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EJ Taylor

The glue under the bonnet... REMOVAL!

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I know everyone has this issue, I do allot detailing and have tried everything i can think of, i saw a week or so back a guy on here had actually found something that worked. Cant for the life of me find where the thread is though, so if you read this please do share the knowledge. Other than that anyone else who knows how to do it your help would be much much appreciated!

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Tried any solvent remover?


And nothing to do with engines, so moving ;) And to think I was just about to change your username back!! :grin:

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lol mr Vr6 , thats another months pocket money gone handjob , Mr Gaskell to the rescue again , or norris as i called him when he always got me out of s;;t with my car , will be needing info when i remove mine .

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My advice still stands of recommending VW´s own orange-smell glue remover. 0.9 liter tin costs something like 21 Quid, though :-O



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Tried any solvent remover?


And nothing to do with engines, so moving ;) And to think I was just about to change your username back!! :grin:


The forum section is titled "engine bay" i would include the underside of the bonnet in that category. Also loving the Fing user name.. all the email notifications coming addressed to " hand job charlie" fantastic ha

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I'm sorry I can see your lips are moving but it's like you're speaking a different language.... Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, just can't concentrate after VR6's stirling work!

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Best way is to take the bonnet off and carefully put it on the lawn. Then pour a small amount of cellulose thinners on each bit, let it dissolve the glue for a minute or two, then just scrape it off with a credit card, scoops off like margarine...petrol works too, but you have to let it soak longer.

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Another vote for body shop glue and tar spot remover. Wipe it on and leave it to soak for a few minutes then scrape/peel off the whole gooey mess. Mine came from the local trade paint place in a 5 litre container, great stuff for shifting all sorts of glues.

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Tardis glue remover worked wonders on mine.

Tools required 1 x maxed out credit card.

Spray on leave to soak for a minute or two.

Move on to the next.[ATTACH=CONFIG]78957[/ATTACH]





Available from amazon

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I finally got round to doing mine this afternoon.

used white sprit and a body filler plastic tool.

came off quite well soaked it and it came off ok.

Edited by Ray1965

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Good work Ray are you replacing or leaving it as it is?


Cheers guys. TBH I'm not sure to replace it or not. Daft Questions now, Will it in anyway do any damage to the paint having no insulation? Will it effect the temp under the bonnet as to maybe running cooler?

As since i have done it dunno if i'm right, but i did a 40 mile trip in 23 degree outside temp (made a nice change),in traffic most of the time and the average temp of the water was around 75 to 80 and the oil temp was about 94 to 96. Not sure if there is a problem don't really know the correct running temperatures of the oil and coolant should be in the weather conditions mentioned.

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Cheers guys. TBH I'm not sure to replace it or not. Daft Questions now, Will it in anyway do any damage to the paint having no insulation? Will it effect the temp under the bonnet as to maybe running cooler?

As since i have done it dunno if i'm right, but i did a 40 mile trip in 23 degree outside temp (made a nice change),in traffic most of the time and the average temp of the water was around 75 to 80 and the oil temp was about 94 to 96. Not sure if there is a problem don't really know the correct running temperatures of the oil and coolant should be in the weather conditions mentioned.

Temp's sound about right Ray. I have no insulation on mine and everything is fine

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