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7.5t lorry 1 - Corrado G60 0

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Wednesday morning on the way to work a lorry decided the whole offside of my G was a nice place to be. Funnily enough, I didn't feel the same way and was >this


An engineer/damage assessor is coming to look at the damage next Tuesday and I have no doubts that he will write it off :( The car was sold for 3k+ so it's more than enough proof it's worth that much and Jamie has said he will write a statement to back my evidence up.


The damage seems to be caused by the lorry's wheel bolts and if the car was higher the sill would've been churned up!! I've had a look over the car and the damage appears to be purely cosmetic; the hub, suspension, drive shaft, etc. is still in tact and doesn't appear to have moved and the inner shell on the rear 1/4 appears untouched. I've changed the alloy so I can move the G if I need to and it drives like normal (apart from the 2 different sized alloys on the front of course!) and hasn't affected the engine at all!!


Now, for the pics :(

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Jesus! Main thing is you're ok... always hurts to see a Corrado in that kind of state :( That's definitely going to be a write off though so prepare for the worst :(

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OUCH!!!! Good job he wasn't in an 40 footer!! Although it does look like one of my C's after my kids had been riding up and down our drive on their bikes all summer hols...I've slashed their tyres now and banned them to come within 100 metres of the cars unless under supervision, try enforcing that with that numpty 7.5 tonne driver!


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I've got a brand new OS Quarter panel at my house should you wish to purchase it? :) To be fair if you knew the right people you could buy it back off the Insurance company for rediculous money and get it back on the road for around £900

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Aaaah crap - that sucks :( :(


As others have said, at least you're ok - not that makes you feel any better though.


Gutted for you

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ouch thats not good :( i had my corrado bashed into by a wagon a couple of months ago its sad when you have put time and effort not to mention money into the car for some fool to then wreck it for you :bad-words:


but like others have said at least your alright as it could have been a lot worse i know you will be sick of hearing this but its true i hope stuff works out for you whatever happens



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Nasty, I bet that was a more than little hairy as your head wasn't far off that carnage.


It might be repairable as long as the chassis is straight, front outer wing is only a mud cover, a second hand door and wing mirror is not huge money and Mr Mcrotch has already offered a rear quarter panel up.

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Holy sh!t Lisa, took a few seconds for it to sink in that that is your car! Gutted. :(


But like Yan says, as long as the chassis is straight that could be repaired reasonably easily.

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Thanks for all the comments and kind thoughts. I was pretty shaken up at the time and it's taken a few days for me to get over it, ie, aching, crying for no reason, lack of sleep, etc. and every time I look out of the window all I see is a beautiful car (the passenger side faces my house so I don't see the damage) until I have to go out :( The lorry was inches away from my head so it could've quite easily been a lot worse for me and the car so in that sense I'm quite lucky.


I'd fully repair the car myself if I was intending to keep it but it was already sold to Jamie as I'd received a deposit. I've refunded the deposit but he still wants the car if everything is straight and just needs panels, all of which I will fit/provide. It could be win-win for me as I'll be getting more money than if the lorry hadn't crashed in to me... Thanks for the offers of parts. I'll wait til the engineer writes it off and I'll go from there - the main battle will be getting the insurance to pay me the full amount for the car as I won't settle for anything less so it could take a while :roll:

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well lisa the other pics look mental but its awesome that its still salvagable. i just went and bought a scirocco GT today as a run about until the corrado is available, but i got to say im fairly impressed with the rocco. (other than the manual choke and the hard shift into 1st gear :mad2: ) but im still drowning my sorros over the car.

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So sad, i feel for you, i would be :censored:'ing devastated!


It's not the cars value, it's all the hard work that go's into the car that can't be valued by any insurance company, damn those pesky lorry drivers!



(no offense to any lorry drivers on here :grin: :lol: )

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holy :censored: , its soo dawnting when you get stuck beside a MASSIVE lorry for the obvios reasons but as said at least ur not hurt would have been alot worse if the window would have smashed too!!!


im sure averything will got to plan some insures can see the the light :salute:



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So sorry to read this.

Can't imagine what I would do to said lorry driver - kill probably !!


Hope you get a satisfactory result and glad you are OK.

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So sorry to read this.

Can't imagine what I would do to said lorry driver - kill probably !!


Hope you get a satisfactory result and glad you are OK.


Have the company who owned the lorry not volunteered to stump up the cash if you don't go through the insurance route? I work for a company that has a large fleet of lorries (and company cars) and the excess is so phrobitive they just settle and pay out the cash without going the official route.


They'd also consider scrapping a £30k reps car if it was involved in an accident and buying a new one because they've agreed to a silly excess - I'd rather not know what it is.

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Ive just spoken to the transport manager of the haulage firm and they said they have to go through certain procedures so have to go through the insurance company :( He also said the excess only applies to damage on their vehicles and I dont think a damaged indicator will warrant a claim :lol:


*Mod edit - comment removed*

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I had exactly the same thing at South Mimms, although I was a passenger. Lights went green, we moved off, then bang, scrunch, shriek, mangle, mangle ..... My friend Emm'as mint Carlton GSI 3000 24v, I have never heard a young woman swear so much, so consistantly and with such volume. Fortunately for us, there was a Policecar two cars back, and he followed us all to the Lorry Services, and was prepared to be a witness. Her's was written off, and she was offered £ 800 for it, after a lot of wrangling, she got £ 1600 ...


It scres the :censored: out of you, and it was me that wanted the toilet .... so every time we go out "Now, do you need to go ?"



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very sad to see a well loved rado look like this :( I'd have been absolutely livid, closely followed by devastated. Hope it all works out in the end and glad that you are ok

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Lisa.. as I said look into the legality of them just writing the car off...


I'm sure I read somewhere if liability is admitted (which he's done in front of a witness and Police) then sure the insurance have a responsability to put back to "pre-accident" condition. Just most people don't know and accept a Buy out (write off)...


Lots of adverts, the agreement you and Jimmy had over price etc will all help your case to either get it fixed or screw as much money as possible...


How's your neck btw? :norty: :ignore:

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