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TOP GEAR - last of the series this week

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Don't care about the world cup TBH.. was fairly good but I think they just put in a load of filler this week considering what they were competing against!

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I really didn't enjoy last nights episode, I think you're right about the filler Jim. Too much track stuff, for me, I like the track stuff but 4 different track articles was too much for one episode. Not to mention the Wedding, awful, I will never believe that was a real wedding regardless of what Clarkson said at the end! I really enjoyed the other 2 episodes though, at least there was another bit about the reliant robin again last night though. :lol:

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After watching Top Gear last night I walked outside of work today only to find a silver porsche panamera turbo parked in the yard.


Had to take a little pic if the front wheel, disc and caliper


Tyres are 255 x 35 or 40 can't remember. On 20 inch rims. :norty:


It truly is massive, and looks quite tasty inside. :clap:


A comment on the UR quat. An old friend of mine brought one some years ago, and after blowing the original engine into a million pieces he (with some hinderance from me) fitting a race spec engine, all nicely ported, lightened fly etc etc. I was lucky enough to get to have a go in it and was impressed with the handling. To the point where I was looking at buying one before I got hooked firmly by the C. :notworthy:



I've also had the opotunity to drive an E Type, and thats something you never forget. 4 speed manual box and an instructor (in his 60's) yelling like a teenager for me to keep my foot in. It was one of the best driving experiances I've ever had.

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On tonight's show the boys make their own motorhomes and then drive to the west country on a bank holiday, Jezza tests the Audi R8 V10 Spyder and the Porsche 911 turbo cabriolet and the star in the reasonably priced car is Andy Garcia with a stupid mustache.

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good show tonight enjoyed that......Clarkson's citreon was very funny, the banter between the three with that was, for a change, really funny :lol:

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Good show, made me laugh :grin:


I don't mind the obvious scripted stuff if it's done well but it still boils my piss when they do lame stuff like Jezza's vehicle blowing over or the fire at the campsite.


Ok they have to have some sort of idea where the show is going but don't just make stuff up and pretend like it's real. At least the bit at the end where it went off the cliff seemed to be tongue-in-cheek.

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.....I don't mind the obvious scripted stuff if it's done well but it still boils my piss when they do lame stuff like Jezza's vehicle blowing over or the fire at the campsite.


Ok they have to have some sort of idea where the show is going but don't just make stuff up and pretend like it's real. At least the bit at the end where it went off the cliff seemed to be tongue-in-cheek.


couldnt agree more.

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Brilliant, crying laughing :nuts:


Odd when people analyse the program to such an extent that they can't enjoy the entertainment being offered. Its meant to be fun, it succeeds.

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Brilliant, crying laughing :nuts:


Odd when people analyse the program to such an extent that they can't enjoy the entertainment being offered. Its meant to be fun, it succeeds.


I know. The current format of TG has been doing staged stunts like that for nearly 10 years, but people still watch it though. It's like the people who complain in resturants about the food being poor, but still eat it :D


I was watching series one of TG over the weekend and there was literally 20 people in the studio audience and all men. Roll on 9 years and the audience is crammed every week and the viewer numbers are higher than ever, so they must be doing something right :D


Every car forum bangs on about the show's predictability, the staged stunts and the repetetive boringness of "Some say......", but they still watch it to know that these things carry on :cuckoo:

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Didn't really like the R8 tbh. I think the combo of white and no roof made it look a little bland imo. Didn't really like either of them actually, I'm a bit of a hard top purist for driving dynamics but the 911 on the first run was demonic. It just shot off in a wave of silent progress :D


They should put the V10 hard top against the new 911 Turbo S hard top. The latter is evil. Evo mag got a 2.9 second 0-60 out of it! Quicker than a Veyron!!

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Every car forum bangs on about the show's predictability, the staged stunts and the repetetive boringness of "Some say......", but they still watch it to know that these things carry on :cuckoo:


Correct because Car Forum types arent the target audiance anymore! It is clear TG has moved a long way away from the traditional car show format where they discuss new cars that average Joe might actually be in a position to buy and would like to know if the boot really can fit 3 suit cases in and return 45mpg.


As a entertainment show TG is very good, it appeals to people who arent interested in cars as it is essentially the format is more along the lines of , here are some super cool supercars being ragged around a track (cars which most people will never see on the roads) then followed by more the tales of what happens when 3 good mates have a funny idea and are actually in a position to go ahead and do it. Sure most of us can predict what is likely to happen but few of us will be in a position to try these things ourselves and get away with it hence it is good entertainment!



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Correct because Car Forum types aren't the target audience anymore! It is clear TG has moved a long way away from the traditional car show format where they discuss new cars that average Joe might actually be in a position to buy and would like to know if the boot really can fit 3 suit cases in and return 45mpg.


Top Gear hasn't been a traditional car show for ten years! It's pure entertainment, or in James May's famous words "three blokes cocking about all the time" I for one think the programme is better for it. I am old enough to remember the old TG (William Woollard, Chris Goffey anyone?) and it was dreadfully dull. The only reason we watched it was because there was nothing else for petrolheads on TV except GPs and the odd bit of Rallycross.


