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Rotrex Charged Storm: She's Gone!

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Some pics now the Interior is coming together.


The under trays, I'm having re done as I would prefer not to see the plastic reveals to the trim. Just the face and underneath we're done and the insides need re doing as they look old compared to everything else. Some nice alcantara will do the job inside.


A few tweaks and want to try and get the gear gator surround to sit tighter, there's a slight gab as its been trimmed but should be simple to sort out.


I'm now having the seat belt plastic trimmed as in the buckle. They fowl the sea when you pull the seat forward and if you tuck it past the bolster so it doesn't dent the seat it's marked my centre tunnel. Any marks in the leather are obvious and like what they do with the Ferraris the same will be done to mine. I won't do the actual organs bit of the buckle but just the sides. You will see when it's done.


She's getting there! I have been searching for Recaros for a while now and I only want the Corrado specific ones, heated and leather so I'm going to have mine re trimmed to match everything else as it looks wrong seeing nice new leather and 2 chairs with older leather. I should be able to sell mint re trimmed heather seats to cover some costs when I source the Recaros.


Wheels should be here this week or early next, Bournemouth James is kindly lending me his adapters to try out as he has a range of sizes. Decided on 215 35 17 boots and just working out what to go for. Will give a forum member Mr Lobitas a call as he owns a tyre company.[ATTACH]64065[/ATTACH][ATTACH]64069[/ATTACH][ATTACH]64073[/ATTACH][ATTACH]64077[/ATTACH][ATTACH]64081[/ATTACH][ATTACH]64085[/ATTACH]


Really looking forward to fitting the new wheels, they have polished dishes and are 8.5 all round. Will put them on and see if they would look smarter being completely polished? They are the RH ZW1's.

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Ramsey.... would it be worth buying some stock cloth seats to re-trim? this way you could raise a little capital by selling your current leather ones as they are?


PS - lovely lovely car mate - keep it up! :D


---------- Post added at 3:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 3:38 PM ----------


also 215s feel a bit fat on the front.... i used to have these but now stagger 205 on front & 215 on rear. just sharing my experience with them mate, obviously its your call

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Hi mate, I was told 215 35 17 is safer and within manufacturers recommendation. Do you think 205 35 17 would be better on fronts?

Good to meet you the other day. Had a nice drive home. I always seem to drive faster on the way back for some reason.


Bournemouth James has a set with 215 35 17 and thinks its the best size to run, so I was going on his opinion and he said they will give more clearance. So could I run 215 on rear and 205 on fronts - both being 35 profile?

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I think the 205s are 40 profile mate as profile is % of width. as you have rolled archs im sure you wont have catching but mine felt clumsy with such wide tyres on the front. Ill say this though mate: I have NOT driven the car hard with the staggered set up.. yet. when I had 205s all round I took it round the ring & though the Alps at speed & it felt great but I cant vouch for the 215/ 205 set up 100% - it may be that the potential extra grip at the rear will increase understeer, this ill find out when I get mine back & give it some in the corners. im sure generally people on here run 205s all round & to be honest the only reason I have 215s on the rear is that they were on the wheels when I got them. Not trying to baffle your head buddy but wanted to be thorough with my experience.


see here: http://the-corrado.net/showthread.php?51313-The-Tyre-Discussion-Thread-please-read-1st-post


Great to meet you too matey... faces to forum names & all that. nice to see the car too you have put a real nice personal touch to it & IMO thats what its all about.

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Car is looking great Rams - it was nice to have seen it in the metal! Thanks for the seats - I've been on holdiay since collecting them but back now and going to be fitting them tomorrow. I'd be interested to hear which option you go for in terms of adaptors for fitting your ZW1s - I'll be looking to fit mine in the near future and haven't decided what's for the best yet.




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Hi all, apart from smashing up the sump, called a friend out and he came with chemical metal, light and jack.... RAC said as its an accident your not

Covered! So manages to drain sump at the road side, metal bond the split and re filled and holding so managed so get home. Big thanks to Alex!


Bmth James lent me his wheel and adaptors so I was trying out different sizes to take the 5x112 wheels.


My wheels are now split, fully polished. Look great but one of the doses has deeper scratches but the area is where the bolts/studs secure the dish. They've been machine polished and now need a good clean and autosol type polish to make them really shiney. They should be painted by Tuesday and I had the insides colour coded.


A few days ago, I also purchased a set of...... Drum roll...... Recaro Corrado seats!! Currently in transit to me. Convinced a German seller to do a deal.

They are cream but I want them

Trimmed anyway to match the rest. So I may sell the leather covers if they are reasonable up close.

I am really happy as the front seats stood out since the rest of the car was re trimmed. I'm

Asking my trimmer if he can emboss the recaro lettering into the back section to keep them original... Will

See. I remember seeing OSV seats freshly trimmed and they looked awesome.


Been quite distant of late, few new things happening but I'm still very happy with her and after swapping my car with my friends Audi RS4 estate he actually said I'm reluctant to return yours!

His car was Devine and so refine! You just feel like an armoured god in that thing....[ATTACH]69146[/ATTACH][ATTACH]69147[/ATTACH][ATTACH]69148[/ATTACH][ATTACH]69149[/ATTACH][ATTACH]69150[/ATTACH][ATTACH]69151[/ATTACH][ATTACH]69152[/ATTACH][ATTACH]69153[/ATTACH]

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Long time with no update....


The seats arrived safe and well with just perfect bolsters.


The seats are completed and installed! The passenger seat is missing the plug for the heated loom so need to see if I can buy this plug which would keep it all original. I also wanted the original Recaro symbol embossed into the back rest and set about finding someone to make it. The trimmer came up trumps with a chap he knows that could make it out of ali, he produced the badge to the correct thickness and the trimmer tried the new badge on an off cut and it came out beautifully.


