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Old accident pics...

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OK, inspired (can I use that word?! sounds a bit wrong..meh, oh well) by Jediknight's thread regarding his crashed A3, I had noticed on there someone had said they had had worse accidents, been in cars more of a mess and walked away. So, let's see pictures of them, what sort of driving history have us lot got?


Here's mine, left a mates house at about 4 in the mornin early last year, bumbling along home, only to have a deer jump out in front of me, swerved to miss it, back end came out, so trying to correct it, i planted it, but lost control and hit a tree. This flipped the car onto its roof into a field, only problem being the field was about a 15ft drop from the road. I was amazingly lucky to walk away.

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Here is my old rocco... 1 of 4 ! I was travelling to fast over a dip and the back end stepped out and I hit a dry stone wall :cry: !! But the farmer who's land it was pissed well off because he just rebuilt it after a another car hit it a week earlier ! lol :lol:

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My rocco storm! was mint then:


hit the narrow end of a wall head on at about 50 (at least).



I have many more but no pics. For example was in a dodge (sp?) ram 5.9L and we got t boned by a little nissan, flames and nissan everywhere!!!! truck was all right after new axel and wheel! :lol:


Edit: the merc in the background was my baby, a 2.2 220 ce. then some old guy decided to turn right in to me with his fiesta and wrote it off, the fiesta looked like it had been hit by a tyruck, glass shattered, crumpled the works. the merc was a cat C with over 7k damage (only got 5 and a bit back :cry:)

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Not me thankfully, but my mate walked away from this.....


The only accident I've had was 11 years ago when I hit a wall at 60mph, but they didn't have digital cameras back then :lol:

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I dunno, :?


My mates and I have this exact arguement over bevvies.


If your car impacts onto another object whether there is damage or not, is it a crash?


I reckon there needs to be actual damage or it is just called a bump, (but that is only to keep my tally down)

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Not me thankfully, but my mate walked away from this.....


The only accident I've had was 11 years ago when I hit a wall at 60mph, but they didn't have digital cameras back then :lol:


Can't even tell what car that is....!!!

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Shame I threw the pics away of my last crash years ago!


I had a the first shape mondeo boot style, stopped at side of road, bright sunny bank holiday. 30mph limit Not another car on the road - barr the woman in the Volvo V70 that didn't see me and plowed into the back of me at 60mph!!!!


She went under my car, ripped off both back wheels, pushed the boot right into the back seat, shoved me 20 metres down the road into a ditch and a lamppost!


OUCH!!! -Needless to say the car was a mess! Luckily I emerged reasonably ok except for whiplash and bruising!!


And all the police gave her, after admitting to travelling at DOUBLE the speed limit AND not looking where she was going -because she was "lost" was a producer!!!

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OUCH!!! -Needless to say the car was a mess! Luckily I emerged reasonably ok except for whiplash and bruising!!



...and a few grand I expect.. :wink: :D

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Coming home from a tae kwon do lesson one night, i was taking a bend at (and this is what i told the police...)


"40mph, when a fox ran out in front of me!"

Honest officer! :twisted:


The week earlier, i'd invested in the first 4 new Rockford Fosgate subs in the country.

They, however decided to pay the back of my head a visit, swiftly before exiting the car via the back window! :crazyeyes:


Only one survived, i however had a free trip to A&E to have 26 stitches in my head! :(

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Funny thing was I only bought the car 2 weeks earlier from my mums work for a quick sale at a whole £700.


Insurance paid out £4000 book value and the obligatory whiplash settlement!


Thank you very much!!!!

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Nov 1991. I was a passenger, the driver did a superb job of saving us from a much worse event.


Toyota pick-up with 500 miles on the clock hit us from behind while we were stopped behind a car as the 1 ahead turned right. Car coming the other way drove over the top of the 'then' car behind us, killing both himself and driver behind. Toyota driver wandered about asking 'what happened'. I don't know what he got for the offence.


I had severe bruising from the seat belt. A year later I had a serious illness possibly caused from trauma to the area. Will have check up for the illness for the rest of my life and hoping for corrective plastic surgery soon ;o)


Driver of my car climbed through window and cut his hand but other wise walked away.

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The week earlier, i'd invested in the first 4 new Rockford Fosgate subs in the country.

They, however decided to pay the back of my head a visit, swiftly before exiting the car via the back window! :crazyeyes:


Only one survived, i however had a free trip to A&E to have 26 stitches in my head! :(



LOL....no wonder Rockford calls that range 'Punch'!!!! :lol: :wink:

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about 3 years ago when I owned my ashtray, me and a mate were driving through town on the way to meet some people for a few bevvies, it'd pretty much just stopped raining and the road was a little slippery, that combined with a patch of diesel on the road, an overly tight corner and my lack of experiance in crash-avoidence driving resulted in whats below. turned into the corner and the car didnt do anything, just slithered into curb, bounced up about 3ft off that and smashed into a 5ft steel barrier, which stopped us from traveling into the path of oncoming traffic. My mate was fine save for a sore sholder off the seatbelt and I only tw@tted my head off the window, which hurt but is hardly an injury!


to this day you can see a red streak of paint on the middle rail of the barrier on that corner!

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Well i have just seen the doctor about my merc crash (in may this year). he said that he can still detect the symptoms of the crash very slightly in my back. I do still get pains, but getting better the more i gym/swim. Its just scary that you can still be affected so long after! To all you crazys that had 'real' crashes, wow! and keep the pics coming.


Oh and my number plat was a20 luc :lol:

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