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I want to kill someone but don't know who.

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Came back to the C today to find this. Not a happy bunny.



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Flipp. That is seriously not nice. Can you try a bit of detective work or was it parked where there is lots of traffic flowing through?

Feel for you.

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That's not good at all mate, I have various bits n bobs kicking about, all late stuff though, if I can help at all let me know

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FFS people really cant drive these days.


Lets get a hunting party on the go and find the tw@ who done this and make him pay.........and his dog!!!!

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Honestly, what the **** is wrong with people. Take it they didn't leave a note?


People don't anymore. It's morally wrong that they don't but I totally understand why they don't because of the way the insurance companies f'ck you over if you so much as whisper the word claim.....

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I really don't understand why people feel they can do this sort of thing and not leave any details, guessing its a chelsea tractor looking at the impact point and height.


New wing, bumper, slam panel along with an obsolete indicator needed there - sorry to say its going to be a bloody fight with the insurance company :(

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I'm not even going to bother with insurance. I'll probably just tidy it up and run it till the MOT's up then break it, after buying another one of course. It was in the car park at work but cars and lorries reverse into it to turn. Assuming it was a lorry going by the damage.


Just my luck really, retire again at the end of the week so should have plenty of time to hit the wing with a hammer and use up the country's supply of filler and fibreglass. Will need to get hold of an indicator though.

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That's a total git. What is it with all the crashed and damaged corrados this week? At least it's the front wing rather than the back so should be repairable with a new wing, bumper and slam panel. And you can use it as an excuse to get the whole front painted. It's infuriating when people just drive off.

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That's a total git. What is it with all the crashed and damaged corrados this week? At least it's the front wing rather than the back so should be repairable with a new wing, bumper and slam panel. And you can use it as an excuse to get the whole front painted. It's infuriating when people just drive off.


It's just the time of year. Dark nights, people in a hurry, unpleasant conditions on the road...


Good luck getting it sorted. I think I'd be mortified if that happened to me :(

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as said is there CCTV at work?? i have a front indicator available & fog/ surround if you need it. PM If you like. Id feel sick if that was me..... sorry to hear about this bud

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as said is there CCTV at work?? i have a front indicator available & fog/ surround if you need it. PM If you like. Id feel sick if that was me..... sorry to hear about this bud


PM sent

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No CCTV or witnesses. However my luck is changing. This just missed the Corrado and my neighbour is making offerings to the lampost.



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Bugger! You've had this one for ages as well haven't you?


Had it about 14 years now. It's having it's 21st birthday party on the 4th January. I suppose it will have to stay off the wine because of it's injuries.

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