I've also had some little extras done such as having all the plastic seats shrouds re trimmed in Alcantara along with the hinging side covers which he reversed the lugs to give the face a smooth finish before being trimmed.


Even the seat belt keeps has been re trimmed and should be ready next week. It's taken him ages sculpting them to fit perfectly. Now the exterior all matches and has really lifted the project. It's been one of the most satisfying parts to my project.

The parcel shelf is being done at present and that's going to involved stripping all the carpet to get it smooth and then it can be leather trimmed. I had a fair bit spare from the seats as needed 2 hides and he only used 1 and a small bit so seemed rude not too!


The gear knob is next as this will be the last standard leather part that won't match the rest. Then the rear new MDF floor and boot reveals will be finished in alcantara so the rear boot will be all nice and soft/sound deadened and matching.


The trimmer said he would wire them up to the fuse board for me and would actually like to do it and wants to go round all the bits and do some fine heating and cleaning as he wants to be happy with everything. He's an excellent guy and really proud of what he does and can't thank him enough. He's also very modest and super talented and looking at his own car project, his entire floor pan carpet is alcantara! It's sick and wish he hadn't shown me as its looks just stunning and sumpcious. (Spelling?)


I also have my existing heated seats available for sale and happy to get some money back towards the new seats.


They will be posted for sale shortly. They are in really fine condition and photoed them as they are without a recent clean but they've benefited from regular cleaning and furniture clinic conditioning.


I sat in the new seats yesterday evening for the first time in soft cotton jogging bottoms so not to scratch the leather and wondering how long I can keep that up! Lol

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I agree totally! Really nice!

Looking foward to see the luggage compartment.

Personally I would like to have another dashboard, and have it covered in the same leather as the seats etc.




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Thanks Chaps, much appreciate. I'ts always been a child hood ambition to have this kind of spec so I am really chuffed.


Would like to get the wheels on next weekend with a bit of luck. Searching for 4 new tyres. I have all the adaptors and looking forward to the car being a bit higher off the ground with the 17teens and have a bit more tuck.


Last week my driver side window just dropped down and found the screws had worked loose and came off. Also only found one screw. So i must have refitted after the re spray with one bolt. So bought new 10 mm bolts and now the window is nice and secure and luckily it didn't smash.


Also the issues I had with the suspension are all sorted. Thread re tapped and now strut secures as it should. The geoms need doing again as we removed the front suspension and replaced the bearings and mounts with new but will do that after the new wheels are fitted.


Would anyone know if I can buy the plug end for my cars heated seat loom to connect into the seat loom? My driver side loom just clipped into the plug on the driver seat but its missing from the passenger seat.

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They look superb,who did them for you? Im having some done very soon & i hope they look as good as yours when there done.

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His name is Tim and works at K Baggs in Poole but has worked on these privately as he can spend more time on them. Highly recommend him.


Happy to pass on his number if anyone is interested and I gave him the Recaro machined Ali symbol so if anyone that needs to use it for their own, just give me a shout and I can pick it up and send if you promise to send back.

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Trim Deluxe in Littlehampton are doing mine,i think they have the 'Recaro' stamp but will ley you know if not,thanks.

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Very impressed with the seat trimming and that you went to the hassle of having the stamp made up. its the little touches that make all the difference.

I cringe when i see show cars with oversized recaro embroidered logos.


Was the cream leather in decent nick? I dont actually have any recaros, but could be interested if you still have the covers and they're cheap enough :bonk: :lol:

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Awesome work mate. The interior of your car is just a sea of black leather!!!

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Seats look superb..


I love the clear daylight running lights, they look so good against the dark paint..

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Very impressed with the seat trimming and that you went to the hassle of having the stamp made up. its the little touches that make all the difference.

I cringe when i see show cars with oversized recaro embroidered logos.


Was the cream leather in decent nick? I dont actually have any recaros, but could be interested if you still have the covers and they're cheap enough :bonk: :lol:


The cream leather was damaged during removal and he said some parts were no good so it went in the bin.... Sorry mate


---------- Post added at 6:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 5:59 PM ----------


Just bought the electric wiring loom from German eBay and ordered the 6pin plug i needed from TPS so everything can plug in as it should. Got the last 2 in the UK so that was lucky

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Picked up the seat belt keeps and really happy with them. Dropped off the plastic seat guard rail covers and the rear seat belt holder covers. The guard rails will be leather and the other parts alcantara.


The handle I never fitted on the passenger side will be trimmed in alcantara. So something to look forward too.


Bought the Supersprint Manifold as advertised on here and booked it in for a clean up and to re weld neck in stainless as the repair was in mild steel by the looks of it and get it coated or wrapped. Should hopefully perk things up. I don't know why the retail for so much against others on offer but hope its a nice little upgrade.


May have found a garage to keep her in over the winter with regular drives on nice days and looking for a everyday car which is practical so the search goes on. Thinking 5 series sport touring or 3 series equivalent. Not sure yet.

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Hi Rams


Bloody hell mate, the car really is quite something, commitment!!

im local to you, near Swanage but always over in B'mth, would be really cool to have a look at yours and in particular the trim work sometime, I've recently bought Kev's R32 after suddenly and unexpectedly selling my vr!, anyway there are a couple of small bits id like to get trimmed like steering wheel so would be good to see the job your guy has done and get his number...

maybe pm me your number and we can arrange something....



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Awesome work as usual buddy. Seems we have quite a collection of corrados in Dorset, sorted storms, r32 conversions, Jason's immaculate Vr, James' vortech Vr, owens g60 and fingers crossed my rotrex Vr :) quite a good selection for a meet I reckon :)

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