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Scene tax and 'rare'

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Firstly i have to apologise for my ranting, but im getting fed up and hearing everything is 'rare', the word seems to become so frequently used that its rare to see something that isn't rare. I go on e38 and to me everything looks the same, theres about a thousand bbs rm's, or rc's or whatever they are called. granted they are very nice wheels but for some reason the word rare pops up and the £300+ scene tax is added. there is alot of complete tat which need full refurbs yet still are selling for £700 or something daft.


Its really bugging me now, my friend went on e38 to try get a UJ boot (i think ) if someone had one lying around. He was told they are 'rare' and someone would sell him it for £50, so getting a bit irritated like me with this rare word on to gsf he went and it was £20. I know people are out to make money, i totally understand but what i dont understand is why do soo many people pay it in the first instance!!!


Its same with mk1 and mk2 golfs, there are soo many lovely restored examples. i mean people really go to town on them but how do the sheds manage to fetch over 1k for a car that is rotten, looks a state, has no MOT or tax and needs a full restore. I mean i've wanted a mk1 or mk2 escort for years and wish i had the money to buy one but they are bloody expensive because everyone wants them for rally cars and are actually getting rare from soo many getting written off. But with soo many mk1 golfs getting restored, why does it cost soo much for a shed?


Im sure ill get flamed for this but i needed to have a good rant

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I go on e38


I think I've found your porblem mate. :lol:


It's just ridiculous really. It's like the stuff on ebay that was a "limited edition". Technically you could say that about anything.

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You're not wrong, edition 38 hs gone downhill in the last couple of years. Too many people on there believe their own hype. £15K for a MKII Golf? Wit comments like "Spent more than this on just the engine" "couldn't build one the same for half this amount" "One of a kind" It's all true but just because you sepnt £30K building it doesn't mean it's worth more than any other MKII with decent paint, a 20vT and leather. Infact in many ways it's worth less because it will always be known as that persons car so you'd have to spend £1,000's more making it your own. So you might as well start with a £500 Driver off ebay in the first place.


The recession over the next 3 years is going to make most of these "scene heros" pretty humble I think. I would guess most of them modded these to some extent or other on credit cards and loans or perhaps on capital released from remortgaging. Also I think a lot of the big scene firms will go under. The first thing you do when money is tight is cut back on luxuries, modding cars is a big luxury. Hopefully this will bring us back to when people modded their cars in their garage with their own tools and help from their friends. None of this "Here's a blank cheque, make me cool" that seems to go on these days. If you car wasn't painted, tuned and photographed by the right people or has the right wheels on you're a nobody.


Er I just added more to your rant really, sorry!



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You're not wrong, edition 38 hs gone downhill in the last couple of years. Too many people on there believe their own hype. £15K for a MKII Golf? Wit comments like "Spent more than this on just the engine" "couldn't build one the same for half this amount" "One of a kind" It's all true but just because you sepnt £30K building it doesn't mean it's worth more than any other MKII with decent paint, a 20vT and leather. Infact in many ways it's worth less because it will always be known as that persons car so you'd have to spend £1,000's more making it your own. So you might as well start with a £500 Driver off ebay in the first place.


The recession over the next 3 years is going to make most of these "scene heros" pretty humble I think. I would guess most of them modded these to some extent or other on credit cards and loans or perhaps on capital released from remortgaging. Also I think a lot of the big scene firms will go under. The first thing you do when money is tight is cut back on luxuries, modding cars is a big luxury. Hopefully this will bring us back to when people modded their cars in their garage with their own tools and help from their friends. None of this "Here's a blank cheque, make me cool" that seems to go on these days. If you car wasn't painted, tuned and photographed by the right people or has the right wheels on you're a nobody.


Er I just added more to your rant really, sorry!




Well said!

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rare thread! :lol: :lol:


Ive thought the same recently. some good points there chaps ranting made me chuckle & its all true :clap:

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Yeah I'm in total agreement with Swiftkid and Horney.


It's one heck of a controversial and delicate topic across the forums these days. There always was a big divide between the air and water cooled scenes ("Water is for drinking, Air is for cooling" being a popular 'anti Golf' tailgate sticker at the time) but now there are big divides in the Water cooled "scene" it seems. Not directed at anyone in particular, but this is what I've observed:-


You've got your neutral happy go luckys who love their VW for what it is;


You've got your window polishers who spend their lives buying cloths and very expensive Mr Sheens;


You've got your show going, publicity seeking gangsta thugzzz who think they're as popular as Television and scarier than the Kray twins, but neither is true;


You've got your cheque book people;


You've got your profiteers;


You've got your engineers:


You've got your driving enthusiasts;


Where as we've had all these sub divisions of the same fratenity before, there was never the animosity, infighting, bitchiness and elitist attitudes between them that you see now. Back in the 90s my non VW driving car mates used to be envious of the VW scene, but now I'm embarrassed to admit I'm anything to do with it.


