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sneaky taxi fud

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my neighbour just told me she saw a black taxi bumping into the back of my car and then he drove off :mad:

but she got the reg number :)

should i call the cops or wait til the taxi offices are open tomorrow??

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Blackmail him for leaving the scene of an accident.


Then shoot him in the face.

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taxi office.


always best to try an amicable approach first I think


edit: or do what Tom suggests, and f*ck the guy up :lol:

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Blackmail might be a good idea actually think about it your really drunk and dont want to pay an expensive cab fare ring him up free lift please! *evil laugh*

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had a wee look with a torch , there is a scrape mid bumper above the tow eye, and on the top directly above a crack about 4'' long........steady :D

loving all the advice... especially vr6 :snipersmile:

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Personally, I would ring the local Hackney Carriage Office and make a complaint to them, if the car is a legal taxi they'll have the drivers details.


He for-fieted the ammicable resolution when he just buggered off without leaving a note IMO , that's something that really gets on my wick.

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Call the taxi company first. You wouldn't want to lose *your* livelihood just because of a little thing like this. Obviously you point out to him that if they won't pay up the amicable route, you only need to call your insurance company who will call the police and arrest him for failing to report a road traffic accident.

Simple logic will prevail ..

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I bumped someones car at 3am when I was a taxi driver - I got out of the car and no-one came out of their house etc I could easily of got away with it, but because my license was important to me I went and got a piece of paper, and left a note on the guys car. I had a phonecall the next moring to say thanks very much for leaving the note and not to worry about the bump because it was only a cheap car :)


Also, I'd be very suprised if he lost his license over it - but it would make him think twice about just leaving the scene again!

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What a tosser! I'd approach amicably 1st for sure, if you get no joy, run him over in his own taxi.



Then reverse over the c*nt.

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dr_mat, spot on...exactly the right thing to do IMHO


I agree with this too. Try it the nice reasonable way first, if they don't respond then get the insurance/police involved.


True, it wasn't very nice or reasonable of him to just drive off but you never know the reason behind it.


One day someone drove past my parked car and took the wing mirror off, I heard the noise from my back garden but no one stopped. My neighbour got the reg number so I stormed down to the police station and reported them - It turned out to be a little old lady who didn't know that she had done it and was so guilty she came round to my house with a bunch of flowers. I felt so guilty I never followed up on the claim :roll:

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It turned out to be a little old lady who didn't know that she had done it and was so guilty she came round to my house with a bunch of flowers. I felt so guilty I never followed up on the claim


Not being funny but if she didn't even notice she hit another car she shouldn't be allowed to drive a car, a wing mirror is nothing, next time it might be a small child she hits and just carries on oblivious.

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Yeah that's what I thought at the time but whether I had persued the claim or not wouldn't have made a difference to whether she was allowed to drive or not.

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Probably not, it's possible, although sadly unlikely, that her insurer may have forced her to have a medical exam to check if she was still fit to drive. Or her premium may have gone up enough that she could no longer afford to drive.

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I don't know what it's like around other areas, but taxi drivers around here drive like absolute tw@s.

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I don't know what it's like around other areas, but taxi drivers around here drive like absolute tw@s.


Par for the course i reckon. They're D1CKS round here too...

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