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Corrado Design Flaws

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Yes i'm borred, but thought this might bring up some funnies.......


1. I don't know how they did it but any standing water on the roof with the window cracked open runs straight into the eletric window switches at the bottom of the door pod. Works perfectly ever time!


2. I'm allways catching my shirt on the top corner of the window rubber or the door pin getting in. Lost three shirts and 1 door pin so far! Thankfully no window rubber damage yet! £££s !!


3. Should it really be so much trouble to change the passenger headlight bulb!

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4. Kicking the speaker covers exiting the car. (passengers more over!)


Passenger headlight bulb is a doddle, like the drivers - take the whole lamp out 8)

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Granted, but it's not too bad. 3 screws, and the wiring harness. About 2 minutes each side - and a darn sight easier than doing in situ. Have managed to change 1 bulb with them on the car with so much hassle!

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ahhh, yes but i have a problem. Someone has put too smaller screw in the back of mine. its too loose to unscrew as it just keeps dropping back down, but its too tight to pull out with a magnet!! Hence 2 months with no main beam and no idea how to get the h/light out!!

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In July "Car Mechanics", "Tips from the Trade" has a para on the Corrado's door handle.

The columnist says "These VW handles do have a weakness.."


Well spotted! :roll:

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those fecking seat runners!!!


why oh why disn't they revise those from the mk2 golf....they are a tw4t to get in first time without getting grease all over the carpet or scratching the sills.

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The way the window can only be opened in two places either one inch or all the way any thing else it rattles like hell

and unless you want to cook the front seat passengers only way the keep the rear side and back windows clear when its raining is to pop up the sun roof



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also the fact that you cant open both windows at the same time....and you can in every other car that i know of.

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1. I don't know how they did it but any standing water on the roof with the window cracked open runs straight into the eletric window switches at the bottom of the door pod. Works perfectly ever time!!


Yup, know that one!


I love not being able to see if im indicating with the steering wheel on lowest setting. Size of C pillars, and never quite knowing how much room i have when reverse parking isn't great either!.. but does make you damn good at it!!

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5. When passengers get in the back seat they always, and I mean ALWAYS, pull the wrong handle to get the seats to tilt forward and the seat goes BAANNG as it shoots upwards. JUST MOVE THE HANDLE TO THE OTHER SIDE SO PEOPLE CANT REACH IT!


6. Flash someone and the next time you turn your headlights on you drive around for half an hour with people beeping you because your blinding them with your beam on. Push away for on, and pull towards for flash. THATS WHAT IT SHOULD BE!


7. Is it me or do the flaps under each side of the front lip spoiler always come loose, no matter how many times you screw them back in.


8. The retaining lugs from the mats always lean forwards letting the mats pop out of them.


9. The head rests do not stay tilted forward. Put you head on them once, and they click all the way back again.


10. Jack the car up at the front, and try opening the door. The bottom of the door scrapes on the door shut. Nice.


11. Adjustable steering wheel. 1 click from the top is too high, 2 clicks from the top scrapes on your legs. ARRRGGHHH!!


12. Yes there's an MFA, but there's no 'range' feature, by far and away the most useful information you need. Yes I know how fast i'm going and what the temperature is, but how much further can I go?!!


Thats enough for now.

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There's only one flaw with the Corrado..... they stopped making it!

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all of the above. especially sunroof and flashing people then blinding them next time you turn your lights on. But Ill put up with these things caus I know that Im driving the best looking car made for many years.

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I dunno, what are you guys all doing with a Rado then, if it's got so many bad points? :lol:


Bad points? The temptation to constantly want to drive it, but that's actually a good point :twisted:


Someone mentioned the C-pillar. That's one of the best design features, it just does it for me, looking at it from the outside :D Reminds me soo much of a Mk1 Rocco :mrgreen:



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worse thing abt a corrado is getting parts for it from VOLKSWAGEN


yup the prices and the dreaded sorry mr reeve that part is discontinued!!!! :mad:

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There are a few little niggles that perhaps could have been designed better but once I get in and drive it I forget all about them and just smile and think about what a great car it is :D

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got to agree with phats 'seat runners' comment, holding the back of the seat into the runners while trying to line the front bit up and pull the spring for the peg out at the same time isnt the easiest thing in the world... but then i guess Joe Average wouldnt be doing that day to day...


my flaws:


1) doesnt come with free petrol

2) oddly, you dont feel like you're going as fast as you are, so you go even faster to compensate

3) standard ride height and 15's....???

4) the fact that, if you squint a bit while looking into direct sunlight, it looks a bit like an austin princess....

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Kicking speaker grills bugs me as well! Also, the slabby front end picks up loads of stone chips. 1-2nd syncro bugs me too, that's a common thing with VW's of that age though.

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4) the fact that, if you squint a bit while looking into direct sunlight, it looks a bit like an austin princess....


By the gods, I think he's onto something there! :lol:


Why am I suddenly feeling the urge to sell up??

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