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Thieving scum

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So I went to go see Audioslave at Brixton tonight and it was a pretty rockin' gig with lots of good stuff by Audioslave, Rage, Sound Garden and Chris Cornell.


I had parked at Blackhorse Road tube station and got the tube into London (no trains back home after about 11:30 which would have meant leaving the gig almost an hour early - methinks not). I know it's a dodgy area, but seriously, who'se going to steal a mk3 Golf covered in bird crap and there's absolutely bugger all in the car, let alone anything of any value.


However, on our return to the car some theiving git had smashed the window and stolen... nothing what so ever. They'd opened the glove box to discover that I'm not a moron and hadn't left the front of my radio in there and then proceeded on their pikey way.


Joy of joys, I then spent the next 5 mins scraping the bits of glass of the passenger seat and had to drive home with no window which took forever because I had to practically crawl up the (deserted) M11.


So whoever the lowlife piece of scum is that broke my window - thanks for pissing me off. I love you too.


On the plus side, I'm now sporting some super-cool chavesque window tint courtesy of gaffer tape and bin liners until I can get the window replaced on the insurance tomorrow.

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oh man


we need to fuck them up!


i dont like violence but the little bastards dont deserve even to live

horrible little pickey cunts i reckon!!!


(oh and sorry i am very pissed)

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Round here they know that you need to leave the glovebox open so they can see there's nothing to steal ...!

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well...some people just dont't deserve a car....you smashed up a raddo...now you're leaving your golf in dodgy areas to get vandalised...tut tut tut... :wink:



gutted mate....its that sick feeling you get that goes right to the bottom of your stomache....try not to let it spoil the memory of Audioslave Live anyway dude. :fadein:

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Yeah, see the thing is I would usually leave the glovebox open to prove that there really is nothing in there when I'm parked in places like that, but I forgot last night :roll:


Ho hum, it's hopefully gonna get replaced this afternoon (waiting for a call back from Autowindscreens) and Audioslave was rockin, so it's all good.

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perhaps you should have left the window open to prove there was nothing in there....then they wouldnt have smashed it... :wink:

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There was a map, manual and a pile of copied CDs in the car. Oh and a £5 pair of sunglasses, all of which were left where they were.


I don't usually take any proper CDs in my car for the sole reason that I don't want them to get nicked, but I did actually have a Jack Johnson CD in the glove box, still in it's case but they left that too. Obviously not the pikey's taste in music.

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Sorry to hear this Dom.


The nobs are truely come out in force once the weather gets a bit better don't they.. it was remarkably quiet on the car breaking in front over the winter I thought this year..


They should chop their pikey f'ing hands off when they catch em but then they'd just be sapping our tax money in benefits so I guess that'd be a waste of time.

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Thats a poor show mate... I'm just glad I have the 406 for parking in dodgy areas... thats never had a break in but seems to have got 5 unusual dents in the rear door and quarter panel :roll: :lol:


Best of luck getting it sorted - at least it's just glass and not a bent door

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Yeah, I figured the fact that it's filthy inside and out, devoid of anything inside it and sporting a lovely array of bird crap might have put them off, but apparently not.


Strange how you can aquire those kinds of dents tho isn't it Phil ;)


Right, I'm off to go get a new window and bleed £50...

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Jim what makes you think the pikey tw*ts are not on benefit anyway?


It would be nice to go to an area like that on mass, park up a good car, hide in the back of a transit, wait for the obivous little feckers to arrive and then all pile out the back and beat seven shades of sh1t out of them.


Do that a couple of times and I bet you would see a reduction in this sort of crap.


Either that or get a big sticker with 'Please break into my Car' they are that stupid they probably wouldn't.

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Ironically enough, I've always driven right to Brixton any time I've been to a show at the Academy and never had any problems with the car...


That sucks though, little sh1ts... At least they didn't screwdriver the doors. I've had a car broken into in London and tbh I was quite glad that they smashed the window to get in rather than knackering the door...

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Yeah, I might just drive to Brixton next time, but it's quicker to get the tube.


And last time I had a car broken into the little feckers bent the door and I had to get a whole new door :roll: :mad: so I'm kind of glad they did the window instead.


The only problem now is that the new glass is clean and the rest of the car is filthy. I really should clean it...

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Sorry to hear about the car mate. But yet again were in the same room and missed each other lol Audioslave were damn good though !!!!!!

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Ohhh no way! Bugger :( We'll meet someday I'm sure! :lol:


Was a pretty rockin' gig tho, I got a bit disappointed when they played Bulls on Parade with no vocals, so I almost wet myself when Chris came back on to sing Sleep Now In The Fire :D:D:D:D Predictably, the whole place went nuts 8)

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Rage were a much better band IMO I dont think the band are showing there full potential as Audioslave :cry: Still a lot better than most of the other rubbish out there now :lol:

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Oh yeah, Rage were definitely a lot better - definitely up there with one of the best live acts ever.


Audioslave aren't bad, but the new album doesn't seem quite as good as the first one :( As you say tho, it's definitely better than a lot of crap that's getting churned out...

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Thats a poor show mate... I'm just glad I have the 406 for parking in dodgy areas... thats never had a break in but seems to have got 5 unusual dents in the rear door and quarter panel :roll: :lol:


Best of luck getting it sorted - at least it's just glass and not a bent door


You mean some pikey tw@ts punched 5 dents into your car?.. w@nkers...


Some people eh? :wink:

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Ahh man, sorry to here this mate, makes your blood boil and theres f..k all you can do about it without being locked up yourself these days, c..ts!


I hit the accademy for the first time in Dec, great atmosphere, but not saying who was playing!


If it makes you feel any better, my parents have a C Reg Audi Coupe 5cl as a 2nd car, 38000mls from new bought from neibour who drove it to footy on a sunday. It was MINT and I mean MINT!


Woke up Sat morning some pikeys had picked up a metal scafold pole and smashed every window on it just for a laugh. Trouble is they managed to hit just about every pillar on the car!


They still have it, now with new glass but all the dents are still there. I'm actually really glad i didnt catch them to be honest!

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Hah, just saw this somewhere and I felt it appropriate to this thread


Some people are like Slinkies ...

Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs

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