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more bloomin hassle.....

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uuuuggghhhhh.... yet another looooooooooooong and expensive weekend of Corrado ownership....


had to go home to Glasgow this weekend to get some stuff sorted and see about getting my flat sold so i can finally complete my move down to Surrey. the C has been going lovely recently after much attention from Dave so decided to drive her up... all was well until 240 miles into the journey, on the M6, at about midnight when the wheel bearing started humming, this quickly progresses to it squealing and then, thankfully just as we pulled up the slip road to the services, lots of very loud clunking noises from the back wheel... when we had a look there was smoke coming from the centre of the wheel hub and the metal was so hot it was glowing red....!!!! wheel was also sitting at a rather jaunty angle... :oops:


this was when we discovered that Daves breakdown cover was on his car only and that i hadnt added it to the insurance policy i had taken out earlier that day.... called the RAC and AA and they couldnt/wouldnt help, had to spend the night sleeping in the car until we could contact Daves parents who were coming back from their holidays and were planning to drive tho other way down the M6 that morning to come and meet us so we could use his Dad's AA membership to relay us home.... finally got home just after 6pm on sat evening...


collected new discs, pads and wheel bearings from GSF this morning... attempted to replace and discovered that the whole lot is fecked as various bits have melted themselves together with the heat and it wont all come off... also the bolt holding the caliper carrier appears to be welded in and no amount of force will get it out either... bugger... :roll:


so, had to put wheel back on, its being held on by brakepads and a dodgy looking bolt and she now needs to go into the garage so they can blowtorch the bl*ody bit off to get the stub axle off and replace it along with the bearing and brakes.... the drive there is gonna be fun - thankfully its just round the corner.... :?


g*ddamned m*therf*cking b*tch of a car does it again... :mad:


my corsa was never this much grief...... pfft... :(

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then again par for the course for a 12+ yo Coupe..........not much help i know but bear that in mind..........especially if you compare it with a 12+ yo Corsa.......which would you rather have?

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the prob is she's just started to behave herself in the last week, thats the only reason I risked the drive up in her... only for something else to break.... weve only got so much time in the day to spend fixing her!!! :lol:


will be nice to actually get to the point when i feel like i am getting somewhere getting her fixed... of course the other option is sell her and buy a VR..... :wink:

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will be nice to actually get to the point when i feel like i am getting somewhere getting her fixed... of course the other option is sell her and buy a VR..... :wink:


why susbtitute mild paranioa with intense and expensive paranoia tho? :twisted: :D

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hmmmmmmmmm.... true.... at the end of the day theres a good chance that a VR will still have 'issues'.... they'll just be even more expensive...!! :lol:


plus, I'd never get mine sold unless I broke her which I won't do...

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Sorry to hear that.. sounds like a pig :(


Just a little Corsa related story from today to try and cheer you up. My sister comes home today, virtually in tears, and proceeds to tell me and my dad that her car is making an awful noise from the rear when taking corners - she thinks its something expensive that she just can't afford to have fixed. So me and my dad grab the keys, take the car round the block to an empty car park to try test out various conditions and replicate the noise. Sure enough, under cornering, rear right hand wheel makes an awful noise.


To cut a short story even shorter, the mud flap had been bashed (no doubt as a result of my sisters awful driving) and was rubbing on the wheel when cornering.. returned home with a wry grin and handed keys back to slightly less tearful sister :)


Shame it wasn't the same problem on the Rado eh.. good old Corsa's ;)

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cheers guys... am gonna leave the pic as my avatar for now as its a pretty common place for my car too be... :(


I think the C just had a hissy fit cos the 'Rat just got the wheel bearings done and she wanted hers done too... I just hope that it will be enough to replace the stub axle and she wont need anymore than that cos I really dont have the time or money right now.... next big drama is gonna be getting her to the garage on the dodgy wheel.... :roll:


still dunno if I could go back to driving a Corsa though..... :)

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Interesting that they pulled you onto the truck backwards... I've always gone on front ways onto (far too many) flat beds.. Like to control the nose-scrappiness ;)

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At least all the bits to repair can be found in scrapyards for very little money :)


About six months ago a female friend of mine bought a '93 2.0 16v Corrado because she 'thought my car was pretty'. At the time I advised her against it due the 'enthusiast's car' reliability reputation. I made sure to mention it again after her first £400 garage bill that still failed to rectify the running rault...

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To be fair, Laura did buy it knowing that it needed work - it's just been annoying that it's not giving us any respite at the mo...!


And yeah, the stub axle won't be a lot of money, it's just the little things that constantly keep cropping up that are irritating! Still, with every part we replace, it's one less to go wrong :lol: fingers crossed...


Andi - the first flatbed put the car on backwards and no spoiler scrapeage, the second one (we were relayed back!) put it on forwards, and no scrapeage there either... 4x4 standard suspension may have something to do with that! ;)

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Ah rear disc stuff is cheap as chips, you'll be back on the road again no time.


As Roddy says, these old cars need these things replacing before they get out of hand. Could have been worse, things like snapped cam belts, CVs, front bearings etc are a LOT more expensive when they let go!


I'm quite lucky in that my car pages me when the components are within 80,000 miles of wearing out and I replace them :-)

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I think you'd do well to find any 12 year-old car that didn't need work - may as well have one at the classier end of the market. It's still a head-turner...even more so on the back of a bright yellow recovery truck :)

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We were lucky not to lose the rear wheel tbh - you should have seen the state of the thrust washer when i managed to chisel it out! :roll:


It's more the fact that we have so much going on at the mo, the last thing we needed was having to do more work on the car! And it's £200-odd that we really didn't want to have to spend... Should have taken the 'rat... ;) (just joking dear!)


And yeah, the front bearings are worse... (guess why i'm letting the garage do those as well...) :lol:

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i knew the car was in the state she was in when i bought her - she was £800 and i was saving her from being scrapped (ive always been a sucker for the charity case - same with my horse!)...!!!


shes had work done nearly every week since i got her in march, and a fair bit spent on her, and i will get everything fixed - eventually...!!! im just miffed that it ruined a weekend where i was supposed to be doing important stuff to get more cash to get her finished... :( especially as the engines running nicely due to a good oil change, and there was literally no warning that the bearing was on its way out...


these things are sent to try us, but why does mine have to try so much??!!

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Unlucky, but I'm glad it was nothing too serious. Just thinking how good she looked on the back of the recovery truck though :-)

Good luck,


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Gutted for the three of you... sorry to hear that you couldn't get it off last night! If it's any consolation I hit a fooking big hole in the road after popping over to show you guys the new rims and tracking and camber has just cost me £62.75 :shock:


Why can't we ever feel chuffed with these cars for 5 minutes with out it costing money we don't have :?


Let me know if there's anything I can come over and help with...

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Cheers Phil... all offers of help are appreciated!!!! (especially from someone who has lowered their car already as the suspensions gonna need done next!!! :) )

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'm quite lucky in that my car pages me when the components are within 80,000 miles of wearing out and I replace them




Found out why my rear bearings wouldn't tighten up yesterday at Stealth - missing washers!!!

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