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Why do you own a Corrado?

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For me, I fell in love when an old friend had one and I was just a young boy. The shape and interior, especially the bucket rear seats and weirdly, always loved the gear stick location and design over any other car I had seen. Then listening to the exhaust heat shields ticking on after the journey was over. They're all quite vivid memories.


There are some amazing cars out there but amazing prices. What other cars have you driven that's made you smile? Even if that's because you fixed a faulty ABS sensor and finally managing to get the ABS light to stay off!


I used to import brand new German cars a while back and delivering cars for £30 thousand to sl55 amg money at 90 plus thousand and honestly, at the end of the day, apart from that luxury new leather car smell, I didn't feel done by driving home in my Rado. Nice thread this

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Good question! I've already had a golf mk3 vr6 and a mk2 VR so a corrado was the next logical step for me.

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I love the look of the C and the character, but I also love peoples reactions when they see them, "don't see many of them anymore"... or "I remembers these.. scirocco isn't it?" Haha


But its nice having a car that you barely see about and love to see another one on the road


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because its not a 3 series with a bodykit, yeh the m3 is faster but a corrado does not look like an m3 and thats a good thing in my book.


And the bills running one of those compared to a Corrado will be quite scary too. And is it me, but does an E36 M3 just look dated and chavvy now?

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And the bills running one of those compared to a Corrado will be quite scary too. And is it me, but does an E36 M3 just look dated and chavvy now?


Another plus side... chavs don't tend to like corrados


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We are!! :LOL:


For me its childhood memories of test driving a few with my old boy..... and hearing THAT noise & feeling the surge forwards. Lovely, just lovely.


I’m also in the "reflection gang". Awww inst she pretty!


---------- Post added at 4:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 4:28 PM ----------




why own a corrado.....!!!



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Around my waters a Corrado is three times more expensive than say in the UK, but still it attracts me like bee to honey. Because it's not about price, it's not about comfort, not about topspeed, not about an absurd number of electronic gizmos. It's all about the joy of driving it, keeping it and a little looking at it, when having just locked it up and walking away. I don't need a car at all, I almost allways ride my bicycles.

I have had a Mk.II for many years, changing it into a small gocart, and liked it. It have a certain charm, but not at all like a Corrado, which costed an insane amount of money when new - 63.000 pounds, and kept it's price well, even after ten years. Newer cars get old too, and get cheaper, so together with the crisis, and a desperate family father who knocked his head every single time he stepped into and out the Corrado, I bought it for a fair amount. Through this last 9 months, I've paid more that I gave for the Corrado in spares ;)

I must say I agree with most people here, that the Corrado is a rare, fun, engageing and involving car to drive. It's also not a tall car, and I like them low, them cars. So for me height is also very important.

I like exactly the same on my very rare Moto Laverda SFC1000 motorcycle, with only about 250 made/left). Handmade by two brothers in a small Italian town, and backed up 100 % by the villagers who worked there. It's got spirit. Everyone want's one, it's not the price, but only a few are committed to get one and keeping it properly, AND driving the beast, so it'll not turn into a museum piece. Same can be said on the Corrado. The way a propper set up Corrado can swoosh around a corner or through a series of bends, is very very good. Also when compared to modern cars, which for 99,9% are as boring as a used piece of soap.

Great car and it put demands to you as driver, so don't be lazy and give it some throttle ;)


To sum it up, the Corrado's got spirit, and that is why we chose them ;) A Corrado is a statement about a person wanting a car that is a small compact impossible impractical sportscar that flies. The owner knows it. The other people in trafic knows it. The Corrado knows it. And can be relaxed about it, so no need to prove it all the time to other fast cars. Over time the other fast cars get dull, old and grey. But the Corrado have the integrity to remain itself. That's it.





ps: a Lotus Esprit turbo HC Series 3 (1987) would nearly, only nearly, do that same thing for me ;) And an orange and silver Miura 1967 with golden Campagnolo magnesium wheels ;)


pps: Very nice thread ;)

Edited by Redfox

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Funny mix of stuff: I can remember the first time I saw one driving through London and did a proper wtf is that thing, kind of love at first sight. And the way it drives, obviously. And I hate modern cars with their identikit, splodgy looks. I can barely tell the new Scirocco and a Vauxhall Astra apart, the 'rado looks like a CAR. And don't get me started on Audis.


And I like that most people have no idea what a Corrado is. And those who do have a certain respect for the things. And that ridiculous VR6 howl that has you driving down country roads with the windows down so you can hear the exhaust note bouncing back off dry-stone walls. And there's something ace about the rear lights, they remind me of stained glass for some reason, just this wall of lights with black leading.


And there are really only three cars I want to own: Mk2 GTi, the Corrado and a 911.


So yeah, to sum that I up, I have no real idea, just a bunch of randomness, but I do seem to own one.

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a couple of reasons, Because they look cool!! there a alot rarer to see on todays roads, VR6!! and i wanted a project car so i wouldnt get board of just driveing it from

A to B , did i say VR6?!!! prety much sums it up for moi!

