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Arrrggghhhhh... why the F*CK do people do that. It really is the most pointless, w*nkerish thing to do :( Really sorry to see that mate :(

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:mad2: :mad2:


i feel your anger :(


not sure how i would react if i find my car like that :bad-words:

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Jealousy I reckon Broseph. Still awful to see though. My rotter of a Golf A2 got keyed at uni and I was well upset!


Maybe it's something to do with Tornado Reds?

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Scum, fecking hate these people, they must really enjoy being a C**t...


Hopefully what goes around comes around...


Guessing you have something by the name of T-cut or similar there?

Had my golf keyed in London, T-cut cleaned most of it up...

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This also happened to me.....couldn't believe how mad i was.........in fact it was over a year ago and i'm still not happy.......it happened outside my old house.....it actually helped me make the decision to move.


Hope you get it sorted mate

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Wounder! :(


Hope you find out who it is so you can insert red hot wire coat hangers into their anus's. :censored:


People like this make me embarassed to be human.

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Sorry to see that man :(


Mine was done recently, full length of rear 1/4 similar to your first pic...


Gutting, hope you can get it sorted cheaply/efficiently enough.



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I'm still extremely upset, especially because I was taking her to a show tonight!


I filed a report today and my insurance is refusing to do anything about it. I'm thinking I can get the paint and do it myself and still have it look pretty decent. Im pulling the block soon to do my 16v G60 and I was considering painting the body at that time, so this is pushing me to make a decision.

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Just cowards doing that to someones car.

If someone had a problem with me I would rather they punched me in face than do something to my car

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Oh man, that upsets me just looking at it, i really don't get why people do this.


A guy i worked with (in the UK) had his car keyed all over when he went to a football match, they done every panel on his including the roof, around the tailgate etc, he had only had the car for about 2 weeks.


He did get it sorted through his insurance though, i'm interested to know what your insurance company told you ?? Isn't that what insurance is for, things like this??


If you were planning on repainting then it would kind of do you a favour if they paid out for you.


Hope you get it sorted mate.

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Oh man, I so feel for you. Its not like they just walked past and keyed it, that's multiple vindictive passes. :( My red valver got vandalised/broken into 3 times in 5 months so I know what you must be going through.



Chin up old bean, worse things happened during the war, eh what?


Sad drunkards or jealous types with nothing better to do, remember you are way above this frog spawn just by owning this don car.

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I have alway said that if i could find the scum that do this to peoples' cars i would happily hack off their arms with a machete.


Especially if it was mine.


I feel your angry and frustration at this mindless action, these are the people I wish cancer, chronic disease and a painful death on.


They aren't fit to walk the earth.


I'd have typed the same with the same intentions if sober..............


I'm normally a nice person, but this &%$£ me off.

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Sorry to hear that man :(

I know how gutted you must be feeling ight now.


I hope you get it all sorted soon.

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As already expressed mate :bad-words: why are there so many spineless cowards in the world?


At least if you had genuinely upset someone why cant they tell you face to face? or maybe its just some no brainer fook wit?

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Gutted for you man. Hope you find out who did it so you can do a drive by on their car with a super-soaker and some brake fluid, bricks,.. you get the idea.


Now, I know this is not even in the same leauge, but I picked up a Brand spanking new Passat. Drove it 100 odd miles home. Next morning I went out to it and some :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: had pelted it with eggs. :bad-words: Was so angry and felt pretty gutted. Car had less than 150 miles on the clock... :(


That was in mid April. Same thing happened two nights ago - although it was just one egg this time, but I was still pretty fu**ed off, was pretty embarrasing driving through London with splattered egg on the car.


Still, chin up. :D

Hope you get it sorted.

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Oh man, that upsets me just looking at it, i really don't get why people do this.

He did get it sorted through his insurance though, i'm interested to know what your insurance company told you ?? Isn't that what insurance is for, things like this??


Because I can't prove that someone else did it (even though I can't think of anyone who would do something like that to their own car), my insurance company won't do anything about because I could be trying to cheat them into giving me money to repaint it.


My 944 got keyed about a year ago as well in a different location, or else I'd start to think that someone has it out for me. Unfortunately I have to go back to work tonight, and I'd rather have my car get keyed than one of my family members :(

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had some black guy kick my C , it broke his toe , not even a dent on it :clap:i looked for 1/2 hour :confused4: I feel for you man get a cam set up in the car or at it to film them, then you might find out who it is.



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fucking arse holes that would really piss me off , they should be strung up by there bollocks end of, mindless bloody vandalism i dont understand it what do they get out of it :bad-words: :mad2: .

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:( So sorry to see this...Look on the bright side though, fresh paint! ;)

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They're everywhere. No idea why they do it; its no good trying to understand it. Its done on purpose and malicious; worst when unprovoked.

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:( So sorry to see this...Look on the bright side though, fresh paint! ;)


But the negative side of that: Lack of money to provide fresh paint. :(

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:( So sorry to see this...Look on the bright side though, fresh paint! ;)


But the negative side of that: Lack of money to provide fresh paint. :(


Yeah, well.........yeah..:( *moop*

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