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Worst thing some has said about ur Corrado

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my next door neighbour came knocking complaining i was in her space and that on top of tht the car looked unsightly..i asked her why? she replied, ''well..it has 4 flat tyres for starters'', and then couldnt list anything else.. she looked pretty embarassed when i explaned that actually it was in my space and that they are low profile tyres and far from flat..haha..old bag!!

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why dont you buy something new like a fiesta or a clio" errr no thanks :lol:


I've lost count how many bloody times I've heard that. I don't want to drive a car I don't like, simple.

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soon to be (kind of ish) bother-in-law got in my car a few months ago, breathed in and said I love that 'old car smell' :mad:


I could have smacked him - old FFS!


My sister said the exact same thing when I gave her a lift the other day, reminded her of the old escort she used to have :mad: Still, when I picked her up later a drunk bloke approached the car and said "well nice car mate, always been a Corrado fan" and gave me his business card (photographer). Don't get that in a Focus do you sister!

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most of my mates seem to think its a hairdressers car???? odd thing is the one who takes the mick the most drives a mk1 golf cabriolet !

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on a night out - 3 girls talking - "I've got a Polo" - other one - "I've got a Golf" and the third one "oh me too" - I say "weird I've got a VW too"


1st girl says - "oh yeah - I've seen you in it......."


"......it's that really old blue thing isn't it?"


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I took my kids too the local park about a month ago and as i pulled up a small boy (about 5?) ran up and asked excitedly "wow is that your yellow lamborghini?" when i explained it was actually a VW he just frowned and wandered off! :lol:


the only other one was when my Dad (an avid ford fan!) critisised it for having a cheap feeling plasticy interior!! :mad: he drives a ford ffs!!!!!

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Pulling into pub car park...landlord came out ansd said I've always liked those...his wife said what is it...he replied "IT'S A GOLF...WITH A DIFFERENT BODY!!!!!"

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Me and (female) flatmate were walking back to the car after doing some shopping and she is heading in the wrong direction.

Me:You;ll have trouble getting in that car.

Her: Why? Its red, isn't it yours?

Me: No, that's a ROVER 214!!!

Her: Well it looks like yours.


The only thing my Rado has in common with a Rover is the fact they both have four wheels. Should have left her behind...........

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taking a friend of a friend out in the car and giving it the full beans he said


"goes well, what is it? a 2 litre?"


everyone at my local dealer is very nice about the car, quickly followed by a list of expensive jobs or a big bill

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I had a scirocco GTX on a C plate for nine years ,, and folks would always ask what it was even thought it still had its badge,s on . { I had this car for so long simply because it wouldn,t die . just kept passing m.o.t,s and starting up and working and always getting me home and then developing some minor repairable fault } since iv had my corrado ,, well im not going to go into the amount of times its been refered to as a scirocco ,, il just say its lots and lots you savy

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Someone shouted out 'Scirroco' at me the other night, not happy !!


Then probably even worse than that, some guy i know spotted me driving past where he works, later that weekend he says 'Hey Carps, you've got a little Jap car havn't you'



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Don't get those of you who feel insulted about your C being called a Scirocco. You must really feel that you drive a posher car or what? It was always intended as a Mk3 Rocco, which is logical, if you read up on the history of the Ghia all the way up to the Corrado.


Fortunately I've not really had any incidents where people would ask me silly questions or alg off any of my 3 Karmanns :-)


Only times possibly is whenever I pull up at a petrol station with my Mk1 Rocco, when stunned people ask me what car it is :-)



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don,t get me wrong i loved my scirocco i had it for 9 years , it had my compleat trust ,, and "Trust is a hard thing to comebye" some body in a film i watched once said that,, i think ..... emm not sure if comebye is a real word may have made that up ,, no i think it was clint eastwood, sounds like the kind of thing he would say

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Don't get those of you who feel insulted about your C being called a Scirocco. You must really feel that you drive a posher car or what?


Its not that i think that, just the fact that its not a Scirroco, looks similar i know but wish people would get it right !!

No insult to the Rocco.

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hi im new on here but thought id share my insult with you people! When i first bought my corrado it had to sit on the driveway and after a few weeks mum asked "what are you gonna do with your corona?!!" To which i replied probably get pi~#ed!!! :blackeye:

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Was talking to a work colleague who was looking on the autotrader when the gal sat next to him said "Gaz (moi) you getting a new car, you need a new car, a modern one. Yours is too old". I said WHAT! modern cars have no character. I then asked her what my car was...guess what she couldn't tell me what it was (no the I didnt already know :lol:)

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A mate of mine said to me that the Corrado looks dog ugly :(

On the up side, he added 'boy do they shift... i love em' ;)

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UGLY!! I cant see how people can think they are ugly, they are GORGEOUS! lol. A girl i am kinda seein :wink: doesnt like my car, she says its too old and squared and doesnt like the way the back goes thinner :mad: what do girls know!

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she says its too old and squared and doesnt like the way the back goes thinner


You sure she isn't reviewing Jasper Carrot? :lol:

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I was chatting with a customer about the cars we had owned- when I told him I had a Corrado VR6 he said 'are they the ones that fall to pieces if you crash them :? ' which rather deflated me a bit- I have never heard that about Corrados before.


Later in the day I was with one of the big bosses and had Leavons 'on the seventh day god made Corrado' wallpaper on my laptop- it turned out he had had VR6 when they first came out- he didn't think much of it apparently :(


One of them days I guess..

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