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For me it a combination of things. I wanted a project car, to tuck up in the garage and tinker with over the winter, and enjoy driving around in the summer. My last three cars have been Lexus, a '96 mk1 GS300 Sport, a '99 Mk2 GS300 Sport, and the current daily driver is a '01 mk2 GS430 Sport. Cheap cars to buy and the 430 is very, very quick for a big exec saloon. I didn't want a project that I would find slow and boring when it did venture out the garage, so I needed a good priced, fast car. I've always liked the Corrado and it was a kinda "eurika" moment whilst weighing up purchase cost and tinkering costs. Going back to a proper vintage car takes bottomless pockets which I don't have. The VR6 Corrado ticked all the boxes, relatively old and retro, and just looks the part, squat and moody. The more I take it out the garage and drive it, the more it is growing on me. I'm having to learn a different driving style, Lexus is a 300 BHP rear wheel drive, the Corrado 190 BHP front wheel drive. Definately loving the corrado handling, and starting to get to grips with having to rev the corrado a lot higher to get the performance compared the lazy ease a 4.3 litre V8 delivers the power.

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its a car i have not had before and now its my daily drive, nice too something different not many around here

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The Corrado is and always will be a stunning car to both look at when stationary and on the move, it simply Oozes class which ever angle you look at it.


The way the swage line below the windows curves like a gentle wave up & down and then the muscular stance of the arches which make it look almost menacing in the rear view mirror but mixed in with big dollops of style too.


It kinda makes me think of it as Miss Monroe with the great hour glass curves :) I know this sounds sill but I also feel the same when I see a Spitfire or a P51 Mustang, just something thats hard to describe to anyone else.


I always have to look round at it when walking away from it and i'm pretty sure many of us are the same.


The Corrado created my relationship with my only true soulmate and that could never be overlooked. :)

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To answer why I own a Corrado rather than why did I buy it the truth now is probably because I already own it. I love the car but my head tells me its time to have a practical diesel estate. I will however probably never part with it because it will never bring the money that makes any sense to sell it, and emotionally the ties are very strong. I only wish I could afford to buy and run another car besides the current daily we share. If I didn't own mine i'm afraid I wouldnt be looking to get another, they are a labour of love if you want a good one and that takes time, commitment patience and money.

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Having been a Ford man for many years including XR fiesta's, RS Escort's and Cossie's I saw an Audi Coupe and thought I'd like that so bought one.


Thought it was a great well built car but it did not handle well at all, way to big and heavy so I looked for an alternative in the form of a 91 G60.


After a little tuning it was a quick car that handled well and looked the nuts, unfortunately for the poor old G60, my wife got pregnant and a 2 door coupe wasn't the best for everything needed when we went out with the baby so i sold it and got a Bora 1.8T and a mk1 cabrio.


Selling the G was one of my bad decisions as I didn't need to sell and just spent the money on the mk1 which still isnt finished, really wish I'd kept the G and not bought the mk1.


I have now found another 16v which will be on the road in a couple of weeks.


Like Kev said, so many sell and regret, I'm one of them...

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But good on you that you bought another one !!!

I am sure your child will eventually have the coolest father with the coolest car ;)




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The Corrado created my relationship with my only true soulmate and that could never be overlooked. :)


aaawwwwww cheers mate!!

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I bought mine (12 years ago) because I liked the shape !

I've had a mk1,a mk2scirrocco,not a die hard Vw nut,interspersed with vans and pick ups, kept my C for its reliability, and gradually after a few years started to realise what I had !

To me it's a German muscle car !

I can't see me ever selling it, i love the styling,the feel from the drivers seat,just everything about it !

The girlfriend knows she will always come second ! lol but enough about my sexual prowess !!

I'll get my coat

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I first saw a corrado in the flesh at leeds vw festival. and always loving old school cars i just had to have one. absolutley love mine. Love it when people say "dont see many of them nowdays" i dno to me newer cars just dont have the character or the soul. But maybe in 20 years time who knows the vw's of today might start to grow a character like old vw's do now. And i dont know if people agree but what a name! CORRADO rolls of the tongue perfectly haha.

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i30, what a symptomatical name for a far eastern piece of crap...


So I agree completely.





---------- Post added at 6:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 6:44 PM ----------


Ah, take a look at apprx. 2:20, look at the Corrado in the middle versus the other two cars.



That's why ;)




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aaawwwwww cheers mate!!



Edited by KIPVW

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And take a look at this a 1:35. That's a nice reason to have a Corrado. A nice competition indeed.



Actually lot's of reasons to have a Corrado ;) Fortunately.




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I wanted one from being 19 (17 years ago) after seeing by mates neighbours Classic Green Storm.


The shape is just fantastic and look equaly as good standard or lowered on a nice set of Wheels!


Even though I have my VR, I still make a special trip every so often to go past the same classic green storm to check he still has it! (I may buy that one day)

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I love my VR because it does smiles from 0 to silly and back again. :smug:

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