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OEM VW Parts Price Enquiries

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After some recent discussion on parts prices and people being ripped off with secondhand parts that were actually still available and cheaper from VW, Scarlett has kindly offered to check out prices for people.


Please post any enquires or prices you have obtained from dealers you have in this thread, prices will be collated into theis first post.


Remember to include as much detail as possible (car model, year etc) to get an accurate price.

Please be patient, as Scarlett is doing this purely to help people- it's not her day job!

If anyone else has bought a part recently, please feel free to post up the price - more the merrier!

Part numbers and rough prices can be obtained from http://www.vagcat.com to speed up the process.

This thread is purely to obtain prices, not to purchase parts.



radiator vr6 - £191

leads vr6 - £106

VR6 Pas pump is £169.70 + Vat Trade - 6N0145157X

V021 133 073 C throttle body gasket VR6 £4.92

V021 133 917 HT front lead holder VR6 £13.22

V021 133 824 cable holder/manifold VR6 £4.96

535 121 101 L top hose VR6 £93.47

1H0121157H water hose / (throttle valve housing > heat exchanger>cylinder head) £40.81

G12 ++ £7.45





front grille (29 Nov 2010)


Early version – 09/88 – 07/91

Part No – 535 853 653 041

4 available – retail cost £40.31 + Vat


Late version – 08/91 – 07/95

Part no – 535 853 653A 01c

4 available – retails cost £40.31 + Vat


90mm front splitter 535 805 903 B: £122 (Low UK stock)

50mm front splitter 535 805 903 C ???

N015 946 1 screw for front splitter £0.24

N904 338 01 bolt for front splitter £2.11

V535 807 181 front splitter reinforcement £27.81

N101 473 01 nut holder front splitter £0.62


191 955 986A heated washer jets £18.66 +V.A.T (30 Nov 2010)


Door handles items (All as of 3 Dec 2010)

Replacement lock barrels:

Drivers Side: Discontinued

Pass Side: £12.83 + VAT - 1 at factory

Passat Rear Handles:

left handle - 357 839 205A - Discontinued

right handle - 357 839 206A - Discontinued

left mech - 357 839 015D - £33.20 + VAT - 2 at factory

right mech - 357 839 016D - Discontinued

Tumble Kit - 443 898 041A - £55.40 incl VAT




357 919 243A ash tray bulb holder £4.07 +V.A.T (30 Nov 2010)

357 919 243 late heater controls bulb holder £4.07 +V.A.T (30 Nov 2010)


late heater controls (dial type)

536 819 054 Retail cost £190.10 + Vat. Currently 4 UK Stock. (2 DEC 2010)


cigarette lighter and socket-191919305B £7.39 +vat (Jan 2011?)

fluorescent sleeve -1HO919343 £3.72 +vat (Jan 2011?)

bulbholder(inc bulb) 6K0919243 £3.66 +vat (Jan 2011?)

Edited by CazzaVR

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Excellent news, I'll start the ball rolling. Are 90mm front splitters still available and how much are they. Thankyou


Will we then compile a list of confirmed obsolete parts?

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Is it worth putting a link to VagCat in the first post too? I use it, its basically on online version of ETKA, and while it's not 100% accurate for modern VW's, it's always been bang on when I've needed part numbers for the Corrado.


You have to sign up to the forum which takes a few minutes and then you're free to browse through the catalogue, its really really useful! Might be helpful for people to find part numbers, and also hopefully save Scarlett a lot of time as people can post up the part number they want a price/availability for.


For example, I just found the part number for the 90mm splitter - 535 805 903 B





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  OSV said:
Excellent news, I'll start the ball rolling. Are 90mm front splitters still available and how much are they. Thankyou


Will we then compile a list of confirmed obsolete parts?


There were 7 left in the UK as of the Friday of the classic car show.

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  OSV said:
Excellent news, I'll start the ball rolling. Are 90mm front splitters still available and how much are they. Thankyou


Will we then compile a list of confirmed obsolete parts?

I bought one Thursday -£122 !

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  dragon green said:
  OSV said:
Excellent news, I'll start the ball rolling. Are 90mm front splitters still available and how much are they. Thankyou


Will we then compile a list of confirmed obsolete parts?

I bought one Thursday -£122 !


You've got to be joking. Surely a front splitter isn't that much money these days?! Good god!

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  dragon green said:
Sad thing is,i get 10% discount !


You mean that £122 is after your discount? :pale:


Not a good start for value for money :cuckoo:


Excellent thread idea. Is there a thread anywhere that has no chat in it, just an ever expanding list of parts and part numbers to refer to?

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We'll try to keep the expanding list in the first post and see how it goes, that way you can join in the parts chat, but also find the list easily enough :)

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  Dude VR6 said:
Be interested to know what the price is for a late 3 bar grill, if there still availble.



OK, so... Grilles...


Early version – 09/88 – 07/91

Part No – 535 853 653 041

4 available – retail cost £40.31 + Vat


Late version – 08/91 – 07/95

Part no – 535 853 653A 01c

4 available – retails cost £40.31 + Vat

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  scarlett said:
  Dude VR6 said:
Be interested to know what the price is for a late 3 bar grill, if there still availble.



OK, so... Grilles...


Early version – 09/88 – 07/91

Part No – 535 853 653 041

4 available – retail cost £40.31 + Vat


Late version – 08/91 – 07/95

Part no – 535 853 653A 01c

4 available – retails cost £40.31 + Vat


Cheers for that, I'm off to the dealers tomorrow to pick up a few bits I've already ordered so will put part numbers and prices for what I ordered and order a grill at the same time :D

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Hi anyone know the price of the front ABS sensors for 93 VR6 rado and also the part number. Have look on VAGCAT but being stupid as I am I cannot see the number



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Well there are now only 3 late grills left in the UK as I have just ordered one :D

I have just picked up a few things from the dealers

191 955 986A heated washer jets £18.66 +V.A.T

357 919 243A bulb holder £4.07 +V.A.T

357 919 243 bulb holder £4.07 +V.A.T


Not sure which is which bulb holder but one is for the ash tray and the other is for the heater dials.

Hope this helps :)

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would like to know how much a VR6 heater control unit (circle dials under stereo), and the cables which open and close the vents are?


im guessing they are rather expensive

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  big ben said:
would like to know how much a VR6 heater control unit (circle dials under stereo), and the cables which open and close the vents are?


im guessing they are rather expensive


Apparently the heater controls are mega, mega expensive (around £200!!)

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passat or seat ones can be used to repair a corrado one, although the passat ones work slightly differently, speed settings are one position out if you just use the passat part as a whole direct swap.

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  davidwort said:
passat or seat ones can be used to repair a corrado one, although the passat ones work slightly differently, speed settings are one position out if you just use the passat part as a whole direct swap.


Be interested to know how Dave if you fancy a bit of spanner time when the weather gets better again mate. Got a set of the Passat ones off Neil when I bought my VR and my heater controls need some fixing :)

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Right - Late heater controls.....


I hope your all sitting down for this :)


Part no 536 819 054

Retail cost £190.10 + Vat.

Currently 4 UK Stock.


If you are able to order directly from TPS and you ask really nicely you should be able to get them for £174.89 plus Vat, which is a little better. But only a little.

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looks like i will do a DIY job on mine then at that price! knowing my luck i would replace them and one of the cables would sieze and it would snap the plastic tab again, they are so pathetic and break so easily!

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