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Whats your worst enemy on the road?

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Mainly women, although not exclusively, who hog the middle lane of the motorway no matter the conditions


Women who sit too close to the steering wheel


Old men who drive at 48.67mph no matter the conditions


People that demonstrate poor spacial awareness by not driving through a gap the size of the Suez Canal even though their Range Rover full of privately educated children could drive over most cars


People who's idea of indicating is catching the stalk with their finger as they actually make their turn


People with tinted windows (you think you're too important to be seen, pah!)


Drivers who overtake at no more than 2mph faster than the car they are attempting to get in front of


People who tailgate when it's teeming with rain and you can't see past the end of your nose


Drivers who don't thank me for letting them out, it's rude and I want to kill you


Pikeys driving Sierra's who belch out plumes of blue smoke


Baby on Board stickers, it's OK, seeing as you have an infant on board I definately won't ram into the back of you accidentally

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Nice list and well worded :wink:


Mainly women, although not exclusively, who hog the middle lane of the motorway no matter the conditions


Yeah it's a snobbery thing. "I'm not going in the pikey slow lane".


Women who sit too close to the steering wheel


Don't let my girlfriend hear you say that, she's only 5ft 1" tall and HAS to sit close to the wheel, bless her :lol:


Old men who drive at 48.67mph no matter the conditions


Slow in the head, slow in the motion.


People that demonstrate poor spacial awareness by not driving through a gap the size of the Suez Canal even though their Range Rover full of privately educated children could drive over most cars


Slow in the head, slow in the motion. And School run Range Rover Mums should be removed from the face of the earth and put on a planet where Men drop the kids off in juggernaughts when the women are trying to get to work.


People who's idea of indicating is catching the stalk with their finger as they actually make their turn


Yep, hate that too. Arrogance, ignorance and laziness combined.


People with tinted windows (you think you're too important to be seen, pah!)


I have no issue with that if it's a decent car.


Drivers who overtake at no more than 2mph faster than the car they are attempting to get in front of


Slow in the head, slow in the motion.


People who tailgate when it's teeming with rain and you can't see past the end of your nose


Yep, usual acorn dicked reps trying to prove their 318i company hack is a Mclaren F1.


Drivers who don't thank me for letting them out, it's rude and I want to kill you


Yep, that gets me too. Arrogant A.holes and yes, they also need removing from the planet.


Pikeys driving Sierra's who belch out plumes of blue smoke


Doesn't bother me as it's something amusing to laugh at and brighten the journey up :D


Baby on Board stickers, it's OK, seeing as you have an infant on board I definately won't ram into the back of you accidentally


Exactly. Who gives a sh1t if there's a baby on board? That doesn't stop the Father/Mother driving like an idiot still. And why should everyone else suddenly treat them like royalty and change the way they drive?

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people say im so laid back that i should have been born a limbo dancer? but the only thing that p****s me of are the saxo brigade, the ones that always wear caps? why do they always want a race :?: . but they never win :D

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Well I had a Saxo VTR before the G60 (and occassionally wear a cap when I've run out of hair wax) and I never behaved like a dick head! I didn't do too much racing though what with only having 100bhp!

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My biggest gripe are the people that have to sit in the middle lane on the motorway... I seem to remember hearing a while ago that the government are planning to start a campaign to get people back in the nr side lane. I just witsh they would hurry up!!!


The worst part with these morons is that you approach in the nr side lane, then have to cross 2 lanes to go round them and then back accross 2 lanes to get back to the nr side... no matter how obvious you make it or how close you cut past them they carry on regardless!!!


That and Chavs are my biggest hate and all the others previously mentioned come a very close second...

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Saab & Volvo drivers. Complete half wits. Something about the safety must somehow make them believe that they own the roads. :p

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There's a crawler lane that's usually quite busy on a single carriageway national speed limit road on the way to my house, every bloody time the car in front of me goes into the right hand lane to overtake, even if they're not going any faster, barely have enough torque to get up the hill, or sometimes even if there's nothing in the left hand lane at all, and only very reluctantly move over to let me pass. Annoys the hell out of me.


As does people who hesitate at roundabouts, especially thouse who pull out in front of you while looking at you, then shrugging their shoulders when you slam your hand onto the horn, they need stabbed in the face.


Pikey chav boy and girl racers in their Corsas and Saxos who do stupid things to get past you, even when you're doing 10/15mph over the limit anyway, and almost blind you when they undertake you and cut you up with their stupid neons. The hardcore Max Power lot are even worse with their 2 litre Novas, it's still not enough to leave a VR so just don't bother little boy.


People who don't think the rules of dual carriageways apply to urban dual carriageways and sit in the right hand lane at about 25 for miles because they can't be bothered to, or are too scared to, change lanes when they're ready to turn right.


