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If I find them, I'll rip their f***ing heart out

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Maybe I'm living a sheltered life over here on the Rock and I'm sure this happens all too often.


I really don't mind all that much if some little scroat nicks some valve caps, but there is no f***ing need for this.

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i hate that, happened to near enough each car i've had, i think people get jealous and start to envy you and can't be happy for you that you have a nice car etc.


Sorry to hear about that, hope you can sort it out with a little t-cut or so.

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maybe you upset someone........


Just exactly where were you last night? :indiff:


Doesn't look down to the metal - Just the top layer of paint I think/hope.


Thanks for the comments .... to be honest, it's not the fact that I have to get it sorted, or the cost, it's just that someone else has the f***ing nerve to damage something that I work hard on. What gives them the right?


I've had a couple of sets of valve caps nicked recently so I got a new set and made sure they weren't coming off easily. Presume it's just the same little punk kids who are annoyed at this.

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why do that to someone's car?? little bastards need chaining up while someone chops of there hands, :evil:

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That is the mentality of some people these days, scratch a complete stranger's car one day, next week attack a complete stranger in the street. It seems that it is a small minority, but is it? These types of things happen all the time.


Your only respite is karma, what comes around goes around. The bloke is a an out and out loser.

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Little fuckers! I have nightmares about that happnin! Scum utter scum - there's nothing lower! Truth is - they'll never know what it feels like to have what we do.


and I don't just mean balls!

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gutted man i'd pop with anger if some little bastard did that to my car! little carpark scuffs are one thing but intentional damage!! makes you want a camera on your parking spot

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Ah well - must be time for a respray.


Think the wine must be kicking in.... :lol:

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Oh man.. that sort of thing just boils my blood.. really sorry to see that Tom :(

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That sucks.. :(


Ba5tards need stringing up by their balls...

Had a similar thing happen to my MK2 GTI a couple of weeks back. Loads of scratches on the boot lid :mad:


Like you say, it's the principal of the thing - that some little scrote has violated your property :snipersmile:

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Rotten s0ds.

It's strange how many of us seem to be strongly against the perpetrators of such mindless acts, yet they and their offspring continue to thrive unpunished in the community generation after generation, regardless of the decent majority's loathing of them.


I went to a primary school with little sh1ts who would grow up to do that sort of thing - and worse. Now there seems to be more than ever of them.

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:omg: as everyones said it ridiculous they should be neutered so they cant breed any more of the stupid cnuts!!


theres spells of that here too, normaly pretty quiet but in the last 2 months theres been spate of kicked off wing mirrors and keyd cars!!

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i would hate to think what id do if i ever caught anyone damaging my rado makes me mad thinking about it better have a drink!!

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get over to some detailing forums mate.. some guy had a identical key and he touched it up and sanded it down then buffed it up,,, was no evidence of any damage after the process and looked like new for not a lot of money, just a bit of time a patience.


have a look on Meguiars forum too

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Furk'z spotted u on meguiars earlier today - just starting on proper cleaning :oops:


any other forums u`d suggest??

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If someone did that to my car i'd be really upset. Bad luck Tom, people like that should be shot, how do they sleep at night?

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