at 90MPH - ringroad is a 40MPH zone).


I was fortunate never to get anything more than whiplash, but as craigowl's post demonstrates, not everyone is so lucky.

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My thoughts are with you, and your friend's family. This is something too tragic for words. :(

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Deepest Sympathies dude


Lost a good friend of mine at the end of January in car accident, I know how it feels :(

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my deepeest sympathies. no words can really express how you feel.


but if we can all live and learn from the mistakes of others then these sorts of death would not be in vien

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sorry to hear this,keep ya chin up m8,and my condolences go out to the family/friends.

i do actually know how you feel. :(



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This sad tale has just reminded me of my girlfriend's friends (two brothers) that were killed on motorbikes. They were doing 'fly bys' toward eachother at 100mph, misjudged it and collided head on at an impact speed of 200mph. You can imagine the results.


So just reiterating what Craigowl said, take it easy. The Corrado is a fast car and rewarding to drive but don't let over exubbarance get the better of you. And having destroyed a warehouse wall by driving into it at 60mph (misjudged a corner), I know only too well how much it hurts and how scary it is. You certainly view life in a different slant when you escape with cuts and bruises.

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So just reiterating what Craigowl said, take it easy. The Corrado is a fast car and rewarding to drive but don't let over exubbarance get the better of you. And having destroyed a warehouse wall by driving into it at 60mph (misjudged a corner), I know only too well how much it hurts and how scary it is. You certainly view life in a different slant when you escape with cuts and bruises.


Hear hear. For one, my drive home tonight was certainly a lot more reserved.

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:cry: My deepest deepest sympathies to you and your friends family mate.


I cant imagine how it feels and i hope to god i never find out. :(

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Gutted. Deepest sympathies to all partys' concerned.


I receive large quantities of abuse about my so callled 'granny driving' from some of my closest friends, (who I might add go through cars like it was going out of fashion and have had more than a few crashes). When reading stories like this, it reminds me exactly why I am so careful generally. Yes, I have my moments but I'm not a risk taker and consider ever action very carefully.


I too have had a big one, not my fault, and fortunately managed to walk away after kicking to door open cos it was jammed shut. I hit the passenger side of a car that had pulled out of a farm entarnce. The woman and her two youngs sons were in the car. One of the sons often sat in the front but on this fortunate day had not. However if he had been, you can only imagine what would have been.


That was my wake up call and what makes me such a careful driver today.


As a Policeman once said to me after stopping me for slightly speeding :roll: :- "Screw the head on, eh!!"


Wise words...........



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Timo said

As a Policeman once said to me after stopping me for slightly speeding :- "Screw the head on, eh!!"


Wise words...........


Good one. Remember, those guys have seen it all, and "Burning brightly, rather than fading away" only sounds good in the pub!

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