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Everything posted by mooG60

  1. mooG60

    door panel gaps.

    I had a go today but I could not see any way of getting the doors to move horizontally front to back. To me it seems as if there is only vertical and left to right horizontal travel. Am I missing something? Thanks!
  2. Welcome and congratulations. Looks nice and clean, nice colour as well, can't say I've ever seen one in that shade before. The decals are pretty awful, I wonder what goes through people minds sometimes. Enjoy your new toy!:thumbleft:
  3. is the leather gear stick gator complete with the gear nob? I am interested in one of the grills and the door mirrors depending on the condition. The pictures don't work sadly. Edit.. If vr6monkey doesn't take both grills. Just noticed his post now*
  4. mooG60


    Having a fully working corrado would be no fun at all, surely? :scratch::lol: Glad to see it hasn't taken the shine off ownership! Everyone loves a corrado, the admiration and jealousy you receive will make it all worth it! I hope you get much enjoyment! I am off to my garage to make some Brum Bruuuuum noises in mine while I dry click through the gear box. Hopefully no one will see me:thumb right:
  5. How many sets are still available at this moment please?
  6. mooG60


    Welcome avokado Sorry to hear about your troubles. It's a ****ty situation that hopefully won't taint the joy for to long
  7. I'd like to come along to this if it happens. I won't have a Rado to bring as it is a long way off being road worthy yet. But I'd like to meet up with some owners and try and gather some good info if no one minds. Based in Leamington
  8. Saw a Red Corrado on the M6 heading north just past junc 4 at around 5pm today (mon) Only saw the top half of the windows and the roof :lol: so that's all the info I have. It's been ages since I saw one and it got my juices flowing!
  9. mooG60

    door panel gaps.

    Thanks for the replies guys! I didn't think there was any play in them at all when I looked. I will give it try this weekend.
  10. mooG60

    door panel gaps.

    I have noticed a cut in the bead of the sill (on both sides of the car) the position is a few centimetres further past the rear of the door gaps. If some kind peeps could have a look at theirs some time in the next few days and let me know if theirs has the cut or is complete, it would be really helpful. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3m--PW7vbu8aTdjMUVvNzEybmc/view?usp=sharing Also, to the rear of the tail gate there is obvious signs of a panel joints. It just doesn't quite look standard to me, but I have no real idea to gauge from. Again any thoughts and comparisons will be really helpful. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3m--PW7vbu8Y1VtaGVSdXZ4WXM/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3m--PW7vbu8aDZERXBoa3p4bzA/view?usp=sharing Sorry for the clicky links I can't get the direct link function to work for me. Thanks in advance!
  11. mooG60

    door panel gaps.

    The gap in bettween the rear of the roof rails and the tailgate hinge does not look right to me. The gap is quite large as this picture shows. I couldn't see it leaving the factory like that. Are you saying yours looks the same as mine and you also have a gap there? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3m--PW7vbu8anBjV01JS3Fla28/view?usp=sharing That is a possibility, maybe there should be some from standard. The car has had work done because I can see the obvious signs, maybe something has been left off in the rebuild. Didn't think to measure the sill gap, but they both look uniform and are the same gap as the front of the doors, approx.4mm I don't actually remember any wind noise issues at all when I did drive it. If there was, it would have brought my attention to the large panel gaps back when it was in use. I would have noticed for sure if it had been any kind of any issue. Looking at available pictures it seems to me that both my front and sill gaps are correct, but I am left with this extra little bit at the back :lol: I am not sure what to think or do at the moment. Yesterday I noticed a couple of points of concern. I went to take photos but the batteries died, and today it is ****ing it down. So I will get a couple of photos ready and post them up rather than trying to explain now. Thanks for your input peeps!
  12. mooG60

    door panel gaps.

    Thanks for the reply chaps. Not really sure of the history of the car, sadly. I have taken a few photos for you to peruse. As you can see the gap is 5 coffee stirrers wide :lol: Which equates to a whole 10mm. A huge gap indeed. The offside door is not quite as bad but it measures 9mm. The front gaps seem to be both uniform at 4.5mm. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3m--PW7vbu8SHdKdXJ3Tk0tTTg/view?usp=sharing I also seem to have some large gaps between the roof bar rubbers and the tailgate hinge cover. It looks as if the roof bar runners are sitting correctly and have not been pushed to far forward. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3m--PW7vbu8anBjV01JS3Fla28/view?usp=sharing The rubber seems to be sitting in the correct position at the front? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3m--PW7vbu8blhVczdjS2VGODQ/view?usp=sharing The gap around the windscreen looks rather big to me also at 10mm? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3m--PW7vbu8WnRnSGZ0dVpMbVE/view?usp=sharing It is evident to me that the car has had some repair work done at the rear, but I do not see any signs of crash damage on in the inside of the body shell (with interior removed) Not really sure what to think at this point. Any thoughts on the pictures would be great, thanks!
  13. mooG60

    door panel gaps.

