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Everything posted by Goldie

  1. They all had them, dispute settled.
  2. Yes mate, i was referring to the car. Is it a 2.0 16V??
  3. Congrats to the guys at G Werks. Whens the mag out this month??
  4. Goldie

    Azev A's

    Agreed. When you pulled into the g werks do i was talking to Toad and we were like that car is in rediculously good condition. Very nice indeed!!
  5. Think there is a sticky about this... Good tip though, i will eventually get round to purchasing one of these!!
  6. Goldie

    Azev A's

    Im jealous, i wish mine only had that!!
  7. Goldie

    Azev A's

    Lovely car pkripper, am i right in saying its only got about 50k on the clock???
  8. Goldie

    Azev A's

    Think the ones on the dark one are 17s and the same width front and rear. I remember the ones on the back of the red G60 being very wide.
  9. Goldie

    Azev A's

    Heres another from the national day earlier in the year....
  10. Not sure mate, therell be someone around here that knows.
  11. That seems a good price, id have imagined a VR radiator to be dearer than that.....
  12. Sounds like a handy man to have on your side. Sure itll be tickety boo... How much the rad set you back??
  13. Goldie

    Azev A's

    Unsure of a value but they are great wheels and do look nice on a Rado. Heres a pic just to wet your appetite....
  14. Goldie


    Sorry Dave, my bad....
  15. Cant imagine itll be too difficult but as tonedef has said itll take some time. Might be a good idea to get some help from someone, an extra pair of hands would be ideal.
  16. Goldie


    Welcome back Andy, nice car youve got yourself there...
  17. Gonna look very nice, suit the car well. Get them on and lets have pic!!
  18. Yeah it wasnt too bad at all, 2 little screws only. The glueing bit was a bit fiddly! Quite right, they are quite pricey but reallyt do look the part. They look very nice when the dash light are on also!!
  19. Goldie

    Poorly VR6

    Best of luck red_baron, i hope you get it sorted. Dubsport doesnt sound as though it is the company that it once was. Is Ian Birch still there these days??
  20. Goldie

    Porsche Rims

    May the best man win then. Star prize is.......... some space in my garage!!!
  21. Goldie

    heated seats???

    Id say i can feel the warmth after maybe 5 mins or so but for them to get up and running properly 10 to 15 like yours. Great in the winter though arent they. Slightly off topic here - thought you were gonna be at Stealth last weekend mate??
  22. Goldie

    heated seats???

    Sorry Foggystorm, couldnt resist, im sure youd have done that to me...
  23. It could have been worse, he could have kept quiet and left you with the bill!! Its happened to me before and i wasnt a happy man at all..
  24. Goldie

    heated seats???

    Reckon they may be a bit trickier to sort than that :wink:
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