People who are too scared to overtake a slow moving vehicle when it's perfectly safe to. If you're too scared to perform some basic driving, then you shouldn't be allowed on the road, simple as. And it makes it more dangerous for us because we have to overtake 4/5 vehicles at a time instead of the one.


People who drive with fog lights all the time for no apparent reason and those who don't put their full beam off when you're coming towards them, or do so at the last second. Ignorant selfish wankers.


People who slow down approaching a green light at a junction when there's no need, get through the junction then slow down if you have to, don't make me slam on my brakes then have to stop at a red light. Awareness of the road around you will mean you don't have to slam on your brakes everytime you want to move your steering wheel.

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one of the major worst enemies has to be cops!!! They only put speed traps on the good roads and then screw people as they go to overtake!


The other one is people who dont know the rules of the road, you drive in the Left lane and pull into the right to overtake


Rant over! :D

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Big exec cars: BMW's, Jags, Mercs- most of these guys seem to think they own the road- always trying to intimidate other drivers with their tailgating etc. They think they have some sort of divine right of way. To$$ers!

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Speed limits and people who pull out infront of you drive 10m and then wait to turn right. Especially when there was no-one behind me and they could have waited 3secs and pulled out behind me!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My worst hates are Potholes! i cant stand them! i always seem to hit them when i am being my most careful!


2nd has to be the people who you give way too and they look at you in disgust and dont say thank you!


Worst car hates have to be BMW Drivers and Boy Racer Saxo's! they always want to have a go! GET A LIFE is what i say!!

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just been out to the shop in proper bad weather and it`s ridiculous how many people drive with no lights on at 20-30mph over the speed limit in 2 inches of water!!

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Metro's. A.K.A. Portable crumple zones... The patrol the streets looking for nice cars to send the scrapyard in the sky.

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Banana Man, is that the real reson for the monster engine... ti keep up with RS's lol


I just hate everyone else on the road...... but in particular i hate subaru owners with a vengance,,, they think their all rally drivers but in reality dangerous and supid is what most are...


also dont like huge 4x4 dont see the point of em at all they jus smak ur sides up in car parks same as transits, always good for a ding when u park next to one of them


also get scared of ppl who like to have a fag and chat on the mobile phone whilst driving a stupid speeds


has of today i dont quite like bikers they sit in the middle of the road going too slow when if they move to the side i can be on my way easily,,, i understand they have a right but a bit of compromise wouldnt hurt


also sh*t road with potholes they owe me many £££'s


hate the police as well! (snip!)


like i said i hate more or less everyone

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Rovers. All and any.


Well you've gone and upset my other half again look... she's got a Rover 25, LOL!! :D


There's no excuse for that. Get her a dub.


And actually I lied, it's not all Rovers. Some stuff pre '75 (not Rover 75, 1975) was alright and I do recall a rather tasty (and ugly) Group B model... :lol:

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This thread is now back after a slight intermission :)


Resume slating other motorists!

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Oh this is so easy....

1) Cars with tasteful scaffolding spoilers strapped across the back

2) People who stop, look, see there is a car coming, and only then pull out in front of you.

3) People who stop at roundabouts when there is nothing there, look, and only then go.

4) People who go right in the left hand lane of roundabouts.

5) Traffic lights on roundabouts. Especially when the roads are empty.

6) People who don't indicate.

6a) People who don't indicate, then suddenly decide they will for a few turns only.

7) Foglights on all the time

8) Foglights on all the time, but it's OK, 'coz my sidelights are on'!

9) Foglights on, but it's OK 'coz one of my sidelights is working, innit'!

10) Wan#y bue LED washer jets, 'coz I iz an indeervidueel, innit!'

11) People who drive up your arse in a 30 limit, especially when you know there is a speed camera ahead.

12) People who when you wave/gesture etc that their tyre is flat, their exhaust is falling etc off look at you with utter disgust for having disturbed their little bubble of the world, and drive off.

13) No brakelights at all working.

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11) People who drive up your arse in a 30 limit, especially when you know there is a speed camera ahead.


And then fail to keep up when you floor it on the way out of the 30 limit :roll:

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And then fail to keep up when you floor it on the way out of the 30 limit


That is my favourite past time especially with chavvy cars and rep sleds!

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1)Big exec cars with really bright lights driving6 inches from your bumper

2)People not saying thanks after letting them out

3)people pulling out infront of you when you are doing 60mph

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Surely its not legal to park on a round about?? Theres a new Kebab shop opened in my town on a round about-every fcuker parks on it-makes it pretty tight! even the Cops park on it when getting there scran-the FCUKERs had the cheek to pull me up at 6:30 AM on a sunday morning for parking with my wheels on the kerb in a residental area! If it wasnt for the fact i wa driving a car that im not insured on id have said somit!


Regards Fraser

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