Nobody was interested in serious road reviews of the Allegro. New TG twigged that from the outset. Nobody makes a buying decision based on what Clarkson thinks either. We just want to see unattainable, fast cars having the nuts thrashed off them the way we'd all want to if we were lent one for 10 minutes.

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They should put the V10 hard top against the new 911 Turbo S hard top. The latter is evil. Evo mag got a 2.9 second 0-60 out of it! Quicker than a Veyron!!


holy sh@t sticks Batman! 2.9secs!! I can't even being to imagine what that must feel like from a drivers perspective, or a passengers.

Sure only last Sat my brother jumped into the drivers seat of my new Miltek'd VR to see how if felt. We rolled her along in 1st up to 3,000rpm and then dropped it. :pale: :ignore: :cheers: !!

Even I was blown away..so to comprehend 2.9sec, WTF, surley the thing would pull your arms off!


as for the show - the BBC fairly quickly, and correctly assumed that the mass car buying public got more info, reviews and comparisons prior to making a purchase from our friend the internet. So correctly went down the 'entertainment' route.

still don't like the staged stuff though...we're not 5yrs old :lol:

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still don't like the staged stuff though...we're not 5yrs old :lol:


Totally agree. That "wedding driver" episode was absolutely awful television, and thoroughly p!ssed me off for most of the evening. It would be a perfect show if they didn't script everything so much. The jokes are so formulated.


Mainly, I think its the blatant transparent lying all the time that spoils it... "Here I am at the north pole, completely alone, I might die..... Except for the mahoosive support crew behind me". For me, it would be more entertaining if they brought things like that into the program, rather than constantly fannying around with camera angles to exclude them from view.

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Top Gear hasn't been a traditional car show for ten years! It's pure entertainment, or in James May's famous words "three blokes cocking about all the time" I for one think the programme is better for it. I am old enough to remember the old TG (William Woollard, Chris Goffey anyone?) and it was dreadfully dull. The only reason we watched it was because there was nothing else for petrolheads on TV except GPs and the odd bit of Rallycross.


Nobody was interested in serious road reviews of the Allegro. New TG twigged that from the outset. Nobody makes a buying decision based on what Clarkson thinks either. We just want to see unattainable, fast cars having the nuts thrashed off them the way we'd all want to if we were lent one for 10 minutes.


Agreed. TG with William Wollard really was dreary. Don't forget though, this was in the days of the "Old" BBC, were Mr Woollard's leather elbowed tweed jackets were quite fitting :D


I must admit, I'm not keen on the tyre smoking stuff. I don't think that really suits the Supercar image tbh, it's more McDonald's car park behaviour. It also makes me cringe as I know the stresses the drive train are going through and I can only imagine the cost of shreadding a pair of 335x35 tyres!!!

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That "wedding driver" episode was absolutely awful television


I must admit, as big a fan of TG that I am, that episode truly was cringeworthy.


Which ever producer came up with that idea I suspect won't be allowed into any more brain storming sessions. Even May said on Sunday's show he didn't watch it because of the dreadful Wedding bit :lol:

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They should put the V10 hard top against the new 911 Turbo S hard top. The latter is evil. Evo mag got a 2.9 second 0-60 out of it! Quicker than a Veyron!!


holy sh@t sticks Batman! 2.9secs!! I can't even being to imagine what that must feel like from a drivers perspective, or a passengers.

Sure only last Sat my brother jumped into the drivers seat of my new Miltek'd VR to see how if felt. We rolled her along in 1st up to 3,000rpm and then dropped it. :pale: :ignore: :cheers: !!

Even I was blown away..so to comprehend 2.9sec, WTF, surley the thing would pull your arms off!


Indeed, it boggles the mind how fast that is. I remember Evo saying in their write up of the old 996 twin turbo many years ago how it made them physically sick because the accelerative forces were so strong. I can only imagine how brutal the current Turbo S is as it's loads quicker than the old one!!

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I must admit, I'm not keen on the tyre smoking stuff. I don't think that really suits the Supercar image tbh, it's more McDonald's car park behaviour. It also makes me cringe as I know the stresses the drive train are going through and I can only imagine the cost of shreadding a pair of 335x35 tyres!!!


I agree but I think there are several reasons why they do it....


-its not their car or tyres and so they don't care how many pieces it goes back in. in fact Clarkson says that they usually break when they do the 180 spin and burnout from a highish speed.

-it makes for better viewing, imagine how boring it would be if they showed the car going round every corner perfectly just under its grip limit. speed is a hard thing to convey on film and if a corner is driven correctly it doesn't look much different at 40 mph or 80 mph.

-you don't actually expect to learn anything or it to be done sensibly do you? :grin:

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Caught up now and really enjoyed Sunday's show... the motorhome segment was classic TG, and I thoroughly enjoyed it apart from the fire and falling off a cliff crap! :)

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apparently Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz are stars in the car on this Sundays show. Has she been on it before? Maybe its the tall skinny blonde comparison to Jodie Kidd but I can see her being pretty quick!

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I can't... I think she's a Prius driver. Tom Cruise though.. isn't he a Brabus customer? :)

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