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G60SC_Stoneys C! Nearly there!

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yeah they went straight on, i was a bit worried at first that i might need to space them out (still might have to if they catch anywhere) but the brake setup fits behind them and the wheels turn with no problems.


what do you mean by the back of the wheels exactly?

do you mean like this ?


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Cool thats the pic i was after. Its interesting your brembos fit behind your wheels as i have merc rs's that struggled to clear my 288's! Can you do me a favour and measure the clearance beteen the mounting face and the inside of the spokes? I just want to compare them to mine. If theres no dofference in the clearance in the wheel then it may be that 305mm 4 stud discs run a higher offset compared to 288mm 5 stud discs and thats why your wheels clear.

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Makes sense now, i have 31mm clearance on the back of my rs's which is strange as the profile on the back of my lattice looks the same as yours.


Anyway the brembos look good back there and the fact that they are close to the spokes mean they look better as they fill out the back of the wheel!

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Hi mate

Just wondering, did you use the VR6 ABS sensor rings when you put the 5 stud hubs in ? I've noticed the G60 sensor rings are about 10mm thicker than VR6 ones, i'm not sure if i can use the G60 ones by redrlling the wheel bolt clearance holes or not yet ?

Your car is going to be awesome when finished !!



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yeah, a nice little update TBH! well actually no, quite a bad update...without going into toooo much detail, my 16vG60 engine which i was planning on selling to fund the R32 project has been kept/stolen by the person i trusted to look after it for me, (my now ex-girlfriends stepdad!) so thats put £1800 in his pocket :bad-words:


And to top it all, what did his lovely wife decide to do to my other green VR6 ? cause £1300 of damage to the side of it by kicking it in on her daughters 21st birthday, all because i turned up late, due to not getting on with her family for the above reason! so yeah, ive lost a hell of alot of ££££ recently, and im back living with my parents saving up to move out to OZ this time next year!


On a brighter note though, the green one is being repaired as of today, and the DBP is down at Gwerks being finished off! R32 engine mocked up with engine mounts, gearbox, exhaust manifold, etc. So thats moving on sweet as a nut. A Real credit to those guys down there as i really left them in the sh*t, with a half (if that!) finished car, and theyve done really well so far!! Amazing, bought a proper smile to my face when i saw it sitting in the bay!! pics to follow at the end of this week (if i get my daily back from the paintshop in time!) :clap:

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bad news and good news, when are you planning on getting the dbp one ready?

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dont really know, Darren said a few months, but the speed he's getting on with it, it should be ready pretty soon! Cant wait! but ill be along at E38 and whatever else i can make it to once it is done!

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That's a real sh1tter Stoney, could you not go round his gaff with a couple of mates and demand it back? Also kick in his wife's car while you're there.


Sorry to hear about all the grief, hope it gets sorted to some extent that's satisfying.

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did think about that TBH, but probably not best to discuss anything like that on the forum!! but people like that always get whats coming to them eventually! so no worries there! infact Im happier now than ive been in years!! :clap: Got big plans and im keeping to them! Pics due tommorrow!!!

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can the police not pay a nice visit to his gaff? i presume the engine number will match your chassis number and seeing as he isn't co-operating that would tell me it is a stolen engine?

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engine number wont match as its a different engine to the one that came out of the car. its a job for the small claims court really. doesnt matter really to me TBH,the whole family know what they are, i can hold my head up high. Just a shame that the £2k that the engine had cost me went into his mums funeral and his holiday. That and the fact i walked out of a fully furnished flat which i paid for with just the table and chairs and sofas! Haha! but nevermind, their luck will run out soon.....

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Sounds like you were having a mare Dan. If you need any turds posting... You know who to call.

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