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Owen VR6

cheap r32 anyone?

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This is because VW completely devalued the R branding by selling a load of them in November for less than the GTI - ie MKV R32's for £15-17K


I've seen a few MK4's for less than £8k but that is cheap and looks tidy too!

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Good ploy to get people to phone up.


If something's too good to be true an' all that ...

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Looks like the one I was looking at the oother day which was originally listed as Cat D.


Still cheap though even if it is Cat D!

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mk4's are generally priced around 8-10k - for a good example. still think thats very reasonable for the car you get. will likely be the next car i own

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That has been taken off pistonheads now, but it was phonesafe, which is basically pistonheads giving you a private number that diverts to your chosen number rather than posting your mobile or home number on the net for everyone to see.


not sure if that means it is a con and premium rate number or if it is just pistonheads phonesafe thing, would be good to have some clarification on that if anyone knows?

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It's a phonesafe thing


Stops your phone number being posted on the net, Agencies phoning you up trying to get you pay them £85 to sell your car for you!


Thought it seemed a bit to good to be true, seems like that is normally the case with these things

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