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Posts posted by andy

  1. For a VR6, anyone got a spare laying around? Can't be doing with another £20 on a new one at the moment. Just the one that drives the digital readout. The one nearest the engine out of the three sensors on the oil filter housing.

  2. Someone has pointed me towards an astra estate. There is one on autotrader with just over 100k on the clock, 1.7 TDI, book figures claim 70mpg on a run and 55 around town. I would like to keep it VAG if possible though, purely because its what i know.


    There is an Audi 80 estate on there too, 12 months MOT, 6 months tax, 130k for £995


    Run away from the 1.7 TDi Vauxhalls, they are good until they get some miles on them. Then, WHEN the diesel pump goes they cost more than the car/van itself is worth to replace. The pumps are like gold dust second hand too. There are loads of 1.7TDI vehicles in scrap yards just from this very fault, it effectively writes them off. I'd go old Audi all the way.

  3. As an update, got my alternator out today, don't need to take the front of the car off. I removed off-side headlight, air filter housing (BMC in my case but shouldn't make any difference.), belt tensioner and front grill. I then took the nuts/bolts off the front and rear engine mounting and jacked the engine a couple of inches. You can then remove the 2 bolts holding the alternator on. Afer levering the very seized alternator out (it had grown in!) you can get to the electrical connections and remove them. Without rusty/seized bits/bolts shouldn't take more than 1/2 hour. Mine is in a right state, rusty, casing split, regulator goosed. So I have decided to buy a new Bosch one from GSF for £100. Giving my BMC a proper clean whilst its out too!

  4. Probably just on here I think, I do read a lot of suspension threads! I find my H & Rs a little on the firm side and always wondered about the Nothelles that have been mentioned a few times. I guess they're not really generally available then. Ok, cheers for that. ;-)

  5. Watched 127 hours the other night, new film about the chap who trapped his arm under a boulder, down a canyon whilst out climbing etc. 127 hours being the time it took him to decide to cut his own arm off with a blunt knife in order to survive/escape. Gritty stuff. I really enjoyed it, some cool scenery, inspiring.

  6. I usually save up tasks and do them in a oner. Do you have anything else you need to do?!

    Yes, bottom end swap/head refurb/chain replacement!..... Not urgently, just desirable sometime in the future. On a more serious note, yes I need to rewire my oil temp switch as the wire has broken, redo my headlight relay wiring (5 years of weather has taken its toll), blue temp sensor must need replacement by now and a coolant swap (easier without front on) , so yes a few other jobs to do while its out. Mines not been off, certainly in the 6 years/60k miles I've owned it, possibly never (150k/16 years), I'll get the plusgas/wd40 ready!

  7. hmmm... checked voltage tonight, max 14.2v. Bummer. Will try a couple more times, in case it's intermittent. Back to the drawing board for me :(

    Looking at how difficult the alternator is to get out, you may have the preferable option! Maybe running a voltage guage into the car temporarily would help to see if its intermittent.

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