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Posts posted by Andi

  1. I'm glad the 'direct' link is working for you.

    That will stay up and running, so just make sure when you're at home you use that.


    It seems to affect a small minority of you, whereas the system that is being 'avoided' by using that link actually assists a LOT more (in caching the site, making it a lot faster, reducing load on the server, etc etc).

    If you think I'm just 'saying that' - have a look at the stats for the past 2 weeks...

    This site gets a LOT of traffic, and I really need all the help I can get to ensure it stays up and running for you all, and CloudFlare really does help:


  2. so as I am a big facebook user with my own pages, I have searched for the Corrado forum page but although there is one it is blank.....is this something you intend to sort out in the near future or is there another that I have not yet found on facebook, dont see the point in having a facebook 'like' when i cannot find the page


    Hi Claire,

    As I said on Facebook - yes, the 'blank' page is the one that is linked with the forum - but at the moment doesn't contain any content.

    Connecting your account with Facebook enables you to publish things to YOUR wall, add pages/threads to YOUR Like list - it's not really relevant that the App page is blank, vBulletin just needs the 'FB App' in order to interact with your FB wall, etc.


    I'll get it filled out when I'm on hols next week. I have a long to-do for the site then.. ;)

  3. Please try: http://direct.the-corrado.net/forum.php


    I've just changed a setting which was actually stopping the above link from really doing anything (oops!) but it should work now.

    You'll need to log in again, but you should ALWAYS see "direct." at the beginning on your URL whilst on the site.

    Let me know if that works.


    And VR6Pete, yes, GZip compression is on, only level 1 though.

    However, I do have all WYSIWYG editors and Ajax enabled on the site. As well as the Google stuff. I guess it does all add up.

  4. ok gripe time :) i've been making monthly payments for a good while as well as the odd donation, everyone else seems to have 'donator' status when i don't - can my status be adjusted please as I'm getting paranoid my payments aren't being recognised or appreciated!


    Fret not ;)

    Donations from the old site are completely manual still on here - so I've updated your account (and you now get the bigger PM box, better upload limits, etc).


    Thanks for donating!

  5. The problem is i am really thick as $hit when it comes to computers,and i havent got the foggiest idea of what your talking about!

    best just stick to my phone.


    Sorry, but all these issues are with your computer, not the site.

    I dunno how I can help? You seem to be a serial toolbar installer (I count 4?) and still on XP using IE7...

    First step would be to try Google Chrome: http://www.google.com/chrome


    Good luck.

  6. It always did on the old forum and always should on this forum. It's just default setting here was not to allow 3 letter searches so when you change that setting you have to re-index the entire site (as Andi pointed out) so it then knows all of the 3 letter words that have ever been used. Considering the use of the word 'ham' you can imagine it takes quite a while ;)


    Not quite that simple, as we use FULLTEXT MySQL searching, which actually calls MySQL commands to search the database (rather than the forum having it's own search index like phpBB did) so although the software was set to 3 characters, SQL wasn't, so it ignored it.

    I've had to add the setting into the SQL server and flush the cache, then rebuild the index with the larger search terms.


    It's slower - but kinda needed on this site, so it should be good to go now!



  7. yup, i know what you mean, i dont do it that way but the assumption that you've "finished" your session as soon as you surf away from a Forum page is very different from how it worked before where the same session could last several days on my laptop if i didnt close it.


    This may be linked to an IP configuration I had lost when I upgraded the software (it reverted back to thinking everyone was coming from the same IP, so couldn't track sessions very well).

    This has been fixed, so should improve.

    However, that's not how the site is designed. I can stay logged in for days, and it always tracks just the new posts since I was last on the site - it doesn't clear.

    Therefore it's something to do with your browser or view settings or cookies..

  8. Oh no! I put the forum into 'Mobile Style' and now I'm stuck in it :(


    Click "Full site" at the bottom of the page... ;)


    Says it needs to be checked by an admin... but it's not in the sales section? have i been naughty or something? All my posts seem to come back with that!


    Also, where is the section for making monthly donations? I can see the how to make one off to 6 month donations but I'd rather just have £££ coming out of paypal every month.


    This is a known bug. I'm trying to figure out why... dead ends at the moment!


    And subscribing - just click the link in my sig or at the bottom of every page.

    It will then take you to a page where you can choose to sub 1 or 2 or 5 "currency" a month (you pick the currency) to setup your subsciption.


    Thank you, your donations are always very gratefully received! I couldn't do this without them.

  9. Hello mods,

    Is there anything that can be done to increase the permissible size of uploaded pdf files to (say) 70kb-90kb? The reason I ask is that I cannot upload the larger versions of the event calender I do for the events forum.


    Since jpgs and other file types are allowed significantly larger file sizes than 19.5kb I'm hoping this is something that can be tweaked for the poor pdf format :)


    Thanks in advance,



    Done :)

  10. PS lost my donator status. Happy to donate more to get it back!


    What a great idea.... ;)


    Can the search function be changed to allow searching for 3 letters and below. Makes life very difficult when searching for VR6, G60... you know, the 3 letter words rarely used on this forum.


    It should be on "3 or more". I'll check. It does mean re-indexing the site though, which takes a few hours.

    Something I need to do late at night so you don't all complain.. ;)


    I've noticed the 'new posts' changed to 'Todays posts' and that was much better, shows lots of new posts listed. But now its gone back to 'new posts', you might only see a couple listed. Any chance we can go back to having 'todays posts'? Think people would miss less of whats being submitted to the forum that way.


    The new layout is getting easier for me now and is really good, recommend people edit the way it looks and works for themselves. For example I wasn't keen on having so few posts per page, now changed it to having more, its much better for me.


    Glad you're enjoying it - it is more powerful software than the previous one.

    As for the New Posts / Today -- I haven't changed anything? Probably one of those 'settings' somewhere you've been playing with! :)

  11. Hi dubberbaz,


    I'm working on a plan for advertising on the site - currently all Ads are on hold other than general Google adverts.

    I will get an advertising plan in place shortly and be in touch to see if you are interested.


    Thank you for your support!

  12. Thanks...


    BTW, when I create a new post, I cannot see the icons for URL embedding, B I U etc. When I then try to reply to a post, I can see the icons... (Even if I "Go Advanced"


    No idea, as when you create a post it automatically takes you to the advanced page with all those icons!

    Must be something local to you.. which browser? Can you try it in another? Chrome, for example.

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