I don't go on E38 but you have to remember it was born from the show scene and therefore attracts the kind of members it's currently got, so try not to get annoyed by it. Led it ride, ignore the drivel and spend your time on here instead :D


I blame forums for the way things are these days anyway. It's made people lazy, they just copy people's ideas rather than breaking their own new grounds and it's easier to insult people from the anonimity of a keyboard....


Anyway, that was my long winded way of saying, yeah, I agree, £700 for battered old BBS Rs is a tad pricey :D


Actually, one of my new years reso's is "To articulate one's self with fewer words" :lol:

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haha, spot on pianowire/cheesewire (not sure when that happened). theres a club near me called vuu cult, and alot of my friends used to go to meets so i thought id pop along to see what the fuss was about in my suzuki swift (old shape with some discreet mods) with my friends escort, and we do not speak like scum, look like scum or act like them, but didn't get the time of day off anyone.


they ripped into my friend for even bringing his escort to a car park, i thought what a bunch of stuck up tossers. so having always wanted a corrado i bought one, next time i attend its like i've been reborn a new person. I mean really whats the problem?


but thats a totally different argument. I do go off topic quite a bit, but i think im just annoyed at the whole 'scene', the scene tax, the overprice of everything, the 'if your not known you have no say' attitude.


i spend most of my time on here, i do stray from time to time for inspiration but never post anything because its unlikely ill get a productive response.

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I half feel sorry for some of these people who just have to have the latest 'mod' on their cars to feel like they fit in but if they want to pay those kind of prices then so be it, and I feel sorry for myself when I have to read about it all the time in PVW!


I think Kev and swiftkid, very concisely, make a good point about people attitudes rather than how their cars look.


Go back in time and we've always had periods of different 'looks', I used to have a Cal-look beetle and had all the usual mods to get it looking that way and I loved it. But the attitude now is one which I personally can't stand.


Unfortunately it's not just the VW scene, it's all of them. Doesn't matter what you drive, the guy next to you thinks his car is better, faster, more individual, or 'rarer', and the reality is that his opinion is just as valid as ours (even though we know he's wrong!) and people tend to get to try a bit more 'one-up-manship' than people used to. Its a shame because I like cars in general but very rarely go to as many car shows as I used to for fear of being shot down because I don't have the correct RS-003's with gold bolts and a massive wheel whores sticker if I even dare to go over and talk to someone about their car.


Plus I can't stand those f**king truckers baseball caps being on a slightly jaunty angle so there is no way i'll ever be a 'scene-hero'! :lol:


If anything, the more 'scene' related something is the less I'd want to pay for it!

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All good points here actually.

We sold our golf gti mk1 for £1100 with a years ticket on it,llasa green in colour as we knew it was going to be kept,rare? maybe for the price but I do get appauled when looking for a cheap diesel caddy for the daughter,would be nice to see one all the same colour and have a solid deck in the back for around £1000.

Im not even close.

Then dubbers will wonder why I buy her a Corsa rather than a Lupo or anything else realted to vw

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they ripped into my friend for even bringing his escort to a car park, i thought what a bunch of stuck up tossers. so having always wanted a corrado i bought one, next time i attend its like i've been reborn a new person. I mean really whats the problem?


I think it could be age related. When you get older you become more open minded :D Every month I read Fast Ford, Redline and PPC because between them, they cover the whole modifying scene quite nicely and I like to get inspiration :D Out on the roads I sometimes get into d1ck waving contests with rival marques, but at meets and shows, I like Fords and Jap cars etc as much as anything else.


It's like the intense rivalry between "rice" and VWs in America and to a lesser degree, in this country too. Maybe it's just jealousy because Japanese cars are so reliable and capable of a lot more power, I dunno, maybe they feel threatened by it which is manifested as aggression and snobbery?


I do go off topic quite a bit, but i think im just annoyed at the whole 'scene', the scene tax, the overprice of everything, the 'if your not known you have no say' attitude.

i spend most of my time on here, i do stray from time to time for inspiration but never post anything because its unlikely ill get a productive response.


I wouldn't worry about any of that. I waver off topic a lot aswell and use 100 words where 2 will do, but it's called conversation and I'm always up for a bit of that :D

It does seem these days that you have to be part of a clique in order to gain respect and friendship, which is wrong really, but I wouldn't worry about no one replying to your posts. People generally do read the posts and take the comments on board, but perhaps have nothing to add sometimes? Or "lurkers" as they're known :D

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like the rare label that automatically gets slapped on the Oak Green Mk2 GTIs, my friend has owned 5 Oak Greens in the last 3 years and still owns two of them, but I guess he is making a tidy profit from the phenomonum

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Karmann interior!!! so good :grin:


I've had my day of ranting about the scene, so glad you guys have put it up concisely again. I once put up a few pics of my atlas grey Mk2 Jetta on a well known forum, and it was tumbleweeds for weeks because it was standard. It's a shame people can't accept individuality and have to run through the "Cool checklist" and run the scene template across the monitor when scrolling through a thread.

