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Worst thing some has said about ur Corrado

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:lol: ive had the rocco comments too,especially one neighbour who just wont be feckinwell told! :p


Also just recently,the phrase 'pissing in ya headlights' :lol: was said in one thread about yellow headlights...only joking about like.

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The thing that takes the P!ss is when some one asks you what car you drive, you tell them a corrado and their like what?? it must be old, havent heard of it, happen to anyone??

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Well whenever i've gone to the bank to withdraw a large sum of cash to buy a Corrado (and its happened every single time i've bought one now) the lady behind the counter always asks if i'm doing anything nice with the money and I say that i'm buying a new car.. and then they always ask what sort of car.. and I sigh because as soon as I say "Volkswagen Corrado" they get a blank look and say "Oh, i've never heard of one of those!" - happens every time!

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A guy at a motorist discount shop asked:


"is it hard work looking after a black car?"


I was like, erm, i dunno mate.

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My mate at work tells people I'm on the Cordoba forum! But then again he rides a Honda C90 so gets his fair share of 2-wheeled-sewing-machine type comments from me!

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From one of my friends...

(when I had the 'rocco) Hairdresser!

(now I have the 'Rado) been promoted to Salon Manager! When you get a VR6 it'll mean you open a chain then? :bad-words:


This from some-one who drives a Fabia! (OK it's an rs!)

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Hmmm, I would hardly call either the Rocco or Corrado a hairdresser's car! Don't even come close imho.


Fab vRS is a great car...

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No one here in Dubai knows what a C is. One of my mates calls mine a golf coupe!!! Does it on purpose to try to annoy me.

I mean he is just jealous I beat him from a standing start while he was in his new mustang GT!


Had the scirocco comment a couple of times as well.


Before the rebuild it was called the heap by my mum.

Dad calls it the bone shaker-think he is getting old now!


Funny when the Police ask what it is, obviously surprised when you say VW!

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there is this guy at work that drives a 1.4 polo , most days he says whats that like to drive? i say like a missile :) his like ohhhh, so one day i asked him if he wanted to get one? then hes like naa lol i think hes under the thumb.


My wife wanted me to get a C to replace my mk2 golf i think she likes the shape of the C :D

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Not got a C yet, but I've had a few with my mk2 Golf:


'It reminds me of my old nissan sunny'


'It looks a bit dated inside'


Grr.... uneducated people!


- Ross

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had the Scirocco comments and collorado, cant people read?


other than that people dont really have a clue what it is.


girls just dont get it so dont even bother trying, they always moan the seat is too low,'your not driving it , (you wont ever drive it) so just sit back relax and shut up!........and stop fiddling and touching things ' is my usual response.

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Friends and family constantly take the piss out of it because they know I love it! They call it a scirocco, golf, collorado and the current jokes are about the "active wing".

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Parking spaces really are at a preimium at work and my clearly marked space was taken. A guy comes up to my office and asked 'does someone own a golf?' i replied no mate not sure about that and he then spent the next 15 mins going round all the offices to ask about this golf. He then returned to my office asking as anyone got a VW, I said lets have a look and said 'thats mine corrado why didn't you say I'll move it for you.


A bit awkward I know but he has never taken my space again.

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"is that your golf?"


and a mate of mine insists on calling it a corraldo - even though I correct him EVERY TIME!!! :mad: seriously, where's the L mate?


Arrr one of my mates says corraldo every single time, :2gunfire:



The rocco comments don’t really bother me tho

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A lady at work said "I looked at buying one of those", so I presumed that she appreciated what it was, until some weeks later she refered to it as a "Golf"!

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I get the

It's very clean for a 91, Is that real leather and whats that thing infront of the engine?


My missus now knows what it is but she just doesn't understand!

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"when are you going to get a proper car" is a common one...


An old chap who walks by each morning to get his paper has asked me if there is anything left on it that I've not taken off...


Whenever I ring up mirroredone literally the first thing I say is 'what have you broken now/what's gone wrong this week?' that though is just born of experience!!

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