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new era bora v6 4 motion :D

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Surely been the only 1 with a bra tells you something and been different int always a good thing........? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


there was another who was sporting the bra look,it's the future mate,if i ever see ya trammin about were gonna try it on yours an take some pics :lol:


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Yea should be good for a laugh :lol: :lol: :lol:


Once its on im gonna tram back on and burn it :lol: :lol: :lol:


Thought garlic bread was the future though.


Was near your way on the pikey site road yesterday, im at mexborough and was gonna donny, took the scenic route. Where bouts you? (cos im just gonna do you a favour and steal the bra mate :D )


Would av come to the meet if i knew bout it, was it SYD meet or just a few local types?

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Would av come to the meet if i knew bout it, was it SYD meet or just a few local types?


yeah it was syd meet,just a photoshoot thing really,only got organised on the saturday night :lol:

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HMMMMMMMM the rubbish bin from behind griffs...........no number plate......................oh i get ya i forgot to put the bra on that day :lol:

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Yep thats the 1 no number plate :)


Long shot but you still got the debadged 3 slat grill?

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here goes..............


every Thursday after work i go an do the weekly big shop @ tescos,bein a bit paranoid i always park the car away from where most cars park.anyway I'm in tescos thinkin of buyin forza for the 360 when i hear

"could the owner of the red VW registration number j296 aug,please come to customer services"

straight away i start to panic!

so i go over to the desk an the women then says" sorry love but your not gonna like this"

now im thinkin WTF has happened?

she then tells me that a WOMEN has drove into my car!!not only that but she has also moved her car away from mine an parked up somewhere "else in the car park!!!!!now i'm really fucked off!

the women never even reported it!!!!!it was the trolley collector an a member of the public who did.

anyway i then went out to see what the damage was,luckily it wasn't as bad as i expected although still really fucked me off



while i was @ my car i saw the owner of the car that had done the damege just about to get in her car an drive off!!!!!!!!

so i stopped her an asked where the fuck she was goin?she looked @ me in amazement,an said "what do u mean?"

so i told what i'd been told an she denied it!!!!!

so i then take her to the front of her car



she obviously changes her mind,she then says "well i did feel the bump but didn't think i'd caused any damage"

WTF so why did u move to the other side of the carpark??????

then there was a silence

my brother in law was also in tescos an mentioned about ringin the police,this women got really scared an said she didnt want the police invloved,so she rings her husband,who doesn't answer his phone.so she suggest that we go to her speak to her husband,i follow her to her place speak to her husband who looks @ the damage an goes "thats only scratch"

now the rage starts to build up again!

"might be only a scratch to you mate,but that car is my fuckin pride an joy an only had a fuckin respray last year!!!!"

after a discussing it for a bit explainin how i was a member of various vw clubs,an that i go to meets etc.he realized that car meant more to me than what he 1st thought "a cars just to get u from A-B"

we decide that i will go an get some quotes on gettin the bumper sorted out,then he will see how expensive it is an whether or not to go through his wifes insurance,gotta admit i'm feelin a bit guilty on how i spoke to the women,but i had the red mist :twisted:

also since i got home i know have developed a fuel leak which wasn't there before the little bump,??


so what do i do now?just drive to different body shops to get quotes?

would i be best goin to the main dealer for a price?

is there any chance of me gettin a new bumper even though its only scraped?

i know this isn't anythin really major but I'm so hacked off :(

and breathe........................................

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Gutted for you mate, id be foaming..


You were within your rights to phone the police, she left the scene of an accident which is an offence..

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i would of been fuming too mate but at least you knew who did it and managed to catch them and sounds like there gonna sort it nowt worse than finding a scrape like that an the arse that did it has vanished without a trace!

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Well that sucks but at least you caught the mofo.. I swear, supermarket carparks are just places of pure evil! Namely people who consider their cars to be utilities!!


Good luck with getting it all sorted.

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any idea what could be causin the fuel leak?

weird how it was ok before the bump,yet the bump doesnt seem that bad?wonder if its a different story behind the bumper :shock:

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Might just be coincidence.. where abouts it the leak coming from?

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Damm mate. thats fooked up..I would get a quote & get it sorted.. Im just glad you caught the person who did the damage.. some1 has scraped my front bumper at work & not owned up.. so I sent an email out saying if i catch the fooker. GGGRRR!!

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had a quick luck but its pissin it down,seemed to be comin from the back of the tank or the hose above the fuel filter(if ya can understand that :D)

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sorry to hear about that mate, it really ***** me off when people play ignorant and try to cover it up like that, expecting you to come back to your car and pay for it out of your own money! Praise to the supermarket staff etc as most may have just turned a blind eye. i hope you get it sorted, im sure some body shop will be able to sort it out.

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cheers for the support guys,just fixed the fuel leak so thats one job done,gonna do the body shop rounds 2morro then go pay the lady a visit with the good news of how much its gonna cost,i reckon they'll end up usin the insurance myself

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Gutted for ya pal, i despair of people sometimes...Hope you dont go around there and they say bugger off it was never reported !!!... I've known that to happen, Get it sorted sooner rather than later....... Some twatter took half the side off my missus's yaris a couple of weeks ago in a hospital car park and actually sanded it completly off, massive sand paper swirl marks....you have to see it to believe it.

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Mate that sucks. Your C is looking so blingin now too :(


I personally would find the most expensive quote possible and demand the money or go to the police. It's well out of order.


The other day I parked up in sainsbury's - right at the far side of the carpark with no cars around. As I was sat in the car this woman drives all the way across the carpark and parks right next to me! WTF!?


People are bloomin wierd :)

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