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oh god, dont get me started on those mk2 owners that call corrado parts rare, these 'ultra rare' corrado seats with custom one off never to be made again subframes. just because no-body is selling them at the time doesnt make them rare, its like saying a corsa is rare because nobody is selling one at that particular moment in time.

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When I first got my rado 6 years ago, it was the whole "genuine Corrado first aid kit and triangle" stuff that bugged me. They're just generic parts available from Halfords, let alone any dealer in the country :D


I would say Monza and Helious blues are rarer than Oak Green? I've seen far fewer of those two colours than Oak G....

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I hate the "scene" and all the bollocks that goes with it. Well, I say that, but I actually hate the stupidity behind it. The countless stretched tyre threads, how low you can get your car, $hit, dangerous advice on how to cut springs to lower your car for free are all bad enough, but the sheep like fanboy tw@ts who insist on flaming anyone who questions the scene twerps really gets my goat.


I find it really frustrating how narrow minded things are, people will happily tear into other marques of car just because their peers don't think that they're "cool", and ohers that regurgitate the same old nonsense that "someone said on the internet" without thinking about what they're saying, or even understanding what they're on about.


Sometimes it frustrates me to the point where I want to go out and build a proper car myself, something to stick 2 fingers up at all the tossers. Then I remember I'm far too lazy to finish a fairly standard car. :)


Having said that, there is the occasional thread on E38 that is quite inspiring (turbo Audi 200 estate etc), but I try to avoid it unless everywhere else is quiet.

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Was just thinking that...anyone been for a look to see what we're all being accused of? To be honest it'll be the same old CF is too cliquey, CF is so stuck up, CF think they're better than anyone else etc etc! But when you think about it there's a lot of us on here making the same comments about them so who gives a to$$!


At the end of the day E38 does seem overly scene to me but at least they're all happy and at the end of the day something is only ever worth what someone will pay for it... so yes tatty old BBS RM's might be worth £700 to someone who values them - if you don't then you won't buy them and worldy balance is restored once more!


The vw scene has changed over the years and doesn't have the same buzz that I used to love so much and wanted to be a part of. It's probably down to internet forums like ours and ''theirs'' and the attitude of all the haters on both sides of the fence...


I'd rather just get on with what I enjoy, talk to those that I like and ignore those that I don't. I certainly haven't got time to bitch about the people that I don't like!


Anyways it's all about STANCE now - scene is soo last year :roll: :lol:

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I used to go to all the big VW shows, but I was never quite 'scene' enough as I have the mechanical knowledge of jaffa cake, plus I've never had the emo/kitsch look or ever be able to go home to my Father with the 'scene' haricut.


Anyway...I got a bit fed up with the attitude at the events/meets, people telling me how I should modify my Mk1 Golf and Mk2 Golf I had at time too, also as I do have a big thing for French cars and have had a few in the past, this was like having a secret homosexual experience that I wasn't allowed to talk about!


So...I stopped going. Now I've moved to Germany I've noticed that they've got a very different attitude, it might be as I'm not German, but everyone is very friendly and wants to talk to you - at length - about their cars and modifications. I just wish they'd stop air brushing Wolves on their bonnets...

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Yeah it's unfortunately the way it's gone and it'll only get worse.


The internet has buggered it all up really, cliques form online so by the time it comes to the shows/meets it's all far less friendly, you can turn up to a meet/show and be blanked by everyone if you're not a known face :lol: Everyone used to be in the same boat in that they didn't know each other and hadn't seen each others cars before etc and now its all about gangs, who can spend the most money, and people who think they've got celebrity status :notworthy:


I went to a T4 meet last weekend and it was much the same! All the big money spenders mingling and looking down their noses at the fella who'd done his own interior with a budget of £200 etc etc , I lasted 20mins before getting back in my van and going home, it's a shame. (On a tangent, if you lot want to see a badly run forum, check out the T4 one! makes you realise just how good this place is, and to top it off the T4 forum has the cheek to charge £10 for membership!! feck all technical advice on offer and a competely confusing set up, classified section that takes 3-4 days for items to be approved unless you're in the clique, I could go on and on...)


I gave up with the lot of it a few years back, now if I go to a show it's with mates or my missus and I just do my own thing, like Kev said, the VW 'scene' has become something i'm embarrassed to be linked with :sad:

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