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Is there a knack.......

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.......to climbing into a corrado without completely destroying the bolster every time? I just cant seem to manage it, i dont know if the angle of my seat or what but every time i get in and out i just crush the bolster.


Any ideas?

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Lose some weight fatty :wave:


Dunno really - just take your time and watch how you get in. I catch the bolsters a bit but not very much.

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I like to take a run up, but be careful not to do yourself a injury! :shock:

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Get a plastic bag and put it on the seat so you can swivel around easier. Or a large rubber penis, that would make it even easier.

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Get a plastic bag and put it on the seat so you can swivel around easier. Or a large rubber penis, that would make it even easier.


wow,way to raise the bar ..



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wow,way to raise the bar ..



Well, sometimes you've just got to go for it, full bore....

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If you open the door and put your left foot in all the way across by the centre tunnel, you can often just drop straight into the middle of the seat without hitting the bolster - or you can use the steering wheel to swing in / hang onto but then you're just going to damage the steering column in the long term. I guess bolster wear happens for a reason - the Corrado is just a fiddle to get in and out of!

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My new seats are alcantara too, so once your arse hits them you cant slide anywhere as they grab you, so sliding across isn't an option, haha.


I did used to hold the steering wheel, but then caught onto the fact that i might end up knackering that too

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I can manage it, none of my f*cking passengers can though - I cringe every time they slam themselves into the seat.


Jim's right, though - foot all the way in, then drop in at an angle!

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I always make sure i slide the seat right back before i get out and leave it there untill i get back in, Gives you so much more room to get in! Try it you`l be surprised :) Makes it a bit easier, Everybody who gets in the corrado says what a ball ache it is to get in :lol:

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Jim's right, though - foot all the way in, then drop in at an angle!


Agreed - Supermarket parking is all good practice 8)

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Lose some weight fatty :wave:




Or a large rubber penis




Weld the door up and enter/exit Dukes of Hazzard style? :D

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This is what I do:


Left knee onto middle of seat bottom whilst facing the passenger door

Brace the left side of your your back and shoulder against the back of the seat

Right hand on left bolster for support

Twist and slide your back down the back of the seat whilst lifting right leg in (remembering to lift left leg slightly as it slides around)


Sounds convoluted when you read it but it works (especially if you do it fast) and you don't have to touch the bolster at all!


I call it the twisty okey cokey manoeuvre :?

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I call it the twisty okey cokey manoeuvre :?


Yep, everyone who got in mine would say "bloody hell, this is low" or "Christ, how hard is this to get in to"! And I always used to crush the bolster getting in and out of it too. More annoying is catching the button on your back pocket of the stitching of the back bolster, ripping it! :censored: :brickwall:

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This is what I do:


Left knee onto middle of seat bottom whilst facing the passenger door

Brace the left side of your your back and shoulder against the back of the seat

Right hand on left bolster for support

Twist and slide your back down the back of the seat whilst lifting right leg in (remembering to lift left leg slightly as it slides around)


Sounds convoluted when you read it but it works (especially if you do it fast) and you don't have to touch the bolster at all!


I call it the twisty okey cokey manoeuvre :?


This should be added to the Wiki KB :D

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Supprised to see no one mentioned lifting up the steering wheel to give your legs a bit more clearence for the entry/exit!? :-)


Although the rubber penis idea is also a good one, anyone wishing to share a room with Tom and I in Germany for the Kharman trip will need to bring their own though! :camp:

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And for any-one over 5'8?


I have the wheel at it's higest setting and the seat a long way back still a PITA getting in/out esp when some dick-wad parks aganst you in the tiny supermarket spaces.


Tend to end up using the wheel to balance myself, been thinking a Drivers Grab-handle (from a left hooker) would help?


But yeah I have yet to see a passenger (including a couple Corrado owners) get in without slamming the bolster. Some just sling themsevles in Arse first! :gag:

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Worst is when a mechanic or someone gets in and sits ON the bolster, that boils my urine.

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i manage to get in and out fine, so did the last guy who owned my car, the bolsters aren't even worn after 162,000 miles :!


left foot in, hold the a-pillar with right hand, swing in with arse in the air then sit down :lol:

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There is no way im moving the steering column or the seat arrangement, i dunno if it just me but once its moved i can never seen to get it back right. Even if i put it back in the exact same place it still doesnt feel like its in the right place.


Hate it when my dad drives it and moves the seat!

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