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agreed, they look ver cool in black but after seeing a maroon C at fest with banded steels on i will say BAND EM! Woooo

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The more I look at them the more I fancy a bit of banding is in order, plus I've had a few PM's about a company called wide-wheels which I will be giving a quick call about them as they are able to test them properly...... :clap:


Unfortunately they will have to stay exactly as they are until after the trip to Karmann in a few weeks :?

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well just got a chance to sit down for a little update..... long weekend and long week so far, but ultimately worth it.


Saturday, with the help of a couple of handsome forum members we fitted some new rear axle bushes... finally! :clap: Made a huge difference and the car now feels completely planted with no more skipping coming from rear on bumpy A-roads :D 8)


Sunday, a quick wash and wax ready for the run over to Karmann, although I guess I'll have to do it all again once we get there as I'd hate to show up the rest of the forum with my dirty motor :wink:


Monday, mrbeige assisted in modifying and fitting a headlight loom purchased off ebay. Decided that I wanted it completely removable if needs be so adjusted a couple of connectors and added a few items to get the old and new looms to run in harmony. Has made a huge difference as about 50% brighter, but highlighted that something was up with one of the headlamp and the headlight aim is off.... :brickwall:


Tonight, repair passenger side head lamp (reflector had come away from the left/right adjuster stalk) and set headlamp aim. Test drive and the light are like a brand new car, 100% better than they were and feel a lot more confident in driving to Karmann safely now :D


All if got left to do is pack the car up and I'm ready to go! Yay! :clap: :grin: Hope everyone else is excited.

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Also like to take this opportunity to say a HUGE thankyou to everyone who has helped me sort all this stuff over the past few months, you know who you all are :wink:


Whether it has been help in person, help on the phone, or advice on the forum and loads of emails etc I can only say how impressed I am with all the people I've met on this forum and I'd bet there isn't another vw forum that is so friendly and helpful.


Only hope I get the chance to repay the favours by help all you guys out in the future, plus those that are going to Germany there is a beer coming your way, and those not going may have some Karmann related souveniers(sp) coming your way! :wink:


Many thanks again, we're not worthy!!! we're not worthy!!! :notworthy: :notworthy:

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how gay did that sound lol, i wana go on the germany trip! lol hope its fun for you all, make sure you get plenty of pics!

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So..... the Corrado failed it's MOT this morning! :(


A couple gaitors and the rear number plate bulb (although me and the beige-boy-wonder did check those on saturday..)


Also got a couple of advisories - front top mounts, but I already knew about this and felt like saying "actually it's the spring plates! :p " , both rear wheel bearings have a little play (isn't that how it's meant to be on the corrado?) and the exhaust is leaking where the cat back system joins.


Plus, apparantly the engine is noisy on fast idle? Should that really be an advisory or is the guy just pointing out i might have an issue there?


All good fun and should only be about £200 to put right.... hopefully!

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Sounds like he was being a bit picky!


Yep, they ALWAYS fail Mk2s and Corrados on rear wheel bearings. I always dispute it when they mention it on mine and they retract the fail. They're just too ignorant to know taper bearings need play in them.

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Well, I wasn't expecting that :(


So was it the CV gaiters then? Inner or outer?


Ended up being both steering rack gaiters replaced and a new rear number plate bulb. For that and the MOT it ended up being £189.33.


Not the end of the world but could have done without it.


Oh well, no spending on fun stuff this month. :(

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You can have me for free, and I'm fun!


Blimey, and it's not even my birthday till february........ :scratch:


Yeah gutted I had to pay, but it's done now and next time the MOT comes round i'll be more worried about the mechanics deciding to take it for a 'test drive' with the new mods.


I did have to pay a surcharge for the Poloneck though :(

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And what new mods are you talking about? :shock:


Sorry for the slack response Old bean, didn't spot anyone had replied. New mod below.




Mmm, another on the band wagon! :cuckoo:

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So some dirty scumbag has decided that since they've only got a Corsa Merit with six exhausts and it's own ASBO that they would take out their inadequacies on my car by adding a few racing stripes....... fcuking no good, national resource draining c@%ts!


Passenger side door (about 18" scar)



Rear quarter (2 scars, about 10" each)



Not a happy corrado owner today :(

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Worst luck mate. :(


Makes my blood boil, I hit the roof after someone put my window through, I'm not sure how I'd calm down if that happened to my car.


Think I'd just find the nearest chav and beat him :hitler:

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We should sticky a 'who got keyed today thread' , feel for you mate, it's so shit when that happens.

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Cheers guys, must admit I had about 45 mins of moaning to myself and thinking about leaving notes on my neighbours cars, who had parked so stupidly outside their and my house that I had to park further up the road than I usually would!, but I doubt that would make me very popular.... but other than that I've been in the house on my own as the strife is working late so I've had no one to really get angry with.


I just don't understand it, it's my money (and other hard working tax payers) that means these idiots have the spare time to go out, have a can or ten of tennants super and then do this stuff to our pride and joys but if we took it to tackle them and call the fuzz I bet i'd be talking to you on my one hour a week internet time whilst serving 18 months for assult.... even typing this makes me feel sick at the state of this nation... :bad-words:


Just looking forward to having a good look in the day light, hopefully it'll be better in the morning! :lol:

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The funking cnuts! :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:


This kind of thing really gets on my t1ts. Feel for you mate. Gutted.

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