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Basically some moron managed to crash in to my car at weekend , it was parked out side my house and he has hit it stationery , god knows how !


Now iv spoke to the insurance and they seem to think because of the age of the car it could get written off , iv already said it wont be getting wrote off and that i want it repairing and she told me i can get a quote at my specific wich i will do at weekend


My question is ...... If it gets wrote off and i can buy it back for a decent price should i go for that option and then get the paint fixed and still be well in pocket , ie if i get 2500 for the insurance spend 500 or so getting the car back and 200/300 on sorting the paint and still have plenty of change left would it effect my insurance with it now being classed as a cat d , or is there any other downsides to my situation im forgetting ?


Or am i just as well to push getting it fixed and be done with it


Ill post a pic of the damage , its not to bad but if they quote for a new bumper and then paint labour and to spray the side and check all the alignment as he knocked a back wheel very slightly i rekon it will soon add up to arount the cars value


Your thoughts ?

And ill make it clear that basically im not planning on ever getting rid of the car so letting it go is not an option i would choose

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Mate sure it will not come close to 2500 to repair unless u going to vw or something to get itbpainted


Stick by your guns and get it repaired

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Not good news Mat 1 i hope you gave the moron a slap 2 If you are thinking of keeping for ever let them write it off as long as you are going to do alright out of it cos like you say your not getting rid so the fact it is a Cat D is of no consequence.

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Its not bad really just if they decide its to much to fix ! Pretty sure theres no dint , at first i though it has slightly pushed tue arch in but iv been lucky ! Well i say i have what i mean is he has lol

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I'd avoid the insurers if possible, more hassle than worth , esp long term when you'll have to delare it as a non-fault. If it's just some paint, I'd hang fire and get it done when you have cash - will probably be worth your while in premiums.


Do you think they crashed because they were starting at your wheels? :p

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gutted for you matt! happened to me the other year and its so frustrating.

If its slightly out of shape then I'd just pay a paintless dent removal guy (there are a few local to us) then either touch up with wet sand and machine polish or a quick paint job. There is a guy near town that is doing my front bumper and the bottom of my slam panel this winter for £90. He's just sprayed my father in laws bubble car and done a great job.


Your excess is probably more then a repair.

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Bad times Matt but damage not too bad by the looks of it. Get the cold hard cash from the other guy if I was you. If not, force his insurers to repair.... As is your right.

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Didn't realise it was as little damage as that I would avoid insurer's mate not worth all the hassle.

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Its not going through my insurance , the lad who did it actually knocked on my door to tell me he had done it , i made him ring his insurance and he has already admitted liability for what he has done , i was under the impression that my insurance wouldnt change as i was sat in my house wen it happend and had nohing to do with it

As far as i know up to now my insurees dont know about it , its all going through aviva ( his insurer) i did think about taking cash for him but he didnt looks like a cash strapped kid !!! I had to google his work phone number for him and let him ring of my phone so he could tell them he was going to be late !! Had to do the same for his insurance aswell because he had no credit on his phone !!!


Iv got to get a quote at weekend then there phoning me back on monday when iv chosen a spray shop to get a quote from

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  redborbet said:
Its not going through my insurance , the lad who did it actually knocked on my door to tell me he had done it , i made him ring his insurance and he has already admitted liability for what he has done , i was under the impression that my insurance wouldnt change as i was sat in my house wen it happend and had nohing to do with it

As far as i know up to now my insurees dont know about it , its all going through aviva ( his insurer) i did think about taking cash for him but he didnt looks like a cash strapped kid !!! I had to google his work phone number for him and let him ring of my phone so he could tell them he was going to be late !! Had to do the same for his insurance aswell because he had no credit on his phone !!!


Iv got to get a quote at weekend then there phoning me back on monday when iv chosen a spray shop to get a quote from


Let us know how it works out, If your insurance company is completely sidestepped and it doesnt effect your premium can you give the lad my address and tell him to scrape the drivers wing a touch, could do with a free touch up :)


Seriously though, at least the lad owned up. Many a dishonest driver out there that would have driven away. The family Citroen C4 has gained a 8inch red stripe on the passengers door where somebody did something similar and was left as a suprise for us . :censored:


Fingers crossed for you mate.

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Hold the phone!!


If he hit you and excepted liability it is up to his insurance company to do the running around not you or your insurance. It shouldn't affect your no claims either or your excess. The repair looks to be less than the value of the car easily so don't let them scare you with right off cobblers

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It won't affect your no-claims and you won't have to pay an excess, but your insurance premium will probably go up when you inform your insurance company. :(

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  timmaaah said:
It won't affect your no-claims and you won't have to pay an excess, but your insurance premium will probably go up when you inform your insurance company. :(


I agree, and you'll need to keep declaring it for 5 years.


If no-fault accidents don't make a difference to your premium, why do insurers need you to declare them.....


At least the car will get repaired though.

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That is a very minor knock. No parts needed. I would probably get it on a 4 Wheel alignment though if the rear wheel got hit. You don't want to be driving around with a bent stub axle or damaged bearings. Those taper bearings aren't the strongest!


Yeah, that annoys me how insurance companies insist on you reporting the claim for 5 years. And points too. DVLA only care about them for 3 years, but insurance companies want to penalise you for them for 2 more years after they've come off your license!


