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Differing attitudes of dealers - UPDATED with some sad news

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As some of you know my dad is not too well at the moment and I am trying to do everything I can to make his remaining time as enjoyable as possible.


He's owned Jags for 10 years now and always had them maintained at Rybrook in Warrington, a Jaguar main dealer. Because of his illness he's had to surrender his licence but he loves the new XK8, I thought that I'd contact Rybrook, wheres he spent thousands over the years to see if they could assist - either lending me their demonstrator or allowing me to hire it for just an hour or two to give him a run out in his dream car.


One letter and two telephone calls brought absolutely no response - needless to say I wasn't too impressed.


I posted on Pistonheads yesterday - just saying how disappointed I was that a dealer should be so dismissive when a totally loyal customer could benefit from a gesture of goodwill.


Totally out of the blue, Royles Jaguar of Wilmslow contacted me to offer their help - today I had it confirmed. They are taxing their new XK8 demonstratorr on Friday - I pick the car up at 10am on Saturday, fully insured and have it free of charge until 4.30pm, they are also providing my dad with a limited edition XK8 print to further cheer him up.


I can't believe how generous this dealer is being, they have never had any sale or work from my dad and totally out of blue they have provided me with the opportunity of giving my dad a really enjoyable and memorable few hours.


Royles Jaguar - thank you so much

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thats great,,,,, but what pr!cks the other dealers were...... A true story of good and bad attitudes..... I hope your dad has a great time :)

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Write a letter explaining that one dealer is sh*t and the other have been great and send it to Jag HQ in Coventry mate. See what they have to say about it. That should give the local one a kick up the a*se!! W*nkers!!! :mad:


Glad it got sorted for you, and your dad though ;)

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If you're still bringing your dad with you down to the Midlands meet this weekend, I could well be able to bring a nice classic Jag (well, Daimler) along with me!


My old man has just insured me on his Daimler V8 250.. he's eager for me to get some use out of it and if the weathers nice, i'd be happy to bring it along provided my dad was ok with that too! :)

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shame on the so called Jag dealer that your Dad was so loyal to...............but good to see there are still decent people out there too..........I'd deffo write to Jag HQ complaining and also perhaps the local paper to shame them in their locality

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Yeah that does suck. It's not like it is any skin off their nose but it amazes me the complete difference in attitudes you get for dealers that are all suppossed to operate from the same 'handbook'

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Jim - thanks for the offer but I reckon Saturday will tire him out, the radiotherapy has left him very weak and we need to be careful not to let him overdo things - hes staying at home on Saturday whether he likes it or not


I have already e-mailed Jaguar Head Office about Rybrook - I'm determined to make them squirm on this one

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If you get no joy from Jag head office then drop a letter down to your local paper - sort of thing they will love and will have the desired effect on both Jag dealers.

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Well, thanks to the selflessness of Phil and Royles of Wilmslow, today I was able to lift my dads spirits like you would not believe.


Arrived at Royles to find a gleaming brand new XK8 coupe waiting for me. Formalities only took a few minutes then off to see my dad.


He was released from hospital yesterday but the effects of the radiotherapy are really starting to kick in now, very tired and very frail.


Pulling outside his house his first reaction was a huge beaming smile followed by floods of tears.


Getting him outside we managed to get him into the drivers seat and showed him where the starter button was. As the starter motor turned over and the engine kicked into life with that glorious exhaust note, more tears flowed, setting off my wife and putting a huge lump in my throat.


We spent a couple of hours tootling (!!!) around, visiting places from his childhood, old homes, schools, workplaces etc and then found a lovely country pub where he had his first pint for 2 months.


Dropping dad back off at home, he was visibly chirpier and managed to get some really nice photos of us with the car.


Arriving back at Royles, Phil refused to take any money for fuel and had even sorted out getting our own car cleaned.


I will never be able to thank Phil and Royles enough for what he has done, not only has he made a sick man very, very happy but he has converted me to Jaguar, the XK8 is stunning to look at, sounds fabulous and is a fantastic all-rounder - all I need to find is £60k

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Left a lump in my throat. I'm very glad that there are a few companies around that have the ability to look passed a balance sheet!


I'm sure your dads very proud.

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I told my dad that fellow Corrado owners were sending him their best wishes - thanks, it really helped lift his spirits


Unfortunately, my dad passed away peacefully in the early hours of this morning - his last few weeks were incredibly precious to both myself and him, we said everything that needed to be said to each other and thankfully the last thing he ever heard me say to him was "I love you"

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Andy665, thats just about the best end you could wish for.. your dad was priviliged to have a son thoughtful enough to do that for him.

much respect to you and the dealer.. RIP.

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Echoing what bristolbaron said, you're an extremely thoughtfull man and I'm sure your dad was proud to have a son like you.



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I told my dad that fellow Corrado owners were sending him their best wishes - thanks, it really helped lift his spirits


Unfortunately, my dad passed away peacefully in the early hours of this morning - his last few weeks were incredibly precious to both myself and him, we said everything that needed to be said to each other and thankfully the last thing he ever heard me say to him was "I love you"


Oh Andy :(


I'm so so sorry to hear that mate :(


My thoughts are with you and your family at this time.

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