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Ryan S

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Everything posted by Ryan S

  1. Just whilst we're on the subject - what sort of MPG would you expect from a v6 4-Motion then? I'd be surprised if it was loads different to a VR...
  2. I vote Bora. Given the choice of driving the Bora (150TDI) and my VR on a trip of say 100 odd miles of mixed roads I'd choose the Bora EVERY time. If I was garunteed empty rds - and could afford to fill the tank up - I may just be persuaded to take the VR. I find driving ever more stressful - and every M/F*cker is out to cut me up/race me/piss me off when I’m in the C. Did I mention the MPG is twice as good (no joke) over my 42 miles to and from work everyday? I find the Bora an easier car to own for modern life – the remote C/L works from more than 1 pace away, there’s no separate immobiliser key-thingy to use before you can start the car, the Radio picks up all stations, there’s waaaaaaay more visibility – even at the back (and that’s still poor), the seats don’t move, the windows aren’t chipped, the… I’ll stop now, suffice to say I find it a lot less hassle to jump into and get some chips – which is why I did just that on Friday night. I was toying with the idea of going to look at the one advertised for sale on here – but would probably want a 6-spd 115 It's up to you mate - but a TDI Bora isn't THAT bad a choice if you were to chop in your C...
  3. That would explain a few things - 3 near misses for me this morning
  4. I believe Gav fitted a toledo one on mine...the sliding panel I meant - not the whole glass
  5. That was the problem - I got the wheels pretty cheap - but adapters plus tyres...hmm - along with possible refurb - too much money atm. At least I didn't lose any money on them - and got a quick sale :wink:
  6. It looks great on the D90's - I'm not sure whether it's a good thing or not that I sold mine before I saw those pics... They would've changed my mind!
  7. ^ maybe, but it's a damn site better than what VW have come up with!
  8. ...you should try driving a mk1 then - the rocco mirrors are far worse. So much so I always take a quick glance over my shoulder to check my blind spot if I'm not sure there's no traffic...I do this in the raddo too (more out of habit). However, saying that - I'm lazy - and if a more modern glass could be sourced that improved the blind-spot problem, I'd be very interested (my glass is in the process of turning brown around the edges!
  9. They (Stealth) did it with the alignment...afaik I'll drop 'em a line later
  10. I've heard that before. But I want it straight! Surely if it's set straight it should run straight? I had the Bora tracking done (shout to Tyreservices in Ludlow) in August this year because it was doing the same - and that's been spot on ever since...
  11. Well - it's much improved now the tyres are sorted. But it's still (only slightly now) pulling to the left. Any ideas why this might be so - bearing in mind the suspension and alignment is sorted, and the tyres now match front to back.
  12. Ryan S

    Slats VR6

    Love the interior!
  13. ^^ Alright, alright - don't rub it in! Seeing yours on the silver roses was the main reason I wanted them. I really can't afford to get it all sorted atm, and the sensible thing is to sell them on. Got the current tyres sorted today (snuck out at lunch) now have a pair front to back as opposed to side to side!!! Hopefully this will cure the acute pulling to the left syndrome the car has had. Also got the slow puncture sorted, and they guy fitted new brackets to the exhaust - so no more banging...it's starting to get there - wherever that is...
  14. Yeah I'm still wanting to swap if that's ok. I like the look of them but they're bound to get me in trouble. Removed original tax disc holder (huge, tatty, square white thing) and replaced with small round magnet type - much neater. Also found most of the tax discs since forever still in the holder :) Must take some pics later...
  15. Oh forgot... Got to get a clamp for the exhaust as it's knocking. I wouldn't have noticed it, but the guys at Stealth mentioned it, and now I can hear it all the time!
  16. Well I took it to Stealth on the 22nd for a full service - money well spent I feel (Vince even recognised the car). Also asked them to set the Coilies a bit higher and do the wheel alignment (still pulls to left slightly, but I need to match the tyres and get wheels balanced before I investigate further). No more crunching over speedbumps – hurrah – although it would look slightly better 5mm lower! Still looks great, you should see the looks on peoples faces when I pull up at my sons nursery to drop him off – they must think I’m lost until they see the car seat come out…the Dad’s are the funniest. It surprised me this am by going a silly speed, I went into work later and there was little traffic a nice clear rd and a few more revs than usual… I had a shock when I looked at the speedo, it didn’t feel THAT fast! I’ve never been as fast in a car before - soon slowed down to a normal rate – hopefully no plod were around. Also got my mats from JustMatz – they look good, although aren’t quite the same shade as the boot mat (not that you would be comparing the 2 side by side). Unfortunately the D90’s won’t be going on – I keep forgetting this isn’t my ‘toy’ car. So I can’t justify shelling out for the adapters (and maybe new rubber) – so I’ll have them up for sale soon, bit of a bugger, but I’m skint. Next on the list – get the new number plates sorted.
  17. Ryan S

    Number plates

    Apparently they don't do tinted plates... :roll: Anyone recommend a company that does.
  18. Cool - they look far too clean though... :lol: Oh - I almost forgot - the small black panel that sits behind the front spoiler (in front of the driver side wheel) has come away at the front (wondered what was making that dragging sound?!?!) - is it important? or can I do without it. I think the fixings are knackered, so it's doubtful it'll go back on.
  19. Picked up a set of D90's today - Hurrah! Came with tyres, 7J & 8J and centre caps - the faces are good, but there's a few marks on the edges of the rims. Got to get them home for a clean tonight - then out with the calculator to decide which mm adapters I need. 8)
  20. Ryan S

    Number plates

    @ GermanPlates.tk - PM sent
  21. ^^ You should be fine for a while - try owning a mk1 rocco!!!
  22. :!: I didn't clean the leather - just the carpets! (and some of the other trim) VR6 Grill badge now added. :wink: Had a spirited drive across the A43 to Northampton this week - muchos fun - just too much traffic. Stan - the black VW badge has flown to pastures new - along with my black grill - it helped improve a neglected C...
  23. Ryan S

    VR6 Badges

    A new one went for about £44 on ebay last week.
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