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Corrado Design Flaws

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chrishill said:

2) oddly, you dont feel like you're going as fast as you are, so you go even faster to compensate


Agree. Probably why so many have allegedly left the road for the hedgerow and fields beyond.

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I knew someone would say that..... it's not a volkswagen part and they break through wear and tear and lack of lubrication, so it's not a VW design flaw, per se.


A flaw is something that is cr@p from day one, Corrado sunrooves did actually work when new.


Water peeing onto the switches is a definite design flaw.

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Yeah.. the water cascading in through the window thing was always my pet hate with the car!

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nope, don't think I've got any pet hates with my Corrado... 8)


All of these little things give the car CHARACTER.... without it you'd just be driving a Japanese run of the mill car that would have sold 10 or 20 times as many units and be nothing special today as a result...

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The thing that must pee you off is having a run-of-the-mill Golf (for example), of which there are literally millions on the road, and which also has little "idiosyncrasies" ..

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Nope. Can't fault the design of the Golf at this point.

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hmmm..page 3.....i hope this isnt on its way to being a huge thread....it could look bad :oops:

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hmmm..page 3.....i hope this isnt on its way to being a huge thread....it could look bad :oops:


Hey, I just bought mine, are you guys saying I made the wrong decision :lol:

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4) the fact that, if you squint a bit while looking into direct sunlight, it looks a bit like an austin princess....



Chris, you serously need an eye transplant, matey!!!!!!!!!!!

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i'm surprised that no-ones mentioned tha fag lighter which likes to detach itself whenever you unplug the lighter/pone charger etc.


and what about the wipers - does anyone still run std wipers since vw was deluged with orders for lupo wipers?


and how about the inaccessibility of the rear strut tops to allow me to adjust my KONI'S - they MUST have realised people would fit aftermarket top adjustable shocks :)

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fag lighter which likes to detach itself whenever you unplug the lighter/pone charger etc.



that could be that its either not clipped in properly or one of the clips have snapped :(

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A lot of the posts so far are not really design flaws and anyway think of the poor bas*ards that have bought an Aston Martin Vanquish, now there is a car although beautiful, is full of flaws and costs £180,000.


Any car has it's bad points but it is the good points which make the Corrado one of the best cars' I have ever had the pleasure to drive.



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yeah, the wipers.... mine are still standard and drive me nuts!!!!.... apart from them and the standard ride height i'm pretty happy with the C...... :D

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Yep, to be fair the wipers are absolute shite, I am still contemplating on getting the Lupo kit but it doesn't rain much in this country :lol:

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to be fair, the wipers weren't that bad when new... the mechanism just wears very quickly meaning that it can't put the correct pressure on the windscreen... Not a design flaw as such...

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Yes true and Kev did get his Dremel to the culprit part which definately helped but I still have the "lift-off" problem at motorway speeds, and considering the potential speed of the C this is not good.

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Not sure I agree there are too many flaws. Yes there are some poorly designed/engineered parts that snap but I can't fault layout,position or shape of any panel or tiny bit of plastic because thats what makes the corrado a corrado. One of the last afforadable cars made with any kind of Soul.

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Blind spot, or rather the lack of coverage of the blind spot by the drivers door mirror.


Crud headlights on a 130-150mph car!



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Passenger headlight bulb is a doddle, like the drivers - take the whole lamp out 8)


Try owning a Polo GTI, front bumper, side and headlights out to change a side light :(

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Nope. Can't fault the design of the Golf at this point.


Heater or A/C controls and ash tray obstructed by gearstick.

Need to remove front bumper to change headlight bulbs on some

rear washer pipe leaks and breaks, fills the tailgate with water and corrodes the door lock before you notice

Standard wheels and tyres (16" excepted) make it handle like a barge

water drips in on door controls - some things never change!

felt door seals stay damp and then freeze shut in winter, you then have to spend ages melting everything with warm water or ripping the seals apart





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What's wrong with this thread?

Christ, if the Corrado was perfect wouldn't there have been 10 million people queueing to buy one?

Nothing wrong with acknowledging where VW got it wrong. After all, the budget for the Corrado design was miniscule compared to many of their other models, so it's to be expected that every eventuality wasn't covered.

Like I say, more annoying is Golfs with windows that fall into doors. They spent how many £billion and they still have window mech probs?

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For once Dr Meldrew, I agree with you :lol:


Funny you should mention dropping windows as my mate's MK4 did that yesterday! But it's a cheap fix though, £35. Try £180 to fix a busted Corrado regulator....

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Miracles never cease ..

Fixing mk4 windows - only £35? As in you take it to a dealer and he charges you £35 total? I'm surprised!

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