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Kevin Bacon

The 280mm REAR brake thread

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I just relaised I didn't get the centre nuts with my kit. Re-used teh old ones but went over the picture and noticed 2 x nuts

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I didn't get any nuts either. Just reused the existing ones. I can't remember if you get those in other bearing kits or not? I doubt it since the nut is under very low stress and shouldn't need replacing?


Trickster - Ah OK, I understand now. Makes sense.

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Trickster said the MK4 rear hubs are still taper bearings? If they're cartridge bearings like the front then it's worthwhile, but if not, then it's not imo.


Good to hear you liking the brakes cheese!


No, Im not saying that Mk4 rear hubs have tapered bearings. I think the hubs I have are machined from rado discs, into hubs, see what I mean?


I think its best I get some pictures up to show you, but I cant do that until I get back to the car next weekend, sorry :)


Hi guys, i've got the same vented rear 280mm setup as you VRtrickster. Except i just handed the car over to JMR :)


As far as i know the rear hub is modified with the discs straight on/off with no bearing type affair - i need to have a closer look myself before Inters.

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Hi guys


can anyone help with a problem with the rear discs?


got an email from the garage fitting these and a load of other stuff to the C atm and although i feel now like i should have jsut booked some time off work and done it myself i didnt and am now paying the price...


A quick one on the rear brakes

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Silver paint, or leaving it, err, silver? :lol:


I was going to just leave it, but then I had visions of that big expanse of metal turning a nice rust colour, so painted it. I've been smelling hot Smoothrite the past few days, so I guess they're working!


had mine fitted a couple of weeks ago and very happy with them but just thought I'd mention to anyone who is yet to fit theirs that Kev's concerns above are absolutely valid. the non-contact area of the discs does indeed go nice and rusty and I'll be having to clean that off and paint them on the car soon before winter starts.

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They do make a difference don't they?


I thought the unswept area would rust over pretty soon, so cheers for confirming!


Anyone else noticed a buzzing / clicking sort of noise from the rear when braking? You need the window open to hear it.

Pretty sure it's just the noise from the holes and grooves in the disc?

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just off to fit mine now. wouldnt be surprised if theres a buzzing sort of noise, but wont matter too much, as my Toyo R888s make a buzzing noise anyway, makes the car sound like its got my old supercharger back on it. just wondering how long non vag wheel bearings will last....

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One thing I find with el cheapo bearings is they need frequent adjustment. I replaced mine with VAG ones 1000 miles ago and I set the freeplay once, and it's still correct now.


Oh and I've also found the 280s don't warp :clap: At last! The original 239mm discs used to warp all the time.

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I am reading with interest all your comments on 280mm rear brake upgrade onto the Corrado. I first carried out this modification to my own 16VG60 about 6 years ago, owing to the need for both the front and rear brakes to generate suffficiently greater effect with the engine mods in place. I have since this time fitted many of these conversions to various Dubs utilising the same stub axle configuration. I hear what you say about the taper bearings and how some of you would prefer cartridge units, but in my experience if good quality genuine parts are used and correctly fitted they present no problems. In order to utilize the later bearings one needs to fit the later style stub axle which involves some much greater engineering. Sadly this is not just a bolt on gesture. I did consider this as an option but this would make the conversion too pricey and beyond alot of enthusiast DIY mechanics ability when it came to workshop facilities to fit. Also the gains of all this work i deemed to be unecessary given that the OE bearings are plenty good enough. Originally it was necessary to have 17" rims as minimum wheel fittment in order to accomodate this conversion, but i have since carried out further redevelopement work to allow 16" rims to be used. I prefer to fit the kits at my workshops because this way i can ensure the conversion encompasses all aspects of works required in order for the client to get the best results. Given that the youngest Corrado is now 13 years old it is often the case that this conversion also requires a complete rear beam re-furb. This having been said i have supplied kits for DIY fitment. If any of you would like to make this your next mod i would be happy to supply works as required for your individual needs.

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hello pianowire

where can you get the thingy in picture 2 on your first post?

the bit that extends where the carriers fit, i assume this is vital for the calipers to fit over the dscs

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they're being sold through G-Werks, look in the group buy forum though, you might be able to tag on the back of one thats just going through..

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do you replace the backing plate when you upgrade the discs? can you get one to fit a 288mm discs?


also are they really necessary?

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hi . just wondering your 280 discs are they off a rado or what . if not what did you use. doing mod in a week or so. not to be stupid but will the front ones fit as have a spare set of them. theanks. j

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Hi all. :wave:

I finished front and rear brakes upgrade few moths ago and Im very happy with new brakes. For rear brake mod were used 288mm brake discs of Toyota Celica GT4 turbo. All i had to do was to buy new discs (£80), get fabricated adapters for standard rear brake calipers and cut off the smallest discs I have ever seen :D . Rest of the disc is used as a hub for bigger 288. Sorry for my english.

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Wonder if you can help out. With the group buy aborting, I've noticed a few of us moving to using a machined rear disc core, with a 280mm vented system slipped over it. This seems much more credible than the big disc conversion. May I ask where you obtained the fabricated adaptor to enable the larger rotor and caliper for vented brakes to be hung. I'd rather not have to hunt for this from the USA.



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John from JMR supplies these kits, as thats who I brought my 280 vented set up from. He is 16VG60 on this forum and posted above in this thread. Give him a call, he's a very helpful guy!

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Hi Guys,


I'm new to the board, just picked myself up an almost totally standard '94 VR and I'm after some info on this brake conversion. I love the 15" Speedlines so was hoping to stick with them and upgrade the front brakes to 288mm and do this 280mm rear brake upgrade, I know the front upgrade will fit under the Speedlines but will the rears? Also do you think the 288/280 setup will be balanced like the standard setup or will it be too rear biased as the rear brakes are getting a 'larger' upgrade than the fronts.



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yes they fit under the rears no problem but bear in mind that your spacesaver spare wont then fit over the fronts or the rears..


as for front rear bias thats what the bias valve is for and so it should be adjusted when you put the new brakes on.

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What are the parts of the JMRacing kit, and what is the price ?


I am looking for a 280mm rear brake kit for my Corrado, but it is hard to find one with plain rotors..



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just to echo what others have said, where are these from? ie what model etc.. and is there still a GB going? jmr web site isnt up and running and cant see nowt on gwerks either.

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