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what i did to my lambo today....

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People with money, and that kind of bad taste, shouldn't be allowed near cars like Lamborghini Gallardo's... that's fricking ridiculous!!

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To me thats cool !!

Just imagine getting a Lambo and re-shelling it with a Corrado, :shock:


To think i was only 5 numbers away from winning the lotto this week !

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I can sort of see the point but it's very blurry!!


I agree that turning a Lambo into a sleeper is kinda cool but a Mustang?! Now if it was an Austin Allegro ....

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But it gives you the worst of both worlds... the Mustang by itself is sweet, but chopped and stretched to accomodate the Lambo, it look "awkward" to say the least.


And given that you could basically get a Saleen tuned Mustang for considerably less than what the Gallardo cost, AND take a giant piss all over the Gallardo in a straight line... I fail to see why you'd waste your money on something like this even if you had money to burn.

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God what a mess, how to take one excellent lambo and a reasonable mustang and turn both into a huge big pile of cack :gag:

The finish does not even look that great to me, what a waste of money. :epicfail:

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It looks well finished from the pictures but seriously what was the point......surely you do these kind of things to end up with something desirable and superior to what you started with - they have achieved neither IMO :scratch:

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lol...What big Pile of Poo!!!


On the plus side it looks like they space framed the rear of the 'stang and fitted it with some decent coilover suspension :grin:


More to the point...that VW Ad in the top corner....Why The Donald Duck does it cost $24K for Mk6 GTI in the US??? That the equivalent of £16K over here :gag:




I hate rip off britian :epicfail:

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Apart from the rear end styling, I think it looks OK. As others have said, at least he did it properly! 8)


I don't see what the big deal is personally. He clearly likes the Lambo's engine and it's 4WD running gear, and obviously Mustangs, and if he can afford to merge the two together, hats off to him! Why is that any different to Audi putting a Lambo V10 and running gear into it's R8? I just think some people are snobs when it comes to supercars, like they're some kind of hallowed ground not to be touched or something. It's his money and people shouldn't be so judgemental of things they can't afford to do themselves.

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Apart from the rear end styling, I think it looks OK. As others have said, at least he did it properly! 8)


I don't see what the big deal is personally. He clearly likes the Lambo's engine and it's 4WD running gear, and obviously Mustangs, and if he can afford to merge the two together, hats off to him! Why is that any different to Audi putting a Lambo V10 and running gear into it's R8? I just think some people are snobs when it comes to supercars, like they're some kind of hallowed ground not to be touched or something. It's his money and people shouldn't be so judgemental of things they can't afford to do themselves.


I'm defo a snob when it comes to supercars, I dont think even if I had the money I would do such a thing to a supercar.......however that is not to say I dont appriciate the effort and skills invovled.


I think that when you do something like that its impossible for people not to pass judgement - good as in your case, and bad as in my'n. :tongue:


Either way, I kind of think that he probably doesnt give two shits what any of us think. :lol:

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Apart from the rear end styling, I think it looks OK. As others have said, at least he did it properly! 8)


I don't see what the big deal is personally. He clearly likes the Lambo's engine and it's 4WD running gear, and obviously Mustangs, and if he can afford to merge the two together, hats off to him! Why is that any different to Audi putting a Lambo V10 and running gear into it's R8? I just think some people are snobs when it comes to supercars, like they're some kind of hallowed ground not to be touched or something. It's his money and people shouldn't be so judgemental of things they can't afford to do themselves.


Its very different Kev, as Audi and Lambo are owned by the same parent company and they are trying to keep costs down. Compare that to some geezer in his garage, taking two completely unrelated cars and chopping them together.


I'd have had much more respect if it was an old style Mustang, or some other 60s muscle car. Now that would be cool 8)

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There's no doubting the quality of workmanship on it Kev - it does look very well done. but it looks like a complete bag of arse. I couldn't care how much money it cost to do, or what performance it has, I'd be embarassed to drive it. Would much rather have a GT500 or a Saleen S281 - that way you wouldn't get ridiculed by the Ford community for ruining a Mustang, and lambasted by the Lamborghini community for wrecking a Gallardo!

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Either way, I kind of think that he probably doesnt give two **** what any of us think. :lol:


Indeed. He's probably another Jay Leno and has a garage full of exotic cars!!


Its very different Kev, as Audi and Lambo are owned by the same parent company and they are trying to keep costs down. Compare that to some geezer in his garage, taking two completely unrelated cars and chopping them together.


Yeah I know, but that doesn't change the fact putting the floor and drivetrain of one vehicle underneath the body of another one has been going on for decades, whether they are the same brand or not, which is the point I was making.


I'd have had much more respect if it was an old style Mustang, or some other 60s muscle car. Now that would be cool 8)


And that is the real issue here. It's the "How dare you mix a ford with an Audighini" thing. Badge snobbery. Technically it's a good car underneath :lol:

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lost on me.


if you dont want it to be a lambo anymore why put all the badges on show? sort of makes the whole swap pointless in my eyes.


this is why people should be made to give away money when they have enough to do dumb $hit like this

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