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Crash Bang Wallop... What an accident

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Well... The beast is dead.







And i walked away with a cut on my face and a headache and some bruising.


Im coming down the hill and as i get to the junction and a black BMW pulls accross in front of me... no problem there is enough room. i just brake gently to give him space... as he clears the road i let off the brake... but then suddenly the silver mazda 626 pulls out leaving me ZERO time.... i cant even remember if i braked again or not... SMACK into his front end spinning him 180. All my airbags go off and i start to spin anti clockwise heading for a field but i look out my drivers window and see a transit van coming the other way skidding to avoid me... BANG i hit that spinning me the other way (but stoping my path of certain barrel rolling in the field) and leave me facing the way i came.


Horn and all kinds or warning beeps going off in my car, im a bit dazed. open the door. walk to the verge. lay down.


I reckon the impact speed was 50-60mph and it was so lucky i didnt hit the mazda side on... would have been much worse for me and him.


MAzda driver was apologetic.. says he didnt see me (he was looking the the black bmw turning into his road and waiting for him to clear his path so he could turn out). Transit driver hurt his knee.


Amazing everyone was ok!!!


i was on my way home from go karting (we came second by the way ;) ) and my helmet in the boot ended up in the field (will have to claim for that aswell)...... maybe i should have been wearing it though :roll:


Be carefull kids!! I was lucky.... VERY LUCKY!

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The force must have been with you young Jedi to have only walked away with a cut and a headache! Glad you're ok.....sorry bout the S3.

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Damned unlucky there Jedi, always a shame to see a nice car get smashed, good thing no-one was seriously injured that looks nasty!

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Im so glad you're OK mate. Like I say, you can be the BEST driver in the world, al it takes is somebody else amking a mistake and then you're in the sh*t.

Por Audi too... :(

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Damn dude... gutted for you! Hope you recover quickly and have a quick payout from the ins group :?


Edit: They say that dusk is the worst time of the day to drive as headlights although being on don't necessarily catch the eye...


Just had a good look at the pics - looks bad, loads of debris on the road... glad you're OK

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WTF!!!good to here your alright though,might want to change your sign though


(now watchin the for sale section for s3 leather interior)

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schitt man.....i know it wasn't selling, but phew, thats a bit extreme. :wink:


glad everyone came out reletivly ok.

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now watchin the for sale section for s3 leather interior



well it wont include the front seats because the airbags in those went off. also the glass probably damaged the rear seats. Im not really sure how it all works. i doubt i'll get any bits from the car back. and even if i did... i dont think anything of value is salvageable. wheels bent, seats trashed, engine broken etc etc.

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Jeez - glad you ok mate as looking at the photos It did look like a big smash!


The Mazda bloke should be done for driving without due care - doesn't look like there is a problem with visability out that junction!

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Holy cow!

That's a big 'un!

At least those crumple zones and air bags did their thing. Thank god you weren't in the Corrado for that accident, mate, seriously, that would have been bad news.

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Holy sheite Nathan! The main thing is you walked away from it ok.. can't believe its trashed though mate :(


In a vaguely tongue in cheek, trying to look at it in a semi-positive light sort of way, at least you aint gotta worry about trying to sell it anymore!

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thanks guys. yes... maybe all slow down just a little... i mean this one i was actually being good and driving well and within the law.... but i have been know to drive fast... not sure if i will be again for a while though.


Yes jim i dont need to sell it now... but i need to worry about getting enough money from the insurance company!


and the thing that REALLY annoys me.... my brand new helmet that was in the boot after go karting.......flew out the boot and smashed down on the road during all the impact!!! so i have to get another one of those now!

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glad your ok-ish mate, that looks really nasty


all the best on the repairs...(to you, not the car :roll:)



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all the best on the repairs...(to you, not the car Rolling Eyes)


thanks... car is, obviously, a complete write off. floor, roof, bent, rear axle snaped, engine bay smashed up...... RIP S3 :(

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