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25th Anniversary National Day - Castle Combe

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  Jim said:
I emailed the photographer but have no response about pictures... :(


Yeah me too and no response.

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  vornwend said:
Sean, Did you manage to upload the vid?



No I didn't do it mate. Its basically just the missus filming a lap, and her commenting when I jump on the go pedal on the exit to the second chicane. She'd kill me if I put it on as its a bit rude............... :silent:

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I finally got around to uploading the in-car recording of the parade lap. Please excuse the absolutely terrible unedited audio and video quality as it literally was from my phone stuck onto the widnscreen. I doubt anyone is that interested but it's here anyway:



There's two parts because the one phone call I got during the day was during the parade and it cut out the recording.

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Finally got around to uploading my parade laps vid. Unfortunately. for some reason this is the only video that worked on the day, the others seem to have corrupted somehow... maybe the heat with the camera left in the car for so long... if I can recover anything else I'll put them up as well.


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I know its a bit late, but I've finally managed to get round to getting the photo's of the camera.

After spending 10 hours the other day editing prom night photo's its nice to get back onto my own stuff. Only 2 from the day that really stood out. But I guess the important 2.

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Anyone else bought photos from the track side photographer after the day? I emailed them a few days after the event and had to wait a while for a reply which said yes we have the photos (they emailed me thumbnail pics) and so I sent payment by Paypal. That was 2 weeks back, I emailed them just over a week ago and have not heard or received the photos so I emailed them again today and phoned them. The answer machine replied with 'I'm sorry the voice mailbox is full and can't accept any more message'. I smell a rat!

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Next Wednesday, 18/9/2013, get yourself a copy of VW Driver magazine. There will be a 5-page feature on the track day that took place at Castle Combe in July, with one full page of pictures of the Rados attending!



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Cheers for the heads up tempest


Regarding photos i phoned them and gave them my adress and was told some proofs would come through for me to have a look at

They never arrived and i gave up after trying to phone them again


If i can find out how to upload vids ill get a few up from the day that chrisl took

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  daves16v said:
Panic over, photos received last night with apologies.


Replies seem to take a week or more at a time. I got some thumbnails through for scrutiny but they were so small I couldn't decide if the full size pictures would be any good so putting a purchase on ice for now!

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Hi wendy hope your ok ,i was thinking about you the other day ! i stayed in banbury on tuesday night and we came in on exactly the same roads as we did after national day wich was good , not quite the same in a 3 1/2 ton van though lol

Are you still going to flame and thunder ?

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  redborbet said:
Hi wendy hope your ok ,i was thinking about you the other day ! i stayed in banbury on tuesday night and we came in on exactly the same roads as we did after national day wich was good , not quite the same in a 3 1/2 ton van though lol

Are you still going to flame and thunder ?


Matt - sent you a PM

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  redborbet said:
Hi wendy hope your ok ,i was thinking about you the other day ! i stayed in banbury on tuesday night and we came in on exactly the same roads as we did after national day wich was good , not quite the same in a 3 1/2 ton van though lol

Are you still going to flame and thunder ?


Matt, I wish I had known you were about on Tuesday, would have come and brought you a beer, or 2

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I know , my mistake to be honest but i didnt think either you or wendy would have been about , we stayed in a little cottage called the easington i think it was , on a little cross roads

Next time im in the area ill deffo let you know , hopefully we can catch up at an other event if your going to any and have a few beers then

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Issue well worth buying. Some dodgy writer contributed a few words to the CCGB national day page, too :lol:



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Just a quick reminder:


The next issue of VW Driver mag with write-up on the CCGB National Day at Castle Combe is on sale from tomorrow at most major WH Smiths etc, but – unless there is one very close by – then probably the most expedient method is to order it online from the website at http://www.volkswagendrivermag.co.uk or call the office on 01525 750 500 and receive it by post.


Neil also informs me that:


Photos of many of the cars on track can be ordered from the official photographer Jim Gaisford. Tel: 01225 743 400 or e-mail: johngaisford405@gmail.com



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Anyone manage to get the magazine? Couldn't find a copy near the office.

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  n3p said:
Anyone manage to get the magazine? Couldn't find a copy near the office.


Nope, had my daughter look for it in various places whilst she was in town shopping.

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I was in london last night in the westfield shopping district wich has probably the biggest wh smiths iv ever seen and they didnt have it in !! ****bags

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Checked my WH Smiths in Coventry town centre, still had the old issue on the shelf *grumble* Maybe today.



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Picked up a copy from WH Smiths today. Really good write-up and some brill photos.

Well done Eric.

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Managed to get a copy, good article. My car is in one of the photos :)


I could scan and share, but I'm having an attack of conscience. Mods?!

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Now available! Well, at least ny local Smiths in the centre of Coventry has the latest issue of VW Driver with write-up of our national day on the shelves :)



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