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3D Printed Front VR6 Badge

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I have access to a brand new 3D printer.

just had a thought if a front VR6 badge could be printed?

It would be nice to get a badge 3D scanned and then try it out. (if only i had a badge, being looking for a reasonably priced one now since Joda was a lad).

Dunno what the quality would be like but it's worth a try.

have to keep looking on ebay etc for now.

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Why not just try and get hold of any grill badge for now, just to try out?


I might have a GTI badge from golf Mk3 you could try out.

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I've got a front VR6 badge I'd be happy to loan you, as long as it comes back intact :lol:

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yes yes yes !! I've been hoping someone would pop up on here for a while now for this very reason. Hopefully it works out well !!

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Yes the printer is in it's testing stages using different grades of plastic.

As for the use of other badges it seems to be the easy thing to do. However the item has to be 3D scanned to be then entered onto a computer.

The item will have to taken to a company who will be willing to scan the badge, at a cost and then we have the "master" 3D image.

Then take it from there.

A 3D scanner is on the cards.

I will keep you all posted on this.

Thanks for the offer of a loaned badge, Easypops will keep this in mind, thanks.



Edit: Your quite welcome to come and see it in action Mr Vag. :cool:

Edited by Ray1965

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would be good to see the quality of output, at the moment I've got a vision of something that looks like a melted stickle-brick :lol:

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I'm not sure Kevin about that. The printer is still in the early test stages finding out what are the best plastics to use.

We have done numerous frustrating tests over the last couple of months and are currently testing a new plastic which is a blue colour. Black and white we have also used with some good results.

Yes David we do have a few melted stickle bricks to show, NOT been easy :bonk:

I will have to look into the chrome plastic.

If i eventually get a badge produced it will be more than likely be a smooth finish which we have already got sussed that is a pain in its self.

Then the badge will be primed and then finished in either Red or Silver paint.

It is possible to have the plastic, chrome dipped to get the chrome finish.

TBH this is how it should look as you know. I don't think chrome plastic is available yet. (could be wrong but i was told it was not at present).

like i have mentioned we are in the very early stages yet, need to iron out the teething problems first which are getting better.

Getting the quality of the plastic right is essential to the out come of the finished piece.


I will update here as well on our progress`````onwards and upwards.:thumbleft:

Edited by Ray1965

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Ray, what format does the printer use for the images? I use Autodesk Inventor at work so can produce inventor files, step files etc. I've also got autodesk 360 which allows me to take pictures of an object and create a 3D image, havn't played with it much but it might be of some use. Would be massively interested in making a 'VR32' badge up though for my R32 Rado

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If somebody can send me one as an .STL file, I can print one at work.


Depending on the type of the machine, a smooth finish is possible. Our machine only produces a glossy finish on the surfaces which don't require support material during printing so they would need to be printed in a less efficient way but could be glossy.

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Slightly of topic but when i posted that topic a few days ago about interesting you tube channels , if you follow the links till you find the koensigg videos theres some amazing stuff on how they 3d print parts , all sorts of complex parts and i think they are on the verge of printing in carbon fibre , what i was most impressed with is the fact that the turbos on the new koensiggs are ... I **** you not ..... Printed on one of these machines in titanium !! Thought id share that

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This will probably work fine, just need to select the plastic with some care to get the flexibility required. Nylon or ABS would be fine, but only when printed as filament (laser-sintered plastics and powder-bed printers tend to produce a porous print that wouldn't be flexible enough). Stereo-lithography gives the nicest results but the material cost is huge...


We have a selection of awesome printers at work, including one that prints titanium :D We live in the future!

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We have a 3d printer, carbon shop, laser marker etc at work. I reallyneed to start using some of these for my own stuff :)

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