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Do your passengers ever get you angry?

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i once threw my brother in law out of my fiesta van for kicking the sides whilst in the back, i warned him once and he took no notice so i stopped in the road ( 2am in the morning ), words were exchanged and my temper raging so i dragged him by his leg all the way out from the back of the van and left him 2 - 3 miles away from home, he`d been pissing me off all evening and when he get a few drinks down him he turns into super c*nt, it was sometime before he spoke to me again :x

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All of my friends now know not to mess with my car, I have been known to lose my temper if they even touch their greasy paws on my paintwork when it's clean, in fact, I have got my friends so well "trained" that if a person that doesnt know me comes close to the car.. my friends spew out the rules of the car to them. Lol, it's great.


And yes... seats same height... dials same position...

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sorry big guys,but................ 29909322719.gif don't u have probs gettin in an out of the rado if u are the same frame as my mate,u should hear him huffin an puffin as he gets in an out

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not so big people used to huff and puff getting in and out of my old VR, it was only down 60mm but everyone complained it was too low!


when I had the valver I have my boss at the time a lift to the airport and worried the whole way about the passenger seat bolsters giving way under his MUCH larger than average frame. I didnt think he was going to fit through the door at one point... hes a very large gentleman.

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Its all about inertia. The key is to park where you can open the door propperly and in one fluid movement fall out on to your belly and roll down the hill.


If it is a steep hill you have to put your left arm around doublequick to shut the door then blip the alarm before you are out of range.

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Seriously tho.


Although Im large, I reckon Im reasonably fit. I ride a mountian bike and fly power kites so I dont really notice a problem, although when selfish shoppers park nice and close to the drivers side it can be a bit of an issue. I put my ar$e through an old pair of jeans getting in the other month.

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i gave dave whelan (wigan/jjb Chairman) a lift once and he was struggling to get out, not as bad as the exec that was trying to get outta the back though! :lol:

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sorry big guys,but................ 29909322719.gif don't u have probs gettin in an out of the rado if u are the same frame as my mate,u should hear him huffin an puffin as he gets in an out


I thought you said he was a get away driver... well WTF can he get away from :lol:

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your all mental!! heater controls all facing the same way...? what do you do if its cold but turning the heating up means their all not the same...? i bet all your heater grilles all have to be flush across the dash too....


my c has been getting used for taking me to and from the stables every nite for the past couple of months, i have enough hay and horse feed in my footwell to keep all four neddys for a month, its thick with dust and smells like sh*t...! theres mud all over the drivers side speaker pods from me getting in and out in muddy boots and my lovely red alcantara trimmed front seats dont look to clean at the mo...! i have two saddles on the back seats which smell of horse sweat and my boot has been used to transport bags of feed about in, i will admit tho it looked really good and low with 75kg of horse feed in the boot..... :)


I'm not even gonna start on the state of my wheels... (or the fact I have bent one..... :oops: )


roll on getting the audi for daily use, its just a bigger car to get even dirtier..........!! :lol:

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sorry big guys,but................ 29909322719.gif don't u have probs gettin in an out of the rado if u are the same frame as my mate,u should hear him huffin an puffin as he gets in an out


I thought you said he was a get away driver... well WTF can he get away from :lol:




That's my favourite movie part EVER!

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my c has been getting used for taking me to and from the stables every nite for the past couple of months, i have enough hay and horse feed in my footwell to keep all four neddys for a month, its thick with dust and smells like sh*t...! theres mud all over the drivers side speaker pods from me getting in and out in muddy boots and my lovely red alcantara trimmed front seats dont look to clean at the mo...! i have two saddles on the back seats which smell of horse sweat and my boot has been used to transport bags of feed about in, i will admit tho it looked really good and low with 75kg of horse feed in the boot.....


when dave siad you were filthy i thought he was talking about something else... ;)

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My only real arrrgh moment, was when a friend got in the car, went to slide the seat back but it would't move, so pulled harder on handle, which snapped off as it was the height adjust handle not the slide back/forward handle....


Worst part was when he tried to keep it quiet by trying to hide it in the doorpocket without me noticing, the fact he tried to hide it really ****ed me off...


Havent spoken to him for a while now.... :roll:



Go to wales etc, Mountain Biking most weekends and interior of the car gets quite a lot of mud brought in....

no biggie, just clean it when i get back.... mud's meant to be good for the skin?! :lol: can't be doing the leather any harm.... :D

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The girlfriend, no offence to any women reading this post, but are women really that dim???


On long distance, I drive she navigates, its a simple arrangement, I dont see rallye drivers having the problems i do,


Funny how the conversation changes to i dont know, y dont u do it(cos im driving and ur sitting there on ur ass doin f all) to me suddenly being a complete and utter bast**d whilst she throws the A to Z at me..............Is this normal?


Should i just say sorry luv, yeh u just sit there doin ur make up, dont worry about my driving, ill just drive off this cliff here y not.


Does anyone else have similar issues. Am i expected to drive and navigate the A to Z at the same time. Can i swap the girlfriend for a sat nav system?

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Its all about inertia. The key is to park where you can open the door propperly and in one fluid movement fall out on to your belly and roll down the hill.


If it is a steep hill you have to put your left arm around doublequick to shut the door then blip the alarm before you are out of range.



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My corrado stays nice and clean in the garage, with seatcovers for the occasional times when I do use it.


Normally, the only passenger is my dog, and she's pretty good, except when she jumps on the dash to try and catch the wiper blades :lol:

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My god people, it's a car.


Admittedly, I don't let anyone smoke in my car/house but that's cos it stinks. Otherwise you're allowed to eat and drink in the car as long as you don't make a mess and take your rubbish with you.


Lining the heater vents up tho?! I have mine pointed at where they're needed so I can actually get heat out of them. It's a crazy concept I know :lol:


Oh and the best bit about having Recaros is that you can sit there playing with the adjustment switches - why would you stop other people doing that?


But then again, my car's covered in dents. It is a nice car and I do love it, but it is a car, not a nice statue that you put on the mantle piece.


Heck, I even wash it some weeks :lol:

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I hated the interior of my last g60 when I got it, the seat was ripped, and there was a blim burn on the back seat , it was allround a bit shabby...but after i'd cleaned it up a bit I liked not having to be really precious about it.

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Lining the heater vents up tho?! I have mine pointed at where they're needed so I can actually get heat out of them. It's a crazy concept I know :lol:





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Does anyone else have similar issues. Am i expected to drive and navigate the A to Z at the same time. Can i swap the girlfriend for a sat nav system?


You're not alone! Sat Nav doesn't help either; when you're out for a drive and start to get hungry, you still need someone to punch 'Burger King' into the Sat Nav. That too seems to be one favour too many to ask of the passenger you're happily ferrying about. (And of course, you'll be expected to pay if and when you do finally navigate to a near-by purveyor of foodstuffs).

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lining up heater vents?

making sure seats are the same distance from the dash?


completely mental the lot of ya! talk about obsessive compulsive disorder!!!

LMAO :) :) :)

chicken oriental

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I always get angry everytime I let my girlfriend in my car..... she just see's it as a car.


When I mention something she just says "You love this car more than me don't you ?"


That's when it all goes wrong.... as we know, no matter what you answer it's wrong (can somebody explain this) As either she gets in a mood, or the car gets abused. Ah, I think I'll leave the car in the garage this weekend and get the train to Linz. Safer for the car :lol:

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