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Storm badging dilema

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right just got my Storm back from the bodyshop,and obviously a slight breakdown in communication with the painter in that I forgot to mention i had a spare new VR6 badge for the back


anyway instead of the rear having


C o r r a d o

.Storm VR6


its now been returned as


C o r r a d o



now I strangely quite like it as is,but just feel peeps will think mine is a fake when its not,I'm not entering any sort of Concour's with it but might possibly show it at some point,whats folks opinions on the badging? keep it looking a bit modded or put it as it should be,given that not all Storms had the badges correctly applied from day 1

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I'd leave it... looks really good. Original but personalised if that makes sense.


Plus as long as you know it's genuine it shouldn't really matter.


Corrado Storm sounds good in the same way Golf Highline does...

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i've always thought that the storms have too many badges on the rear, looks like too much of an after thought


i'd probably leave the VR6 off too.


i've found most people don't know the difference between a g60, a storm and a vr6

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Hey nobody thought my VR6 wasnt a Storm when I had the Storm badge on the back of mine, so I think you will be fine.


Always looked too busy at the rear for me as well. Hence why i now just have the Corrado badge (and colour coded at that)

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I'd leave it as is - consistent with the gearstick surround as well :wink:


Yours will be the only Corrado Storm in the country - how's that for a USP :D

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I keep the original "Storm" badge in the house.


After my home made replica badge started lifting off, I removed it.


I do not care if people are unaware it is a storm. Comes with being of a certain age, that attitude, I suppose. :wink:


VW freaks that really know what a storm is like will possibly suspect the car is one.

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now I strangely quite like it as is,but just feel peeps will think mine is a fake when its not,I'm not entering any sort of Concour's with it but might possibly show it at some point,whats folks opinions on the badging?


It obviously bothers you, so why not keep a photocopy of the V5 in the glovebox to prove it's a genuine Storm when you're at shows etc? Not that it matters. How many fake M badges do we see on the roads? 1000s. How many Storm badges do we see, fake or otherwise? Not many. And what does Storm actually mean to 98% of the population? Sweet FA! So don't worry about it, leave it as "Corrado Storm". I much prefer that!

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another vote for leave it over here :wave:


i would like a picture anyway to see how much better it does look

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8v badge? :lol:


I find it quite funny that the only rado that didn't get a badge was the 8v, they knew their market! :lol:


It obviously bothers you, so why not keep a photocopy of the V5 in the glovebox to prove it's a genuine Storm when you're at shows etc?


No point, there's nothing about it being a Storm on the V5, it'll just say VR6


Have the badges as you like them IMO!

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How many fake M badges do we see on the roads? 1000s. prefer that!



i was just going to put something similar!! Working in the middle east there are some classic badge missfits. I have considered this in the past & have decided that ill be loosing the rear VR badge when mine finally goes in for paint. I agree that it would look nice & clean. if you are going to enter concours then expect to loose points or whatever but as already said folk who know will know. those who dont really wont care & prob think its a golf/ scirocco etc :lol:

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