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washing car with hosepipe ban!

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Not cleaned my car since December and its fairly mucky now, so need some suggestions. What are you all doing if you have a hosepipe ban in your area like ours (Thames Water)? Dont think filling buckets with water and throwing them over the car will be too efficient...


Plus I'd like to clay the paint too.

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Garage door closed. Hose in through the window so no-one will see. Job done :D


Or buckets of water.

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I see karcher have an attachment so you can use a water butt instead of a hose to the machine, bascially a pickup pipe.


Could always fill a water butt up somehow :)

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never really use hose on my car anyway, just get a clean cellulose sponge and wipe the water off from washing from a bucket, my water here is so hard anyway you need to sponge/leather dry quick or it stains badly, fresh water from a hose only makes this worse.

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Its amuses me this water pipe ban, my mum was reading a highly amusing article about how you are not allowed to water your lawn but in the interests of health and safety to animals, you are allowed to clean a pet. If the pet just happens to run all over the garden and even in those hard to reach places in the garden then thats alright...


More here:


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Got lucky today!


Badly needed to wash the daily driver due to it being encrusted with bird carp. I was sorely tempted to use the hose as the car was parked in the driveway, which is pretty secluded......but figured I'd be law abiding and use a bucket.


Within 5 mins of me starting to wash the car I noticed a council van parked up, with the worker staring at me disapprovingly!

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Got lucky today!


Badly needed to wash the daily driver due to it being encrusted with bird carp. I was sorely tempted to use the hose as the car was parked in the driveway, which is pretty secluded......but figured I'd be law abiding and use a bucket.


Within 5 mins of me starting to wash the car I noticed a council van parked up, with the worker staring at me disapprovingly!


you need to drive to scotland rains here everyday don,t need a hosepipe:cool:

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Get the Polish lads to wash it at the local Hand Wash.

They usually do a pretty good job, I asked them for straight line washing, drying etc.


I love it, car being washed, young fit rather cute men drawling all over my car !!!

I have them so trained, they even ask to have the spoiler raised

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Might just go out and wash all 5 just because I can :lol: Yorkshire Baby! it's full of hills with water at the bottom of em all!

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Go tell him to mind his own life ;( In my country there is a law that protects you from being watched by someone - disturbance of the private life.

And put a spray on the tip of the hose, so you van vary the spray AND save water ;)




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just collect my new corrado and washed in in south wales next 15minutes later it tips down with rain

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Ah, I know that. It just means that you can spend more quality time with your Corrado, and that the car knows that you did not clean the sunroof drains, so now you have a chance to do it ;)





---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:30 PM ----------


Wendy: Say likethe movie "carwash"?




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Small country ours, but tremendous variation in weather/climate in short distances.


Last year - 2011 - was our wettest on record, here. We had about 130% of normal.

Much of England had a large deficit.

Edited by craigowl

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mmm, statistics and all that, I live in one of the areas apparently having had less than 65% of 'average' rainfall last year and yet from memory since I've lived here (10 years or so) we had some pretty wet years too, so I thought I'd check.

Pitsford Hall weather station (nr me) has all it's records online, this is what I found:


[TABLE=width: 256]



[TD=colspan: 3]% difference from 1971-2000 mean




[TD=align: right]1999


[TD=align: right]105.2






[TD=align: right]2000


[TD=align: right]128.7






[TD=align: right]2001


[TD=align: right]113.7






[TD=align: right]2


[TD=align: right]116.3






[TD=align: right]3


[TD=align: right]77.9






[TD=align: right]4


[TD=align: right]104.5






[TD=align: right]5


[TD=align: right]81.4






[TD=align: right]6


[TD=align: right]100.8






[TD=align: right]7


[TD=align: right]120.2






[TD=align: right]8


[TD=align: right]107.1






[TD=align: right]9


[TD=align: right]84.8






[TD=align: right]2010


[TD=align: right]87.4






[TD=align: right]2011


[TD=align: right]66.5







[TD=align: right]ave 99.57692







so over 13 years we had 99.6% 'average' rainfall :lol:

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I don't get this statistics and people on TV news. They say that there is no rain?! I mean are we living in two different countries or what. Last time I checked England was only one on the map.

I live in West Yorkshire and it rains every day, and if it isn't it's just about to! London is like 200 miles away from Leeds, is these 200 miles really making such a great difference to weather?


Now I washed my car on Monday morning, and starting from Monday afternoon it was raining non-stop until now... and well it's still raining anyway. also doesn't look as it is about to stop any time soon anyway.... eh would love some sunshine...

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to be fair, if you live south of birmingham there's little or no relief-rainfall from the direction of the prevailing wind (no big hills to the south-west) and that affects the level of rain you get in the UK hugely

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Weather geek on

Its the lack of water under ground in aquifers that is the problem in areas affected by the drought, it needs normal winter rainfall just to balance the losses over summer and more than normal to regain deficit.

It doesn't matter how much it rains now because it won't recharge the groundwater unless we get above average rainfall next winter. High evaporation and transpiration rates in spring and summer means that the net balance of water reaching aquifers is minimal.

Three Winters in a row with considerably below average rainfall is too much to cope with.

Weather geek off

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