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Bugger i have a Drug Dealers Car

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I knew I shouldn't have peeled that National Trust sticker off the windscreen when I bought mine :lol:

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with regard to the MK2 golf - "Rear disc callipers on GTi can go and cost £300 each." i think they need to find a new supplier!

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Ah, that would explain the 8 year old bag of coke i found in the floor of the boot. And i thought it was just icing sugar... silly me. :roll:

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"more than fair share of niggly faults" - no shit Top Gear!!


At least they mention the now infamous timing chains that VW has so far failed miserably to address on ANY VR6 engine.

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how do we get a link to this place put into that article?!? ;) :lol: (and Jabbasport's details removed! ;) :twisted: )

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"Demand excess supply" 10 pages of Corrados on just the Autotrader alone would contradict that I feel!


Type in VR6 into the model list mate and watch that list shrink - I get 5 for sale within 60 miles!!! :shock:

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"Demand excess supply" 10 pages of Corrados on just the Autotrader alone would contradict that I feel!


Type in VR6 into the model list mate and watch that list shrink - I get 5 for sale within 60 miles!!! :shock:


Yeah and the ones on there are either dogs or don't stay up for more than a couple of days.

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VR6s fashionable among drug dealers 1996-97, often evidenced by 'flash' modifications.


custom made hyperdermic needle holder in the glovebox, home chemistry set built into the boot and drivers side door-mounted extra large money-clip...... and i thought they came as standard!

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VR6s fashionable among drug dealers 1996-97, often evidenced by 'flash' modifications.


custom made hyperdermic needle holder in the glovebox, home chemistry set built into the boot and drivers side door-mounted extra large money-clip...... and i thought they came as standard!



......you forgot the scales too :wink:

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I like how the speaker cover pops off on the drivers door :|

if you slam the door to reveal no speaker behind the speaker cover 8)

and a nice place to hide you stash :-D :mrgreen:


ah the joys of 'niggly fault' or 'Flash modification' :wink:



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Hmmm, think they have a point here! When I bought my blackberry VR6, I gave it a good clean in and out and actually found a small bag of coke under the driver's seat :shock: Straight in the bin.

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Some of the information within this database is collated from external sources and may contain third party opinion, but every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy.


so it is a drug dealers car then :twisted:

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Type in VR6 into the model list mate and watch that list shrink - I get 5 for sale within 60 miles!!! :shock:


Just reading this old post and was interested to read about the supply and demand one comment from Vaghag saying 10 pages of cars available and another saying only 5 within 60 miles - seems like supply is taking a dip now - on Pistonheads we have total of 6 in the UK of which only 3 VR6 and on autotrader we have 6 of which 2 x VR6 UK wide. Some of these are the same cars - looks like times are changes with regards to supply - now we just need the demand!!!!


And regarding the title of this post - wonder if that's why so many cars are missing their warning triangles and first aid kits....... places to hide said narcotics

Edited by Chuggs1

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Hmmm, think they have a point here! When I bought my blackberry VR6, I gave it a good clean in and out and actually found a small bag of coke under the driver's seat :shock: Straight in the bin.



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Just reading this old post and was interested to read about the supply and demand one comment from Vaghag saying 10 pages of cars available and another saying only 5 within 60 miles - seems like supply is taking a dip now - on Pistonheads we have total of 6 in the UK of which only 3 VR6 and on autotrader we have 6 of which 2 x VR6 UK wide. Some of these are the same cars - looks like times are changes with regards to supply - now we just need the demand!!!!


And regarding the title of this post - wonder if that's why so many cars are missing their warning triangles and first aid kits....... places to hide said narcotics

No not me mate, but point remains ;)

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There aren't many cars left because they've pretty much all been broken or kept by us lot and a few others. Only 9000 to start with and the youngest is fast approaching 20 years old.


I'd personally be surprised if their value ever went up to more than 3 or 4k for the mainstream cars. Obviously there are some gems which do deserve their premium in price but they are few and far between.

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Hey Sean is that more than they would have got 10 years ago? Just wondering if prices are staying level or raising slightly in last 10 years ... Still think there is room to go up. But think owners can be a bit negative and maybe keep prices down themselves lol

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