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Crash Bang Wallop... What an accident

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Bloody hell Nathan, that was the last thing I was expecting to see.


Glad you're alright though mate and good luck with the insurance payout/new car/emigration (hey if you think the driving is bad here, wait til you see South Africa :? )

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(hey if you think the driving is bad here, wait til you see South Africa :? )


Lol ,im from cape town,and there is more hazards here(tractors,cow sh*t and to many round-a-bouts..lol) :-P

Glad to see you walked away from that mate, :shock: i would rather have my legs to run after the fu**ker that pulled infront of you :lol:

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Been back to the scene today and took this pic




As i came over the hill (would have been coming towards us in that pic on that pic) there was a black bmw estate just pulling into the 'turn right' box and turned across me into the road where you see the blue A class. I had my foot on the brake and maybe slowed a little but when he cleared the road i let off the brake.


THEN... the mazda pulled out of that side road where the A class is and pulled across my path aiming to turn right going up the hill. Not enough room though and i hit him at what i believe to be about 60mph (dont remember having much time to brake). In the top highlighted box is the initial impact just next to that arrow that indicates the right turn. you can see my tyre marks in a C shape arch (just, you have to look close!) The mazda span 180 to face the way it had come. I found engine parts inc the battery of the mazda in the field today!


So my path continues now going sideways towards where i stood to take this picture.


The blue transit was heading up the hill and swerved to the left when i was coming towards him. I hit the transit just to the left of the 2 arrows and that sent me into a spin in the other direction. You can see my tyre marks going the other way now across the face of those arrows.


I then ended up facing back up the hill

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feck mate that sucks, glad you're ok though, good job audi's are built well!


sounds like you've got total recall on the accident, when I had one a few years ago i couldnt remember the details for ages! watch your neck/back though, whiplash and muscle trauma sometimes take a while to show up. if you havent already take yourself to the Drs and get checked out as a precaution

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jedi-knight83, thats absolutley crazy mate!

only just spotted the thread. Glad your okay, and hope the insurance goes okay. It'd be worth keeping a copy of the for sale thread from here, as proof that you were selling the car, and the price you were asking. It may give you better bartering power when it comes to make the claim.

As your claiming from a third party, you should have less grief about the settlement figure.

I'm very basically trained in insurance, but post updates on here and if i can offer any advise, i will.



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for sale thread has gone for VARIOUS reasons that i dont want discussed please ;)




my dad (also with insurance experience) reckons i will be given a settlement figure by the end of the week. Whether its one i accept or not will be a different matter

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Oh blimey, I just realised where that is - I came through there yesterday evening and again today.


That Gog Magog junction is a right crappy junction though and people are always pulling out there when there's not enough room/time.

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few more pics from today... had to go out to salvage yard to collect my ipod, sunglasses and take my bluetooth handsfree kit out.








wasnt allowed to take pics of the other cars but the mazda i hit was a mess... took most of the front off and the transit was more of a mess than i was expecting! i think that the transit may have been the bigger impact of the two!


rear axle is snapped clean in two!

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Christ on a bike. It looks like the engine bay is largely undamaged though. Maybe the engine and gearbox are salvageable after all.

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they will all belong to the insurance company though.. i dont want the hassle and dont have the facilities here at home to break it and sell the parts. I'd rather just get a lump sum and be done with it all

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The engine might be intact, but it looks like those pipes sticking out of the wing were for the intercooler, so the engine probably ingested most of the wing, half a Transit van and some unidentifyable Mazda parts before it stopped :(

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Sorry to see that.

Real shame about what happened!

At least your ok! Cars can be replaced!

S3's are well put together by the looks of things

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Sounds like that car will be destroyed, I would doubt that it would be legal to recovery any parts from it anyway!

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Sounds like that car will be destroyed


Looks like most of the work has already been done on that front! :shock:

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Glad to hear yr ok mate.. thats such bad news.. my cousin rolled his S3 on the M69 few yrs ago.. lucky to walk away alive.. the S3 is one strong car!!

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Holy mother of god, just seen your avatar and thought "oh F**K".


Glad you are ok, damn lucky I'd say. Probably a good thing the transit was there, hey?

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:shock: JEEBUS!! :shock:

Glad your okay mate.Feel kinda guilty now for not buying that S3 and going for a black one. :oops:

Aaaaanywhoo,it kinda gives me an idea of the protedtion level,if anything like that were to happen to mine.


PS,any spares going? :-P

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Ouch. I'll echo everyone else on here, and say that I'm glad you're OK.

Good luck with it all,


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Can't but add. Glad you're fine... Just saw your avatar.

Wouldn't want to have an accident like that in the Corrado.




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Hecticness. Sorry to hear about this aswell, seems you were lucky to be OK which is the main thing.

The car was up for sale for a long time wasn't it ?? Suprised you didn't sell it sooner as it looked like such a good one.

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