    A bit of an odd question but... I have just been having a good look over my Corrado. The gaps between the rear of the front doors and the rear quarter panels seem rather large. They are both symmetrical either side but I can get virtually the whole of my little finger in to the gap. Looking at the door handle area I can see the inside of the door stays and can clearly see the square metal locking mechanism and door locking pin. The gap just seems bigger than it should be as the locking mechanism seems to sit to far from the rear quarter panel indent. Sadly I don't know of another car in the area for me to take a look and get an idea. I hope this makes sense, my terminology is a bit squiffy. I will post up some pics up later for reference. Cheers!
  14. The car died on me 16 years ago and it got garaged. I'd like to get it running again but I don't know how deep the rabbit hole is going to go. I don't want to spend stupid money on a car that is not worth that much in value. It is a bog standard looking rado and needs money spending externally as well to give it that X-factor look :lol: I spoke with John the other day and he did sound passionate about what he does. He has already been recommended to me several times so I've decide he is the person to use. If I knew that I could get it up running in a reliable state for up to £2000 I would have had it done already but I just don't know the extent of the problems with it at the moment. It will cost £300 to get it down to him for an appraisal. If the news is bad and I'm looking at a huge bill I will not want to go ahead and will be 600 quid out of pocket just to find out. As suggested by others I should take the rocker cover off and try to turn the engine manually to see if it's seized. Or possibly I may try and find some one locally who could appraise it for me. Hopefully I will have some positive news in the near(ish) future. In the meantime enjoy your lovely ride:thumbleft:
  15. mooG60

    Opinions please.

    Back in "the day" your second suggestion would have been my first option. I have since matured and must now to take the sensible approach. To many years spent bashing myself over my reckless nature and fool hardy beliefs :lol: Manually turning the crank was my first thought with a little WD40 down the tubes. I'm reluctant to do anything at all because once I've done that I will be no nearer to fixing it as I am lacking certain knowledge and facilities sadly. A micro camera would be a good idea, obtaining one is another matter. Am I correct in assuming that if the tappets are stuck the valves will hit the piston at TDC when I turn it over? Thanks for the reply!
  16. That's a very nice G60 you have there STU. White is the nicest colour for Corrados in my opinion. I remember seeing a white one all tricked out on holiday in Weymouth. Both me and my son were blown away by it. We both sat there admiring it from the comfort of my red one that I had just bought. Mine didn't look a patch on this one and quietly to myself I was thinking why the hell didn't I wait and look around longer. I had a feeling my little lad was thinking the same thing :lol: I think that style of wheel you have suits the Corrado best of all as well, so in my mind you have the perfect looking G60, hopefully this will ease any pain she brings you. I notice you have JMR sticker. I am presuming that they charge the earth for everything. Any feed back you can give me would be helpful. Thanks.
  17. I wanted to try and gain some sort of idea as to what state my engine could be in after sitting in a garage for 16 years. The engine was fine and I believe that the super charger or some other auxiliary part failed before I garaged it. So, I was wondering is there any chance that it won't be rusted up internally due to having a coating of oil and could run again with the correct fettling, or am I dreaming and it will most definitely be a rusted hulk of iron ore? The one thing that concerns me most is the cylinders. If any one with past experiences could give me their opinion it would be great.
  18. mooG60

    Hello all

    Thanks for the welcome Guys! It's a bit of a roller coaster of a ride to be honest. Trying to decide the best coarse of action (or if I should even go ahead with it at all) seems to be taking up a lot of my time. I have not concentrated on work for 2 weeks and this morning I was definitely dreaming about a red Corrado before the alarm woke me up, I'm presuming it was mine :lol: Hopefully I will have some positive news to post up in the coming weeks. Cheers!
  19. mooG60

    Hello all

    Greetings all I've just registered after lurking for a few weeks. I've had a love of VDUBS ever since my first Golf GTi back in the 80's. Had a few others over the years but my MK1 series2 was the biggest love of my life ever!.......Black with ATS Cups and lowered Bose gas shocks! Anyways..... the other week I saw one extremely similar to mine and it brought back loads of memories. I started looking on the net at all the cars currently around and suddenly my love was re-ignited. Years of family life and work had taken my mind off something that I always had a huge passion for...... I guess you are all wondering why "this nub" is rattling on about Golfs in your beloved Corrado forum.......... .........Well, I own a G60 which I also liked a lot and had some fun in. But it was somewhat troublesome, and eventually one day it died and was left in the garage for 16 years. I decided that it was time to get it back on the road so I pulled it out from its shadowy grave(my garage). It didn't want to come out at first but with a little persuasion from my Audi it finally emerged. Surprisingly there is not a spot of rust anywhere which has given me a big boost in desire to get her running again. The car is complete and was in good mechanical order (running gear) before I took it off the road and I believe the motor itself is solid. The issue lies somewhere in the auxiliary parts, most likely the charger/fuel system which is not the end of the world. The problem is finding someone trust worthy and competent that will not screw me to the wall. I am probably dreaming............. I always loved the look of the Corrado which is why I ended up buying one. Sadly I never got to fully appreciate it at the time due to lack of time and the problems. But I think that if I get her running reliably I could easily fall in love with her. They are rather damn "Sexy" after all! Thanks for listening!
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