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new girl - Pic *MAY* not be work safe

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['H3R4POR]I don't think thats her on the car tbh


No, I'm sure it's not... but if the pics didn't have a girl in 'em, and the title didn't have 'NSFW', would we even be having this conversation? :lol:

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ha ha, this threads great.


The Alpha male demonstrating his ability to win over a new female entering his pack.....


Quality :-)


Welcome aboard by the way.

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ha ha, this threads great.


The Alpha male demonstrating his ability to win over a new female entering his pack.....


Quality :-)


Welcome aboard by the way.


That's a very good point!!


[charm magnifier] Excuse me miss, but I'm clearly more attractive/funny/clever/talented than anyone else here, would you like to be my special chum?? [/charm magnifier]


Hehe. Welcome to the forum anyway Miss, apart from the odd wierdo (']['H3R4POR, me) it's a pretty bloody good site, seemingly full of very friendly, helpful people. Hope you enjoy the new car!!

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[charm magnifier] Excuse me miss, but I'm clearly more attractive/funny/clever/talented than anyone else here, would you like to be my special chum?? [/charm magnifier]


rofl, thats exactly what I was thinking, but couldn't think of a nice way of saying it ;)


(neither could you apparently :lol:)

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Looks like another blue pearl effect car.


At a guess it must be G/H plate then?


Oh and welcome and avoid Baz he has a copy of lube news...

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it always amuses me how quickly a thread with a girl introducing herself on here grows


postin pics like that bet its not the only thing growin :lol:


*****TAXI FOR GREENY******


plus the thread title doesn't help

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How much do i get in the way of Guinness vouchers for advertising the forum then Andi?


Oh 'cos it really sounds like you had a horrible time selling your car to her... ;) Good work though. All forum members should really only allow their cars to be sold if the new owner promises to sign up! Or maybe it should be done before the sale is completed, kinda like a security check.. :)


Welcome asp*, and sorry about the 'pets'. They're not house-trained yet. They try and hump anything that walks in the door.


Now where did I put those two bricks.... Oh Greeny... *crack*

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yes, yes you all are that bad!!! it always amuses me how quickly a thread with a girl introducing herself on here grows - this has already hit 3 pages, would it be that big if it were a young bloke...?


:lol: have to agree with scarlett, it got me too!


And Helen achieved exactly what she stated on the tin!


Welcome to the forum and er..... good luck!


Welcome asp*, and sorry about the 'pets'. They're not house-trained yet. They try and hump anything that walks in the door.



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The Alpha male demonstrating his ability to win over a new female entering his pack.....


Clearly thats not what you'd find with me! I tend to just grab em by the hair and drag em back to the lair! :lol:


Oh and welcome and avoid Baz he has a copy of lube news...


it's true! however, as yan was the previous owner, not all the pages are accessable.


BTW, welcome again to one of the most helpful, welcoming and professional forums around!

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How much do i get in the way of Guinness vouchers for advertising the forum then Andi?



pah - i feel so used!!



thanks for all the nice comments and er... ...whatnot. :salute:

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BTW, welcome again to one of the most helpful, welcoming and professional forums around!


indeed :)


it's all just a bit of fun, and believe me, its not just cos you are female, a few of us aren't picky with with the targets of our 'humour', but its all meant in good heart :)


you look like the guy from The Darkness in your avatar pic btw :p

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are there any other girls around here or wot¿


yeah - theres quite a few of us.... welcome.


yep, here's another one. Welcome to the forum.

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yes, yes you all are that bad!!! it always amuses me how quickly a thread with a girl introducing herself on here grows - this has already hit 3 pages, would it be that big if it were a young bloke...?


at the end of the day its harmless fun, and human nature..... :)


your all pretty harmless... most of you.....



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Hi Helen, Welcome to the forum and the world of Corrado ownership.


I'm local, I live North - East of Bristol @ Emersons Green.

May see you around, in fact I think I'll start a thread for a Bristol meet ;)

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'lo... 8)



Did you really write that mate?


She's gonna find you hard to resist with an intro like that! :wink:



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