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Jim Bowen

What keeps your enthusiasm for corrado going?

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Ive just driven mine for the first time in months and the buzz is still there, it really does feel so nice to drive..


The fact that i got shot my a mobile camera unit is a bit of a sickner though... Fingers crossed for MOT tomorrow...

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let's just say my enthusiasm for corrados is currently non existent :(


2nd that i have none for it anymore.


But i cant bring myself to let it go as everytime i pull on my street in the van, when its sat on the drive it looks immense.

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Borrow my Arosa 1.0 for a week, you'll soon be wanting to get back in the Corrado Karl :D


The grass is always greener until you get there.

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As most have said there's an undefinable "something" that keeps you locked in.... one of the few cars with a "Soul", unfortunatley all Soul-cars also seem to come with a tube attached to the Wallet!


Best comment I had so far is a "geezer" came up to me when I was filling up in London and asked:


"Nice car what is it?"


"A Corrado"


"Wikked! I'd love one when do they release that then? "


I actually coughed so hard I almost poured super unleaded on his feet!


But yeah I'm stuck with this bug too... still find myself glancing in shop-windows when I drive past, and at the mirror at about 40mph.. Just to make sure "it" is still working... :norty:

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Well I am glad the tie rods helped yours through the MOT - now what is that you must owe me ?? :lol: :lol:


I'll clean your wheels at the next rolling road day or something :lol:


What was the 'or something' ?? :lol: :lol:


Surely at least a full body wash and polish !!



I presume you're talking about the car are you ???

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Knowing that only a few like minded people understand it, plus out here in Germany, Germans see the Corrado and something really special.

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My car has a massive list of little jobs that need doin, non of them affect the driving of the car and so they're very unlikely to get sorted.


But the fact is, ive spent too much on it to sell it now, and any other car i would want to own i cannot afford yet.


Plus it looks awesome in the carpark next to all the mondeo's etc

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Plus it looks awesome in the carpark next to all the mondeo's etc


I love walking across the supermarket car park and turning back to look at it against all the silver and black boredom wagons. Makes it look even better. 8) :D

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Surely at least a full body wash and polish !!



Just read that and thought you said body WAX! Oooeer...

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It's definately the '......ah yes still the nicest looking car in the carpark' thing. 8)


That's partly the respray and partly as mentioned before all the silver or black stuff and colours that are bland as feck these days!


I also like forgetting where I've parked it and looking for the space that looks empty cos it's lower than most other stuff!! (an' it ain't that low!! :lol: :lol: )


Also the one i spotted booting up the outside lane last Sunday looked great getting large in the mirrors!!

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Every time I get down about my C I take her for a quick spin and that sorts it right out. There's nothing else I've driven that gives me the satisfaction when you hear the roar on full chat or chuck it into a corner without braking and watching the car behind you disappear. :grin: OK so they have their foibles and expenses, but what fast sports car doesn't? Go onto any forum and you'll hear them whining about their moneypit, it goes with the territory. I love walking past it too, it looks so tough as you pass it on the pavement.

But I don't like how its so low that your eyes are level with other cars' door handles.


Karl, I'll give you £20 and one of my famous backrubs. :camp: Seriously though, 95% is soooo close to having a wicked C. Keep the faith dude.

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I've been trying to sell mine on and off for the past year but can't seem to put the effort in.....................there's something holding me back.


Anyhow it's staying with me :D

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My 'relationship' with rados has been a strange one tbh.


My first rado was a low mileage black 95 8v that I bought years ago and owned for a long while, it was immaculate in every way, a stunning car :smug: . I regularly had people stop me in the street to ask me if i'd sell it to them - there was just something about it that set it apart from other cars including other Corrados, in the end I gave in and sold it to a lady that still owns it now (some 4 years later) when she made an offer I couldn't refuse (financial of course! :norty: )and I naively thought I could just replace it with a better rado, or get a similar rado and pocket the change.


I've since gone through more than I care to count, trying to make each one as good a car as my first and it's just never happened, I still miss that 8v terribly :camp: . I sold my last one to make way for a more family orientated car about 8 months ago. For a long period it didn't bother me but within the last couple of months i've started hankering after another. I know full well i'll have another rado, but i'm happy to wait for the 'right one' to appear. Trying to fix one up to make it as good as my first just wont work, I need to find one with very low mileage that's been owned by someone whos given it as much care/attention/maintenance as I did.


There's something special about them, hence why so many of us are still here having sold up, and why so many people sell up and end up returning having gone through various newer more expensive cars.


Love live the rado :camp:

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The smile it brings to my face - especially as I chuck it into a corner, or the sound as I blast through a tunnel or down a concrete sided slip road.


My 4motion golf is a terrific car, but when the weather is good, it's the rado keys I reach for, always.


Mine has loads of rattles and thumps, but if I didn't have those to fix, I wouldn't be able to look forward to doing them. The opportunity to make the car better is rewarding. When I have no work to do I get excited about being able to polish her, fiddle with door cards or just have a fiddle. I don't get that way about the mk4 as much.

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I can cope with mine because ive got 'issue's' too.


Must have to still own the FECKING THING!!! :censored:


Quick example...Ive driven like 18k miles in it since ive had it...ive had to replace two water pumps, and tonight the heater matrix has gone for the second time! :censored:

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1....it's handling

2....it's looks

3....simple to repair (thankfully)

4....cheap parts (thankfully)



I ought to make a list of what i hate about the Corrado but i don't want to upset all you VW lovers.

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I use mine as a daily runner now since some :censored: stole my Mazda 6 last September. I love the looks, handling and performance. I get that tingling feeling down my spine everytime I sit in the drivers seat. It feels like I'm king of the road when I'm out driving for work or pleasure it just makes me smile. I suppose the acid test of what keeps my enthusiasm going is when big bills start to accumulate when one problem merges into the next. I've owned my C for a relativley short time and I've spent a small fortune already but when those issues are sorted it's like getting inside the best car in the world :D There are still problems with the car but I wouldn't change it for anything. There is nothing out there that appeals to me so I'll keep on driving and paying for my C

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Well for me, I love the way it feels (she's got soul) and I love the way it looks. I guess there is a small part of me thats at a loss where I would go from here as nothing quite ticks all the boxes. I often used to think about swapping it for something more modern, a desire for keeping the Storm's mileage low and having some new comfort and blar blar blar. But following a service, a valet, some track time and a few quiet b road blats, I realised selling her would be a huge mistake.


Maybe i've been lucky with so few issues, if that changes then I may think again. Perhaps I'll get something newer and with a CG V8 one day, but until that day I have the car I want to drive daily 8)


[sup:ufrnlm9k]Current 'To do List' count: 32[/sup:ufrnlm9k]

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I'm actually trying to sell mine at the moment but in the most half-arsed way... I guess I dont really need to sell but thats not it. I just dont really want to let it go.


I've had problems with mine, to be fair self-inflicted to a point, its been off the road for prolonged periods, I've spent more than I care to think about, there are planty of things that bug me about the car - car park dinks, stone chips, rattles and the like, but when I get in it I love it. It just feels right.


I do all the things already listed, always turn round to look at it as I walk away from it, look at it in shop window reflections and sometimes when walking down the drive to the garage I'll just stop for a few seconds to admire the lines and sometimes take a quick pic on my phone, from some angles I think it is one of the nicest looking cars on the road.

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