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Watch those prices rise - its says so here!

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For the Corrado to even be mentioned in the same article as the E30 M3 is extremely flattering. They demand serious money. We can only hope to be so lucky with the values of our Corrado's.

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  dr_mat said:
I'm still waiting for the serious money to arrive. Anyone?


i'm not in it for a cash return on my investment.... but hope to see the day when I see the value of what I bought the car from new in 1996.


I've watched the value drop from 20K ish

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i was flattered it got mentioned alongside the karmann ghia ha ha. its true though i have noticed 'older' classics have started to drop in price(got seriously tempted by a 1955 austin a30 the other day for less than a grand, and no it was'nt a full blown resto).


Won't be selling mine anytime soon though.



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:dance: Awesome stuff!


So many people here there and everywhere bigging them up recently. saying what great cars they are, its these opinions and write ups that help to increase the value in the long run. still remains the majority of the negativity aimed towards them is from people on here. ha

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  EJ Taylor said:
:dance: Awesome stuff!


So many people here there and everywhere bigging them up recently. saying what great cars they are, its these opinions and write ups that help to increase the value in the long run. still remains the majority of the negativity aimed towards them is from people on here. ha


indeed EJ - i think many people on here under value them despite all the hard work [& hard cash] they put into them


articles like this are becoming ever increasingly common & with the plethora of very complimenting reviews from when the rado's were first manufactured 'us' the owners & forum members should be welcoming increased prices


personally i have doubled the insured value of mine this year compared to last year now, due to all the work put into it, & the recent post & experience of DPS on here proves the insurers are starting to be on our side about value too......


quote "The valuation company called to say they agreed their initial offer did not reflect the true value of the car. They now placed it somewhere between 2.5 and 3.5 times the amount of their first offer and following my photographic evidence of her condition this was likely in the higher end"

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Would be nice if there was a 90's version of something similar to Ashes to Ashes and the main star had a Corrado.... :)

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Great to read things like this.

It will certainly be interesting to see how the prices/demand change as far as VR6 VS G60 etc...Just because most of the references always target the VR6 only.



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I still cant see it happening. Its not an iconic car to the masses or even to most petrolheads. Yes they recognise it and like it but its doesnt have the motorsport pedigree that most of the desirable cars from that age do.


Look at the TopGear thing a good few years back and then the couple of 5th gear programmes. Didnt change a thing from what I saw. If your waiting for a goldmine you'll be waiting for a while IMO.

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I do agree we will be waiting a long time for them to command good money . And I also agree that we put money into them because we love them and it's not to make money , but to keep them on the road and enjoy what you have . It's fair to say that A lot of cars , even those that were diabolicall in their day , that are getting on now , are getting good money on piston heads and the like . When I was 17 I had a love of 50's and 60's fords . I sold my mk1 zodiac in 1992 for £1700 , it was a good solid car but you had to give them away . Now they are worth so much money , I would be sat on a small fortune . Same goes for the Dodge charger for example , once they changed hands for pocket money , now you need a second mortgage to buy a very good example . My mums bloke was a second hand car dealer in the 70's-80's, he can remember giving a few grand for the Steve McQueen style mustang , what price are they now ? .the corrado will have it's day .

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  robrado974 said:
I do agree we will be waiting a long time for them to command good money . And I also agree that we put money into them because we love them and it's not to make money , but to keep them on the road and enjoy what you have . It's fair to say that A lot of cars , even those that were diabolicall in their day , that are getting on now , are getting good money on piston heads and the like . When I was 17 I had a love of 50's and 60's fords . I sold my mk1 zodiac in 1992 for £1700 , it was a good solid car but you had to give them away . Now they are worth so much money , I would be sat on a small fortune . Same goes for the Dodge charger for example , once they changed hands for pocket money , now you need a second mortgage to buy a very good example . My mums bloke was a second hand car dealer in the 70's-80's, he can remember giving a few grand for the Steve McQueen style mustang , what price are they now ? .the corrado will have it's day .


Difference is for cars like the Mustang and Charger, they saw screen time in iconic movies (Bullit, for example) which helped secure their legend status. Seems anything that McQueen touched is mega valuable now. Look up the Rolex Daytona he used to wear as another example! As much as I wish the Corrado was worth more, not every old car becomes quite so desirable. We can only hope.

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Hmm, I think the fact that people are struggling to sell even exellent one's for low money speaks volumes for the real situation. That said I still miss mine big time and still post on here and will no doubt buy back in, lol! You have just got to learn to enjoy what you have re ownership and fun etc and forget about the money making potential.

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My money would be on a 205 GTI rising in value sshortly. I'm seeing them mentioned quite a lot in magazines and they were one the best hot hatches if their era.

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Give it time guys, the last run of Corrado's was still only 18 years ago.


When the 1972 VW beetle I owned was 18 yrs old in 1990 my dad bought it for me for £500

When I bought my 1983 MK1 GTI when it was 20 yrs old I paid £2000

When I bought my 1988 MK2 GTI when it was 17 yrs old I paid £1200


All those cars were rock bottom at the 15-20yr mark and now all command much more money. The corrado won't be worth a lot more until it is about 30 yrs old and not many are left.....that is just the way it goes!

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Agree with that. Arguably a mk1 Scirocco is more desirable due to rarity and age and that hasn't really taken off yet. So we have a long wait. Funnily though in my research for a possible mk1 TT I've found people on the TT forum starting to ask if that car will ever be a classic and when prices will start to stabilise. I think they have a long wait (but I do agree that car will certainly be a classic at some point).

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