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Road tax set to double....

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Also, doesn't car emissions make up summert like 2% of carbon emissions? So that will make the UK about 0.02%, and the worst cars will be like 0.0001%




It's a bit higher than that, but yes, compared with the 'Global' pollution of Aeroplanes, factorys, electricity producers, long haul trucks etc etc, passenger cars represent a very small contribution......but we're being manipulated into thinking otherwise.


A 4x4, or SUV to be more precise, consumes no more fuel than a large exec saloon (such as one of Prescott's Jags) and certainly a lot less than the stinking Black Cabs that roam around London 24/7, it's just that certain people have an irrational hatred of them SUVs and are persecuting them. SUV sales increased 30% in this country last year, but they still represent a very small minority of the overal car population.


Don't get me wrong, I hate SUVs too but I don't feel its fair that the owners of them should be singled out and be made to feel irresponsibe just because a few ill informed people think they are massive polluters. They are not.

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I was cross when I heard this, and after I got thinking, I realised £400p/a was actually about £1.10 per day to drive a car around. Which could be worse. I don't imagine anyone here is going to struggle that hard to find £1.10 per day instead of 55p...


I still think it's rubbish. But I'm more placid after doing the maths.


Besides it's only new cars, so the corrados will be fine... Will be cancelling my Veyron order though, as the increase will push me into the red... :wink:

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the Government is getting us where it knows it cant lose. People are too lazy to walk to work/ dont like getting public transport/ need the car for work etc, (i.e cant do without it) and so they are the easy targets. same way as everything else. what we need to figure out is how to move the tax from being on cars/fags/alcohol and onto something else, stupid thing is they take money for everything!! soon oxygen will be taxable!!!!!

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What really annoys me about this car tax 'blanket approach' to making us green is that for me, living in Cambridge, i cycle to work 5-days a week, or to town, or anywhere i need to go within a reasonable distance............


But i drive a corrado VR6 when i need to (or want to.... :D ), and only around 4000 miles a year....


so who is 'greener'..?? my neigbour with the prius who drives EVERYWHERE, even the postbox at the end of the road, or me with a 2.9 L 'guzzler'..???



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I'm all with you plateletboy, as I too walk to work everyday, do my shopping on foot, take trains etc. into bigger cities such as Birmingham and London (if I actually still want to go there), and only use one of my 3 Karmann coupes for fun, ie. weekends, going to shows etc. Combined mileage last year on those 3 was less than 7500k.


But nooooo, I'm environmentally unfriendly, sheerly because where else is the government going to get money from? Not from industry (they'll bugger off to China, or already have), agriculture (they get even more subsidies through the EU instead), etc.



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I know! The perfect solution - put GPS trackers on every single car in the country, track every single journey you make and automatically take the fee for your road usage from your credit card. Oh and speeding fines too.


Excellent, can't see any holes in that plan, let's roll :lol:


I think I'd rather have a blanket tax...

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I think I'd rather have a blanket tax...


You've missed my point....


I understand why we have blanket car taxes, what i don't understand is why governments think putting a higher rate of car tax will encourage people to be 'green' with their journeys......


If I had to pay £400 a year on the VR, I would probably come out of the house in the morning and think "well that cars tax is costing me £400 a year, i'd better use it more.... I know, i'll drive to work"


a higher rate on a blanket tax doesn't change peoples mentalities about the reason or way they drive...... its just one payment a year (or 6 months) and then its forgotten about...



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I paid 190 for the vr. I think.


Yeah that sounds more like it! Mind you, that means that a 2.0l has the same band as a 2.9!!


mine was definately £170, that was in january of this year


its a 1995, dunno if that makes any difference


the year makes no difference. At the moment its cheap if its under a 1.6 and expensive if its over. Only two rates

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If I had to pay £400 a year on the VR, I would probably come out of the house in the morning and think "well that cars tax is costing me £400 a year, i'd better use it more.... I know, i'll drive to work"


I have the same problem, my C spends most of the year tucked up and i only use it for fun. The insurance companies understand it, but to tax a car for £££s when i only drive prob 1000 miles a year is crap + there is no longer tax exemption :(

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I didnt think it was measured on engine size and was done in ppm pollution levels...


