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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. Think id need to see them on to be convinced. They look a tad shiny just sat there.
  2. When i had my Leon this hapenned to me. Someone had rammed the back end and dented the boot lid qujite badly, cost me 200 quid to put it right, id only had the thing a month!!!!
  3. How much should i be expecting to pay for these?? My mates brother is a parts manager at Audi so ill ask him and see if there is a discount to be had...
  4. Glad your up and running again mate, ill keep my eyes open for you when im up north for a couple of weeks.
  5. Ill investigate this... Both of the keys i have start the car (once the GT alarm and immobiliser are deactivated)
  6. Foggystorm, looking forward to the results... Let us know how you get on.
  7. Have a look at the buying guides on here. Have a test drive in both and then see which you prefer and go from there..
  8. AFAIK the immobiliser is built into the aftermarket alarm system that is fitted and there isnt a key activated security device.
  9. This is a mod id like to carry out. Lets have some piccies please fellas and some definite part numbers.
  10. Theres a few of us around here saving for one, youve got till feb.
  11. Buy the Golf and keep the rado, sorted....
  12. There is no chip in my key and its a 95, it has a light but thats it. Youll be able to get a pair cut at high street key cutter for less than a tenner.
  13. How much did they handbrake handle set you back from the dealers??? I could do with a new one myself
  14. Theoretically it sounds like a doddle. Reality, a lot of research and science will have gone into the Schrick manifolds development and id be very suprised if its quality could be duplicated on DIY job. If you do manage it and they are less than 800 notes then i think you could make yourself a lot of money.
  15. Those smoked ones do look good, interested to see what they look like on the car. Did you find the fittment easy, not got round to doing mine yet.
  16. I think from the list youve given Phil id be inclined to go for the Jetta. Looks well smart, all the mod cons and a booted Golf, best of both worlds.
  17. Goldie

    Poorly VR6

    Wouldnt be happy about that!! Good advice from Therapor, play it calm....
  18. If they are both available on Ebay and arent costing a bomb then id be tempted just to get the lot. At least then you know itll be sorted.
  19. I dont see any reason why not, id imagine they are common parts from the parts bin.
  20. Nice car mate, looking good, specially the seats!!
  21. Goldie

    Rear Wiper

    It may be easier to get yourself another back window, cant see them being very expenise 2nd hand. As for the wiper, have you checked the securing nut is tight and that it isnt slipping?? If that doesnt sort it then its probably gonna be a motor issue as there are no linkages andthe motor drives the wiper directtly.
  22. Ive had this happen to me. I filled the car back up while it was running (had just started it so wasnt red hot). Be aware that the light will not go out then, you need to restart the car to clear the warning. Dont just keep pouring water in expecting the light to stop flashing!!
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