After the energy companies have been regulated, next we need to sort the bloody insurance companies out. Themselves, their approved repairer scheme & the courtesy car (through Enterprise, Avis et al) is all a big swindle.


Take your excess for example. Say you have a £500 excess (common high value cars or rare ones like the Corrado). Did you know the same excess transfers to your rental car too? So if you damage that as well, you pay £500 twice. Absolute chunts. But of course, they can offer you an Excess protection policy for just £7.99 a day. What's cheaper? £7.99 x 10 days or £500? It's a no brainer. They royally bend you over a barrel.


Then we get to the flat rate repair scheme. Insurance companies pay their approved garage a flat rate to fix a car, say, £2000. If a car comes in needing £1000 or work, the garage 'makes' £1000. If a car comes in needing £4000 of work, they have to make up for that shortfall and that usually means fitting pattern parts instead of genuine, fixing bent things instead of replacing and them taking other assorted short cuts. There is even a clause in the policy if you look, stating: "We will fit parts that meet the original equipment standards, or repair them where necessary". So your car could come out of the shop with loads of GSF tat on it.


Protected bonus. Yeah, what ever. It's just a number to them. They still load the premium heavily before applying the bonus, so you still end up paying more regardless. A


And if your car group is involved in more accidents, statistically, you pay for other people's mistakes.


If someone hits you, you still pay more because your car had to be fixed.


It's all a big bloody con, but thank god for comparison sites making it easier for us to find the cheapest, but every one is on the make regardless. Except us, the paying customer, the great fleeced nation that is Britain.

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Hmmm i do hate insurance , its like you pay your fee for the year and then when something does happen your scared to use it !

Im pretty sure i couldnt have avoided it as the kid was just a little tramp basically , im suprised he had insurance !


Time will only tell , ill be ****ed of if my premium goes up as my insurer has had to do diddly squat and i was sat on my couch so had naff all to do with it , we will see and when the time comes ill just throw all my toys out the pram and tell them to stick it and see what they say

I agree with you though kev i hate being ripped off and for this i usualy end up making complaint and speaking to managers and managers managers ! Unfortunately it never seems to change for the little guys

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Even mentioning this to your insurance counts as a 'claim' to some insurers, even if neither party claimed, and they'll use it as a get out clause if you say "no" to "any claims in the last 5 years?". Honestly. It happened to a mate.


The whole idea of insurance is that you don't end up out of pocket should the worst happen. It's why we pay the premiums. But the way insurance is going these days, as you say, you're too scared to make a claim because they try and cream money off you at every angle.


Yep the honest workers of this world always suffer at the hands of corruption. I'm just waiting for the age to kick in where it doesn't bother me anymore, but if anything I am getting grumpier the older I get!!

Edited by Kevin Bacon

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  Kevin Bacon said:
That is a very minor knock. No parts needed. I would probably get it on a 4 Wheel alignment though if the rear wheel got hit. You don't want to be driving around with a bent stub axle or damaged bearings. Those taper bearings aren't the strongest!


Yeah, that annoys me how insurance companies insist on you reporting the claim for 5 years. And points too. DVLA only care about them for 3 years, but insurance companies want to penalise you for them for 2 more years after they've come off your license!


After the energy companies have been regulated, next we need to sort the bloody insurance companies out. Themselves, their approved repairer scheme & the courtesy car (through Enterprise, Avis et al) is all a big swindle.


Take your excess for example. Say you have a £500 excess (common high value cars or rare ones like the Corrado). Did you know the same excess transfers to your rental car too? So if you damage that as well, you pay £500 twice. Absolute chunts. But of course, they can offer you an Excess protection policy for just £7.99 a day. What's cheaper? £7.99 x 10 days or £500? It's a no brainer. They royally bend you over a barrel.


Then we get to the flat rate repair scheme. Insurance companies pay their approved garage a flat rate to fix a car, say, £2000. If a car comes in needing £1000 or work, the garage 'makes' £1000. If a car comes in needing £4000 of work, they have to make up for that shortfall and that usually means fitting pattern parts instead of genuine, fixing bent things instead of replacing and them taking other assorted short cuts. There is even a clause in the policy if you look, stating: "We will fit parts that meet the original equipment standards, or repair them where necessary". So your car could come out of the shop with loads of GSF tat on it.


Protected bonus. Yeah, what ever. It's just a number to them. They still load the premium heavily before applying the bonus, so you still end up paying more regardless. A


And if your car group is involved in more accidents, statistically, you pay for other people's mistakes.


If someone hits you, you still pay more because your car had to be fixed.


It's all a big bloody con, but thank god for comparison sites making it easier for us to find the cheapest, but every one is on the make regardless. Except us, the paying customer, the great fleeced nation that is Britain.



and breathe.... :p

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A bloke did the same trick to my B4 passat last winter - slid his toyota into it in the snow - dented the door, mangled the wing, scuffed the front wheel.


Not being too fussy about the appearance of the passat, I bought a 2nd hand wing, knocked the worst out of the door then filled it, rattle canned the door and ultimately flogged the wheels, scuffs and all(!)


Again, I was insured, he was insured, but I KNEW they'd write the car off - He reckoned he'd drop some cash round (he never did) but I still reckon I ended up better off than if I'd claimed. I never rang my insurance company. I refuse to give them any ammunition to rob me of any more money each year!

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