My old Leon, 1.9 TDI was £115 for 12 months...

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I think I'd rather have a blanket tax...


You've missed my point....


I understand why we have blanket car taxes, what i don't understand is why governments think putting a higher rate of car tax will encourage people to be 'green' with their journeys......


If I had to pay £400 a year on the VR, I would probably come out of the house in the morning and think "well that cars tax is costing me £400 a year, i'd better use it more.... I know, i'll drive to work"


a higher rate on a blanket tax doesn't change peoples mentalities about the reason or way they drive...... its just one payment a year (or 6 months) and then its forgotten about...




Yeah, fair point. TBH I'd be much happier with them doing away with road tax all together and just wopping a couple of pence per litre on fuel.


There's already a computerised MOT database, so you know if a car isn't road-legal and if you only tax the fuel then it's then immediately a tax on how efficient your car is and how many miles you drive.

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£175 tax paid last month for a VR6. It is based on emissions not engine size, as someone else has said.


Is it different in Scotland? Down here, all cars pre-2001 when they introduced the new number plate system go on engine capacity. Thats what its been for all the cars i've ever owned be it my MK4 TDI, Saxo and my other Corrado's!

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So who's in the process of building an R32'd Synchro then? :lol:


Watch as they all change to Goof GT Turbo/super engines to get round the "Brown" tax...


can't see it being a problem. mines a 2.0 8v according to the log book.

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I don't know why the government doesn't just take all my salary and give me back what they think I need for living. I mean whether its a Tax on Road Licence or fuel tax on aircraft flights - it is simply another way of taxing us more. Besides the more ways in which they tax us, rather than one tax on income means that they hopefully think we are too dim to notice or do anything about it.

I for one, do not really believe in greenshouse warming - yes of course we are making an impact, but if you just look over history the planet has always changed and majorily at times.


Not that I have strong opinions about this - of course. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Got my renewal through today, £175 for the VR which i guess isn't the worst in the world. Only hope it doesn't go up straight after the budget, ie: before i get a chance to pay it! :(


plateletboy, I completely agree with what you're saying. I'm lucky enough to live close enough to walk to work but half the people dropping their kids off at the various schools in cambridge probably only live in the city like me but still insist on using the car day in day out. I'm currently only using my car at the weekend but if the tax went up a load i think i'd be tempted to try and get my monies worth

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I don't know why the government doesn't just take all my salary and give me back what they think I need for living. I mean whether its a Tax on Road Licence or fuel tax on aircraft flights - it is simply another way of taxing us more. Besides the more ways in which they tax us, rather than one tax on income means that they hopefully think we are too dim to notice or do anything about it.

I for one, do not really believe in greenshouse warming - yes of course we are making an impact, but if you just look over history the planet has always changed and majorily at times.


Not that I have strong opinions about this - of course. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I totally agree, global warming can't be proven just on the last 50 years of climate variation....

Did anyone see that programme last week - 'The Great Global Warming Swindle' ? It's an eye opener.


Some kind sould posted it on Google video:

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 4899458831

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£175 tax paid last month for a VR6. It is based on emissions not engine size, as someone else has said.


Is it different in Scotland? Down here, all cars pre-2001 when they introduced the new number plate system go on engine capacity. Thats what its been for all the cars i've ever owned be it my MK4 TDI, Saxo and my other Corrado's!



no its based on engine size up to 2001,then its emission based,it was IIRC introduced in the March/April 2001 before the number plate shake up back in September 2001

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So what the heck is craigowl talking about then?



god know's...........he's old mind :lol: :lol: :lol:


anyway I've got the Tax reminder for my 924S in front of me and thats £175 for 12months or £96.25 for 6months..............no mention of emissions etc on it

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If I were you I'd get that tax done tomorrow Roddy, because if he increases Road Tax it will be with immediate effect - I got caught out by this 4-5 years ago and got stung for an extra tenner.


And no - it doesn't matter what the amount on the renewal form is - check the small print - they can increase it if Brown increases it in the Budget :(

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sadly its going to be SORN'd again...........but knew about the small print anyway,almost got caught out once with that chestnut tho

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