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  BILLCOR said:
I asked this question a few days ago (page 9) a simple yes, no or F-OFF would suffice.

As a CF subscriber for the last few years, I dont think its a big ask


BILLCOR, I'm struggling with keeping the site up and running, fixing issues, having a 9-hour-a-day day job (plus 3 hours travelling), manually resetting 100s of accounts for people who didn't keep their email up to date therefore can't log in, fixing the email server, attempting to fix a failing MySQL server, receiving 50+ emails a day from users, implementing new features as I can, and occasionally sleeping.


The 'theme' is way down the list. But I will get there. Honest ;)

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Apologies the site has been stalling today.

I've just boosted the memory for the MySQL server, so hopefully it should ease up.


Also, please try http://direct.the-corrado.net if you are continually having connection problems - as I have 'cloud-based' the DNS queries which should help most people, but does seem to hinder a few. With this software, you should be able to stay on that domain rather than it jump back to the normal one as it did with phpBB.

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Another thing notice - apologise Andi.


Noticed when ive just clicked on the "Exterior" page, all the threads are in numerical/alphabetical order. Could do with been in date order, bar the stickies obviously :D

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  Andi said:
BILLCOR, I'm struggling with keeping the site up and running, fixing issues, having a 9-hour-a-day day job (plus 3 hours travelling), manually resetting 100s of accounts for people who didn't keep their email up to date therefore can't log in, fixing the email server, attempting to fix a failing MySQL server, receiving 50+ emails a day from users, implementing new features as I can, and occasionally sleeping.


The 'theme' is way down the list. But I will get there. Honest ;)


Andi, my question was, can I change the colour setting, I could do it before the change.

I wasn't expecting everyone to drop everything just to sort this and I do fully appreciate the hard work you along with the mods put into this forum.



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  BILLCOR said:
Andi, my question was, can I change the colour setting, I could do it before the change.


No ;)

The reason you could on the previous site was I had installed extra themes that changed the CSS and therefore the colours.

I'll get round to it, though.

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  Andi said:
No ;)

The reason you could on the previous site was I had installed extra themes that changed the CSS and therefore the colours.

I'll get round to it, though.


Cheers ;-)

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I keep getting emails saying a certain member is trying to PM me but my inbox is full.


Deleted over 100 old PMs and still getting same email, saying their PM isn't able to reach me. Any ideas?

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  boost monkey said:
I keep getting emails saying a certain member is trying to PM me but my inbox is full.


Deleted over 100 old PMs and still getting same email, saying their PM isn't able to reach me. Any ideas?


Try emptying your sent box........i had loads in there, more than i ever thought i had sent

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dont know why this is happening, i used to search corrado related topics on google and then click on the title that came up from this forum (just to save time trawling through threads). now when i click on a link to the forum it just brings me to the forum homepage, not the topic i clicked on, why is this?

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  slammed16v said:
dont know why this is happening, i used to search corrado related topics on google and then click on the title that came up from this forum (just to save time trawling through threads). now when i click on a link to the forum it just brings me to the forum homepage, not the topic i clicked on, why is this?


Google haven't noticed the site change yet, so still have the catalogue of the old site.

I'm sure they'll be here soon.. (and will index EVERY page...)

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Is there any chance that subscribers can run without the google adverts on the page?

One just came up for a singles website.. not a good look for at work or with the mrs in the background!

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  bristolbaron said:
Is there any chance that subscribers can run without the google adverts on the page?

One just came up for a singles website.. not a good look for at work or with the mrs in the background!


I'm working on that, yes. The more I can make subscribing worth it, the better!

I am still learning the software though, so bear with me ;)

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  Critical_Mass said:
Really need the posts sorting into the most recently replied to, as i cant find any of the usual threads!! :D


They are, by default.

If you change it though, it remembers what you set.

When in the forum, check the bottom left - search order. ;)

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  Pat_McCrotch said:
Works if you downgrade to the Nokia 638 ;)


Seems to work fine on my motorola MicroTAC, although I can't seem to get at my PM's on my ZX81, and it won't let me upload attachments on my amstrad E-m@iler :-(

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  Critical_Mass said:
Oh right, apologies. Didnt realise i could do that. Couldnt find bugger all before.


Haha, it's ok!

There are a LOT of features on this forum - I'm not surprised some of you are a little overwhelmed by it all.

We will all get there in the end, though!


When I have some time (!) I will be doing visual guides / how-to on using the site.

There's lots to explore and do on it really. It has so much more potential than the old software - hence the change!


It's all for the better!

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  Andi said:
I'm working on that, yes. The more I can make subscribing worth it, the better!

I am still learning the software though, so bear with me ;)


Sweet.. I understand with spiralling costs there's a need to have adverts, however It's got to be well worth subscribing to get rid of them!

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thing with it is. surely if you have bought the software for the forum it shouldnt have adds on it. or have you put them there for funds?

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  Andi said:
Haha, it's ok!

There are a LOT of features on this forum - I'm not surprised some of you are a little overwhelmed by it all.

We will all get there in the end, though!


When I have some time (!) I will be doing visual guides / how-to on using the site.

There's lots to explore and do on it really. It has so much more potential than the old software - hence the change!


It's all for the better!


We all know it wont be perfect straight away, like anything there's always teething problems. I like the new format, just taking a little more time to adjust to it.


The quote thing, still doesnt work btw hehe ;-) - i quoted your previous message but its not showing the quote you quoted from me. OR is that meant to happen?


Thanks for the hard work going into the CF and thanks for putting up with us moaning sods haha!

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