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Ive seen it all now.....

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IF i liked the wheels and IF i had the money i could be tempted to buy them at that price, simply cos i dont know any better. How much are those wheels normally, scene tax added? Or am i missing the point?


Also if you read the thread they start 'giving opinions' on others wheels :lol: Yet ANOTHER thread on ED38 that has arguments in it sheeeesh.. every thread i read on that forum someone is arguing about something with someone else. :?


I like how someone has an opinion on the wheels and 'the crew' jump on him for daring to say anything other then 'they are sweet... dude' :roll:


Sorry off topic i know, but that, so called 'the dogs bollox' forum winds me up sometimes.

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Im always lookin at ABT rims on ebay.de and you can pick wheels of those type up for between 350-550 all day long...

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Im always lookin at ABT rims on ebay.de and you can pick wheels of those type up for between 350-550 all day long...




damn if he gets 900 for a set it would be worth buying 5 sets and going over to pick them up :D but personally dont like them :(

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yet again everything on that forum is 'rare' and OH MOY GODZ, LEIK TOTALLY RAREST PLAYERZ RIMZ IN DE WORLD BRO Y'ALL. each to their own with the wheels, i don't like them myself but if someone is going to let all their mates spam up a thread expect negative comments as well

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I wouldnt say its ED38 as whole but its just how a lot of guys think everything is so expensive or worth it because it doesnt look the norm. Different isnt always better.


Another was those jewel encrusted Mk4 wheels the other year, £2k!!!!! and they were utterly rank however the sale was justified as "no other set in the UK".

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Different isnt always better.


Those wheels are terrible. I agree, maybe the guy selling them should ask himself why they are the only set in the uk....

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The reason they're rare is because they are fekking horrible! Look like someone dropped a lump of solder on a bit of paper and gave it in as the design.

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Scene Added Tax.


Those wheels are a joke (especially at that outrageous price), and not even the kind of joke you're funny fat friend would say, the kind of joke that your Grandad would say, and take a whole 5 mins to explain, that he got in a Christmas cracker back in 1994 when it wasn't even funny then. Die.

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