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holy shite that looks incredible! absolutly awesome love the headlight film i must pull my finger out and get some,



really like fresh red paint, glad the bonnet vents have gone

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Thanks for the replys folks,i must admit it stressed me to bits getting the car painted,im a worrier and thought the arches would look poop when they were done but im over the moon with it :D just need to get it outside to open the doors and finish them off as the garage is to damn narrow! :(


:mad2: :censored:


sorry... you asked for it :tongue:

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Where you keeping the trailer for it or are you sorting that out once it's back together and keeping it on there, also is your daily upto pulling it round to the shows etc.

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Very nice indeed :) Liking the 'Built Not Bought' sticker too... nice touch ;)

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absolutely stunning!!! always been a fan of your car and you never seem to disapoint. can't wait to see it with the wheels and everything together!


was gutted i just missed you at vw festival, saw you as you were leaving! really wanted to have a good poke around your car.

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Where you keeping the trailer for it or are you sorting that out once it's back together and keeping it on there, also is your daily upto pulling it round to the shows etc.


:lol: yea and when i use it on the road i will use that blue tape on the front,edges of arches etc.......yea right im not that anal! :tongue:


Also ive seem to have offended the red corrado owners on here...very sorry folks i know what it was like with pink fadded red,laquer peel etc :lol:

nice work,,miss my red one now :(



:salute: :salute:

wow James thats looking mighty red, well done on getting it all completed.
James, that is looking AWESOME :salute: ......





Very nice indeed :) Liking the 'Built Not Bought' sticker too... nice touch ;)
Nice work James, luv the smooth look 8)



Thanks very much indeed folks,its been worth it but never again...................... :camp:


absolutely stunning!!! always been a fan of your car and you never seem to disapoint. can't wait to see it with the wheels and everything together!


was gutted i just missed you at vw festival, saw you as you were leaving! really wanted to have a good poke around your car.



Im going this year mate so give us a shout when your there :wink:



Done some more today,bonded the new screen and trim in last night...i love new glass :luvlove: and finished the doors off,trim etc.


Relocated washer jet to scuttle pannel,i used a scatter jet from a micra so one jet covers the hole screen


Refitted front brakes,bled and tried on the front rims to get a feel for them.....me like! :norty:











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Getting close now, looks super fresh. Have you got everything together now to complete it? looks close to finished.

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Getting close now, looks super fresh. Have you got everything together now to complete it? looks close to finished.


Thanks :) its 90% complete,the interior is still out but everything is back together,once the trim is back in then i can sort out the ride hight and redo the camber and tracking...then its ready to roll.... :cheers:

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James thats looks real nice. Loving the fresh look with the rims :clap:


Grand job on the bodywork, so jealous of your skills :D

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Thanks folks,lots of hard graft but deffo worth it and i cant take credit for all the bodywork,the two lads Jason and Dale at my work stepped in and did this for me,top lads :salute:

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Looks like a real nice finish. Good to see it coming back together, I bet you are so bloody careful around the car just now.


One thing though I dont think the black centres work that well now for some reason. Light grey or even back to silver would look brilliant.

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just from those teaser shots it looks awesome, moe pics though please :D


Thanks Kip,only got a few more while its going back together....just started snowing agian :bad-words:



Looks like a real nice finish. Good to see it coming back together, I bet you are so bloody careful around the car just now.


One thing though I dont think the black centres work that well now for some reason. Light grey or even back to silver would look brilliant.


Cheers mate,the wheels were silver centred when i got them and to be fair looked boring,the only other colour i would have consided is the old motorsport type shade of gold...but getting someone to do it for the right price was not going to happen and I looked a g60greeny's ex red on black centred corrado and it looks so right and im happy ive stuck with black as up close in real life looks so well!


Got allot of interior trim back in and finished off sealing off and cavity waxing evey nook and cranny the car had so is pickled for life! :lol:


Got to repair the dereded corrado handbrake breaking away from floor fault and its all go,had it warmed up and gave it a few revsjust to let the neighbours know im back :norty:


Few random shots...







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You have done a top job on your arches,they look like they "rolled" out of the factory like that !

Looking forward to seeing this where it belongs,on the road

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